Thursday, March 25, 2010


Man is the crown of God's creation. Greater and more
wonderful than the stars in the universe is the wonder of
man himself. Look at our bodies first of all and see how
wonderfully God has created them.
Doctors tell us that the human brain has 30 billion nervecells,
each operating at a potential of nearly one-tenth of a
volt of electricity. Those over 35 years of age lose 1000 of
these nerve cells every day - and these cells are never
replaced. Yet the main functions of the brain carry on till
the end of life - even though there is a slight loss in the
sensitivity of the five senses.
Did you know, that each of our eyes has 130 million little
rods for black and white vision and 7 million cones for
colour vision? These are connected to the brain by 300,000
nerve fibres. The human eye can receive 1.5 million
messages simultaneously! To duplicate the function of one
eye, mechanically, it would require 250,000 television
transmitters and receivers!
Consider the ear! The auditory nerve is only three-fourths
of an inch long and has the diameter of an ordinary pencillead.
But it has 30,000 electrical circuits within it. If we
were to compare the human ear with a piano, whereas the
piano key-board has 88 keys, the key-board of our inner
ear has about 1100 within the same frequency range. In
other words, it is so sensitive, that it can pick up 12
different tones between any two keys on the piano.
Now look at the heart and the blood-vessels. We don't
usually think of them until they give us some trouble! But
that heart which God has put within our bodies beats 40
million times every year, without any lubrication and
without taking a vacation. Even though you didn't realize
it, your heart beat within your body 100,000 times
yesterday, pumping blood through 100,000 kilometers of
blood-vessels from your head to your feet. Your body also
produced more than 172 billion red blood-cells just
yesterday to replace the damaged and worn out cells? Isn't
it a miracle that you are alive today!
Consider the glands. The thyroid gland in our body
requires only 1/5000th of a gram of iodine daily. Yet, if that
microscopic amount had been lacking in you when you were
a baby, you would certainly have been mentally retarded!
The pituitary gland is even more wonderful. Its daily
output of hormones weighs only one-millionth of a gram.
Yet even a slight increase of decrease in this output in a
person, in his growing years, would make him physically
and mentally abnormal! The reason we're healthy today is
because the intricate working of our body-mechanism has
been so perfect.

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