Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coffee Facts

Coffee Facts
The coffee aroma irresistable. Coffee is related to a wonderful, romantic story. It begins in the province of Kaffa in Ethiopia, where it is thought that coffee trees have grown for the first time. Myths related to coffee discovery or to its effect upon human body are numerous.
The most popular myth is related to a goat owner in Africa, who noticed in time that his animals used to develop a strange behavior after eating the red berries of the coffee tree.
Moreover, slaves coming from the territory called Sudan nowadays, used to eat the peel of these fruit in order to get more energy. It is known that the coffee tree has been grown since the 15th century in Yemen as well.
Coffee became popular in Europe as well in the 17th century.
The first reference concerning coffee consumption in North America is mentioned in1668. Since 1720 coffee trees have been growing in America too.

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