IMAGINE yourself enjoying a GOOD LIFE
despite your diagnosis of diabetes!
Understand that diabetes is a serious condition that can be prevented and even reversed by making some radical changes to your lifestyle.
Do not wait until it is too late!
It all starts right here with understanding of maintaining normal blood glucose levels with proper diet and physical activity.
Understanding Blood Glucose: Blood Sugar Levels Chart
When one day you hear a diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes, one of the first things you need to learn is about normal blood sugar levels, abnormal blood sugar levels, and how to monitor your blood sugar levels to avoid the possible dangerous complications associated with these conditions. The following blood sugar levels chart should make it easy for you.
The graph shows fluctuations of blood sugar levels (red) and the sugar-lowering hormone insulin (blue) in the course of a day with three meals. One of the effects of a sugar-rich vs a starch-rich meal is highlighted.
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The exact definition of pre-diabetes and diabetes keeps changing as the exact values of blood glucose needed for the diagnosis are being adjusted. So, let’s look at the normal and diabetic blood glucose fasting blood glucose levels as defined by the American Diabetes Association:
A normal blood glucose count is between 70-99 mg/dL (3.9 and 5.5 mmol/L), 70-95 mg/dL is optimal
100-125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L) indicates pre-diabetes
126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests, you'll be diagnosed with diabetes
Fasting means a blood sample is taken after an overnight fast or 8 hours after eating.
How diabetes progresses
The normal blood glucose levels of people without diabetes is about 80-90 mg/dL before eating and may rise up to 120 mg/dL or a little more after they eat, depending on what kind of food they had.
Prediabetes begins when your body is starting to lose control of blood sugar. While your fasting blood sugar levels may be not much higher than normal (100-125 mg/dL), but after meals, the levels rise much higher than normal to almost 200 mg/dL.

Because the peak is higher, it also takes longer for it to come down. Then 4-5 hours later, they may drop below normal – under 70 or even 50 mg/dL, causing symptoms of low blood sugar symptoms, such as shakiness, nervousnes, and intense craving for food, especially something sweet.
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What happens is your body produces too little insulin right after a meal to keep the blood glucose level down. When it tries to catch up, it releases WAY TOO MUCH causing your blood glucose levels drop TOO LOW. This can go on for years before the person is diagnosed with diabetes.
When you are diabetic, even the fasting blood glucose levels will be higher than normal, over 100 mg/dL. They will zoom to even higher an extremely high level after eating, and because it is so high it takes hours to go back to the starting level.
The importance of early diagnosis
Because the premeal blood glucose level for a non diabetic person and a person with prediabetes may be very similar, it’s easy to miss the early onset of prediabetes.
Diagnosis of diabetes is usually based on measuring your fasting level, so a person with prediabetes may be told that there is nothing wrong. This will usually mean that such person will continue the unhealthy lifestyle of eating too much food, eating wrong foods (too many trans fats, too many processed foods), and exercising too little.
This is unfortunate, because being diagnosed with prediabetes would serve as a strong incentive for many people to change their ways and adopt healthy habits. Obviously it is much easier to reverse prediabetes before it progressed to full-blown diabetes.
Diabetes can lead to serious complications
Untreated, diabetes can lead to serious, sometimes fatal, complications, including heart disease, strokes, impotence, blindness, amputations, and kidney failure. Even if you have pre-diabetes, your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke increases by 50 percent.
I am not saying this just to scare you, but to make you understand that you MUST take ACTION NOW! The earlier you change your lifestyle for the better, the better your chances for avoiding complications and reversing the full-blown diabetes altogether – possibly forever.
Is there a cure for diabetes?
Depending on what you read, you may find different answers for this question. Whether you believe that there is a cure for diabetes or that there is no cure (and those who think have been cured are simply in remission), does not really matter. Most doctors will tell you that there is no cure for diabetes. That it’s simply impossible to reverse the aging process of middle-aged adults with type 2 diabetes, or reverse the beta-cell loss of type 1 diabetes.
But even if you believe that there is NO CURE for diabetes, DO NOT DESPAIR!
The fact is you CAN PREVENT and REVERSE diabetes if you already have it.
Whether that means that you are cured or in remission, does not matter. The fact remains that as long as you maintain healthy living habits – eat the right foods and are physically active – you can lead a GOOD LIFE and avoid the dangerous complications that it entails.
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Prevention of type 2 diabetes is within reach already. People at high risk for type 2 diabetes can dramatically decrease their chances of getting the disease with proper diet and exercise.
Prevention of type 1 diabetes is undergoing scientific study by several pharmaceutical companies, using immunologic tricks to shut down the immune attack on the beta cells of the pancreas.
You cannot control your genes. Many of us (including me) have someone in their family who has diabetes. But you can do everything possible to get your blood sugar levels back to normal, which means that you eat healful meals that are not more than your needs for your particular activity level.
Radically changing your lifestyle in a short time is difficult, and few people who aren’t already diagnosed with a disease have the motivation to do that. If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, or any other serious disease for that matter, you have the extra incentive to change your ways. The threat of diabetes complications is no longer theoretical.
Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to reduce your risk. Slowly making a lot of little changes that don’t totally disrupt your life may be easier for you to do, because you’ll be able to stick with them. If you suddenly start a diet of carrots and celery sticks, no caffeine, no alcohol, and a five mile run every morning, you will reduce your risk to progressing to full-blown diabetes, but you probably will not stick to this regiment for too long. If the program is too strict, most people are apt just to give it up and return to their former habits – and that is not a good option.
More Reading
• For more information about natural diabetes treatments, diabetes blood sugar chart, and warning signs of diabetes visit my blog at
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Blood Sugar Levels Chart
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