Friday, March 26, 2010





Good News for you
Part – I
An Understanding of Diabetes
1. What is diabetes?
2. Pancreatic gland – its functionality
3. The saga of insulin
4. Sugar complaint – its classification
5. The cells – their metabolism
6. What causes diabetes?
7. Symptoms of diabetes
8. Dangers due to diabetes
9. Complications of diabetes
Part II
A Proven Cure for Diabetes
10. Why Natural Life Style?
11. Water and its vantage
12. The Sun food that drives away diabetes
13. Your food is your medicine
14. The salt that harms live cells
15. The daily routine for diabetic patients
16. How to minimize medication?
17. Answers for frequent doubts
Part – III
18. Experiences - Expressions
All creatures living on earth are the children of Mother
Nature. Good health is the birth right of any creature. Every
living being has been enjoying its birth right since ages past.
Even man has been enjoying so, till recently. The dawn of
civilization made ill health a man’s birthright. Ever since
civilization dawned on, man has not been leading natural life in
the norms of Nature. Life is gradually taking him away from
nature, away from the duties (dharmas) of the body. When the
conditions are not favorable, the body cannot fulfill its duty
(dharma) properly. The problem starts with the cells, to begin
with. In whichever part, the cells get affected, that particular
part becomes affected and it cannot fulfill its duty properly.
Slowly the other parts of the body get decayed. Problems
appear outwardly in the form of diseases of which the Diabetes
is one.
Diabetes is an unnatural element. It indicates to us that
we are not leading a natural life. If we desire to get back to our
natural health, we should lead Natural Life Style. Then the
unnatural element in our body (diabetes) disappears totally.
Our body is gifted with a boon by Nature to purify itself. If we
make use of this boon, we can totally drive out diabetes. It will
never again dare to show its face to us. If we are unable to
drive it out means we are committing some mistake
somewhere. Instead of rectifying the committed mistake we
blindly lead our life. The same mistake continues from
generation to generation, and diabetes becomes a hereditary
disease. Man creates his fate all by himself.
Diabetes has been playing with our lives for thousands of
years. The situation is worsening day by day. Statistics tell us
that more than one percent of people have diabetes at an early
age and more than 12% are affected at old age. One out of
every 8 old people, is suffering from diabetes. As days pass by,
there is every chance of this number to increase. It seems to
find a permanent place in the lives of mankind. Medicines are
invented for this disease. They help man to some extent. The
tragedy is, though medical science is advancing at jet speed, it
has not found a medicine yet, to drive out diabetes completely.
In spite of different types of treatment and different medicines
are available, they would not curtail the spread of diabetes. In
such changed circumstances, people have compromised
themselves to bear it with a grin and accept it as a harsh
reality. They have resigned to their fate and accept it for life.
Doctors tell us that once a diabetic, always a diabetic.
There is no cure for it. We should be prepared to take
medicines for life long. The problem with diabetes is - it doesn’t
come alone. It starts affecting each part gradually, causing
other diseases. Finally we become dejected and frustrated in
life. Forever we will be searching ways and means to come out
of it. There may be many ways but we are not able to come out
of it successfully. Many of us helplessly feel there is nothing
more to enjoy or expect in life.
What is the reason for becoming a diabetic? Is it not
because we drifted away from Nature? How do we mend it?
Only by following Natural method. Natural method can be
classified into two ways – Naturopathy and Natural Life Style.
Naturopathy includes fasting, mud bath, Asanas (exercises),
pranayama, steam bath etc. The treatment varies according to
the symptoms of the disease. Since we are Mother Nature’s
children, Naturopathy or Natural Life Style is very helpful to us.
Natural Life Style guides us how to lead our life all the 24
hours of the day. If we amend our Life Style we get back the
natural element and we can be cured of diabetes completely.
We commit many mistakes in mattes of our body right from the
time we wake up to the time we go to bed. If we wish to avert
these mistakes we should refine some of our habits like
drinking water, eating food, cooking food, excretory action,
doing exercise or taking rest.
Diabetes can be brought under control just by following
Natural Life Style. We don’t have to take allopathy medicines or
take naturopathy treatment, as long as we follow this good life
style. We will not be affected by diabetes again. I myself have
been following this Natural Life Style for the last 8 years. I
made thousands to follow this Natural Life Style and we have
observed remarkable improvement in the conditions of diabetic
patients. We ourselves are astonished at the easy way the
diabetes is cured totally. But the tragedy is people are unaware
of such an easy treatment for diabetes. If all of us make this
Natural Life Style as our life style, we can totally eradicate
diabetes. We can drive it away from the world completely.
The good news for the diabetic patients is - you can cure
diabetes yourself, sitting at home and at no expense. You can
gradually get rid of diabetes forever by following the Natural
Life Style. You can eat all the fruits. You can eat root
vegetables. You can enjoy sweets once in a while. You can eat
rice too. One need not be scared of suffering from diabetes
again. Along with diabetes, believe, all the other diseases that
you may have in the body will be cured, without your
knowledge, by following this method. You will observe many
more benefits within a very short time. This book is brought to
you to let you know all about the Natural Life Style which helps
you regain your health.
Many diabetic patients are ignorant of the disease. Their
ignorance lands them in many problems. With the main
intention of informing the patients all about diabetes, this book
is written in three parts. The first part deals with the technical
details of diabetes. The second part deals with the Natural Life
Style that cures diabetes and the ways and means to practice
it. The third part consists of the letters from diabetic patients
who were cured. They deal with their experiences in following
this Natural Life Style and their joy at the discovery. The first
part may not be very appealing to laymen. If we have to
explain the changes occurring in the body, we can’t but help
describing it in a scientific way. The main purpose of writing
this book is to show that Natural Life Style is very easy to
follow and costs no money. You can follow it sitting at home
and you can cure diabetes yourself. This book will help clear
many doubts about diabetes and assure you of getting back to
normal health. So the good news and a good means are before
you. All that you have to do is, determine to practice it.
Nature is our soul mate. It is the source of endless
treasure. Ultimately, it is you who is to go back to nature to
create better health for yourself.
An Understanding of Diabetes
The disease Diabetes is originally called ‘Diabetes
Mellitus’. Gradually, the word mellitus disappeared and only
diabetes remained. So whether it is referred to as diabetes or
as diabetes mellitus, it means one and the same. If we try to
understand the meaning of diabetes mellitus, the word
diabetes in Greek language means through syphon. Syphon
means through which the liquid flows from a higher level to a
lower level. The word mellitus means the flow of sweet blood in
the body and the outward flow of sweet urine. Scientists have
found out that the urine is sweet because of the presence of
sugar known as ‘glucose’ in it. That’s why this disease is known
as diabetes mellitus. It is called ‘Madhumeham’ in Ayurvedam.
In colloquial language it is known as ‘sugar complaint’.
There is another type of diabetes. In this, the urine will be
sweet and urination is frequent. This is known as ‘Diabetes
Insipidus’. ‘Insipidus’ means ‘quickly’. So in this type, urine will
be in great quantity, but it doesn’t have sugar. This type is not
very harmful and not very common.
Now let us see what exactly is sugar complaint. Glucose
is that which gives us energy. It means Glucose is the other
name of energy. Normally there is a certain amount of sugar in
our blood. Mostly the sugar in the blood will be in the form of
glucose. But the blood contains, in addition to glucose,
fructose, lactose, galactose etc. They too are sugar items. The
glucose in the blood doesn’t remain constant. The reading
before taking food is different from that of after taking food.
Fasting blood sugar conducted in two ways should have the
following readings.
1) The blood sugar content should be 80-120mg%. This
includes glucose and other sugar items.
2) Only glucose (blood glucose) in the blood should be 80-
100 mg%.
People mostly under go only the first type of blood test
(blood sugar). Doctors rarely advise the second type (blood
glucose). The readings mentioned above are for a healthy
person during fasting. After taking food, even if glucose and
other sugar items increase in blood, a hormone called insulin
brings down their level. Whoever doesn’t have this insulin or in
whomever it doesn’t work properly, the activity of reducing
glucose is disturbed. As a result the glucose in the blood
remains more than in the normal condition. The disease in
which the glucose is always more is called ‘Sugar Complaint’.
The 5 liters of blood that we normally have in the body,
undergoes many changes when it flows through kidneys.
When blood is filtered in the kidneys, the useful nutrients and
glucose go back to the blood while waste material is let out as
This normal course changes in sugar patients. They have
more of glucose items in blood, than required. To save the
body from excess glucose, the kidneys release part of it
through urine. The glucose that comes out through urine
doesn’t come out alone; it pulls out plenty of water too. So
they urinate more than ordinary people. Since the excess of
glucose takes out with it gets reduced. To compensate the loss
of water, the body sends out signals to the patient in the form
of thirst. That’s why sugar patients have this symptom of thirst
The food we eat, gets converted into glucose after it is
digested. It travels in blood and reaches the cells. We require
insulin harmone to make this glucose reach the cells. But, for
sugar patients this insulin harmone doesn’t function at all or
even if it functions, not to the full extent. As a result, the cells
don’t receive glucose to carry on their work of promoting
energy. Millions and millions of cells become weak. If they
don’t have energy, we don’t have energy. So another symptom
of this disease is ‘weakness’.
Glucose, the energizer of the cells, remains at the
entrance of the cells, but can’t get through the cells’ outer
layer. ‘Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink’
Glucose is there, but not in the cell. When the cell’s hunger is
not fulfilled, it keeps crying for food. When their huger is not
satiated, our hunger is not satiated. So another symptom of
this disease is ‘excess of hunger’.
The food that we eat contains three types of food
material. They are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Our body
makes use of the glucose extracted mostly from carbohydrates
and provides energy thus to the body. In case of sugar
patients, since supply of insulin is not sufficient, since the cells
don’t receive glucose from carbohydrates, the body prepares
glucose from proteins and fats. It means, the activities of
carbohydrates, fats and proteins are reversed. Hence diabetes
is also called ‘Metabolic Disorder’.
To sum up - when insulin fails partially or totally, when
supply of glucose content is more in the blood, when the
person urinates more, feels more thirsty, hunger and
weakness, you can say the person is suffering from sugar
But if urine contains sugar, you cannot call it sugar
complaint. The sugar in urine can be seen for some other
reasons too. So if all other symptoms detailed above are seen
only, it can be treated as sugar complaint.
This sugar complaint is not treated as a disease normally.
Why does any one get it? How does pancreas gland function?
How is insulin promoted? Why does insulin reduce? How does
insulin promote work? What are the symptoms of sugar
complaint? What are the harms caused by it? What diet should
be taken to control it? What are the advantages of exercises?
How is Natural Life Style helpful to sugar patients? How is
fasting helpful? Each one of these will be analyzed in detail in
the following chapters. If you wish to know all about diabetes
and wish to get rid of it totally, you should follow every detail
carefully. Since scientific explanations are given, read slowly, if
necessary read it again and again till you get every inch of it
into your brain. One gets this sugar complaint unknowingly,
but knowingly we can drive it out. So come on, open your eyes
and fight out your enemy with your intelligence and
The most important part in our body is Pancreas gland,
but unfortunately many people are not aware of it as they are
of other parts. The reason is, it doesn’t demand publicity. It
helps greatly, but it does silently. Nowadays slowly it is being
noticed since the number of sugar patients are on the increase
day by day. However much we eat, to convert it into energy
useful for our body, the Pancreases gland should function
properly. When some cells in the Pancreas gland don’t function
properly, sugar complaint crops up. So let’s try to understand
all about it’s functioning briefly.
Structure of Pancreas gland: this is arranged in our
digestive system under the stomach horizontally. One side of it
is wider which is towards duodenum. The other side is thin like
a tail towards the left kidney. The broader side is called head
and the thinner side the tail. All over the pancreas gland there
are small islands made out of special cells. They are more
towards the tail. They are called Islets of langer hanes. The
number Islets of langer hanes in the pancreas gland is about a
million. Each islet contains three types of cells. They are –
Alpha, Beta and Delta cells. Each one of these three promote
three different types of harmones. The harmone insulin comes
out of the beta cells.
Pancreas promotes especially two types of fluids (1)
Pancreatic juice (2) Hormones like insulin, Glucagone and
Stomata Statin that come out of islets.
Now let’s see what these fluids do!
Diagram of Pancreas
1) Pancreatic Juice: The food we take will be digested to
some extent in the stomach and then it will be sent into the
duodenum, the upper part of the small intestines. When food is
sent into the duodenum the pancreatic juice is released from
the pancreas. This juice digests the proteins and fats. There is
yet another help rendered by this juice. The pancreas releases
more of pancreatic juice if we eat food items that contain more
of acidity, to balance it. Acidic nature of this juice helps in
saving the intestines.
Pancreas contains 3 important enzymes to digest food (1)
Trypsin (2) Amylase (3) Lipase. Out of these, the enzyme
‘Trypsin’ converts proteins into amino acids. The proteins in the
food we eat join the blood in the form of amino acids. The
enzyme ‘Lipase’ converts the carbohydrates, left out after
digestion in the stomach, into sugar. The enzyme trypsin
digests fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
2. Insulin: In every islet of Pancreas there are about
10,000 to 20,000 beta cells. These beta cells produce insulin.
The carbohydrates that mostly we eat are converted into
glucose after digestion. The food thus converted into glucose is
released into the blood. It is a mistake to assume that we get
energy as soon as glucose is released into the blood. The
energy is released only when the glucose from the bloods
enters into every cell and gets burnt up there. If we assume
every cell to be a fireplace, it needs an oil to burn it. To burn
the glucose, the oil required here is the insulin. So glucose is in
the blood from time to time. When insulin is not promoted
properly, the glucose in the blood increases and it results in
sugar complaint.
2) Glucagon: The Alpha cells in the Pancreas release this
hormone. If insulin reduces the amount of glucose in the blood,
this glucagon increases the amount of sugar. When the sugar in
the blood is less than the required quantity, this hormone
releases the stored glucose in the liver, into the blood.
3) Stomata Statin: The delta cells in the Pancreas release
this hormone. It reduces the sugar increased by glucagon and
helps insulin. In other words, it acts as a mediator between
insulin and glucagons.
Thus by promoting insulin, the pancreas plays an
important role in the metabolic activity but how is insulin
released into the blood? How does it work? Let’s understand it
in the next chapter.
We have learnt in the previous chapter that the hormone
insulin is produced in beta cells in the Pancreas gland. This can
be defined as one type of protein that can dissolve. It is stored
as secretory granules in beta cells. 40-50 units of this insulin
are produced per day in healthy people. When the Pancreas
gland works normally, it can store up to 200 units of insulin.
The beta cells release the insulin hormone subject to the
condition of glucose in the blood. It means, when glucose in
the blood is on the increase, the insulin is released to contain
it. The recent researches proved that, as soon as the beta cells
sense the increase in the glucose, they release at once the
insulin. It was also proved that insulin is released even when
we feel like eating something we like. So this precautionary
measure controls the percentage of sugar in the blood.
The promotion of insulin is based on the food we eat.
sweets and carbohydrates promote more of insulin. Proteins
too promote it to some extent, but they are not as powerful as
carbohydrates. So if you eat carbohydrates with protein they
can release more of insulin. Naturally the glucose in the blood
also will be in the required quantity.
Insulin is promoted in two stages.
1. First stage: The food we eat gets digested, turns into
glucose and is released into blood. As soon as the beta cells
come to know of its entry into the blood they release the stored
insulin into the blood.
2. Second stage: When the glucose quantity increases in the
blood, some signals are sent to the beta cells. The beta cells at
once understand that glucose is more and so activate the
required parts that promote insulin and release it into blood
When glucose increases in the blood, insulin is made to
flow into the blood, to contain it.
Some hormones produced in our intestines help a greater
release of insulin hormone. They are Glucagone, Secretin,
Colycystokinin, gastrin, Pancreozymin. Gastric Inhibitory Pepti
(GIP) is the most important of all. GIP hormone is produced
more in intestines to help greater production of insulin. It
increases the cyclic A.M.P. in Beta cells and in turn promotes
more of insulin.
What insulin does:
1. It supplies glucose to the cells for their activities.
2. It helps in the process of glucose turning into energy
(Hastens the speed of energy conversion).
3. It converts glucose into glycogen and stores it in liver and
muscles. The excess of glucose after meeting body
requirements is thus stored.
4. It converts the fatty acids in blood into fats and stores it
in adipose cells.
5. It also helps in the conversion of excess glucose in the
liver into fats. These fats are also stored in adipose cells.
6. Since it controls the conversion of glycogen into glucose,
it hinders the excess of sugar percentage in the blood.
7. It stops the conversion of Carbohydrates and fats into
All the benefits mentioned above will go on smoothly as
long as insulin hormone is sufficient. If this insulin is less or is
missing, the whole scene gets reversed and the body faces
Now let’s see how insulin is related to the cells and how
insulin supplies glucose to the beta cells.
How insulin supplies glucose to the Cell
Every cell in our body is covered with thin outer layer.
This is called cell membrane. There are some receptors on
the outer layer to send anything inside the cells. These
receptors show some reaction as soon as insulin molecules
reach them. If we compare the insulin molecule to the key
and the receptors to the lock, each insulin key opens each
receptor’s lock and at once many chemical reactions take
place on the outer layer. Then the glucose molecules enter
the cell. If glucose has to enter into the cells, every receptor
at every cell must be in a condition to react to every insulin
molecule. Not only that, every cell should contain the
required number of receptors. They should also have
sufficient number of insulin molecules. Only then will insulin
allow glucose into the cells. It means the insulin should be
sufficient and should be energetic. From this, we can simply
conclude that the root cause of diabetes is the condition of
the cells.
Sugar complaint can crop up due to any of these
possibilities. Insulin may be more but it is not energetic, or
insulin may be energetic but it is not sufficient, or insulin may
be less in quantity and less in energy. So we cannot say that
diabetes can be caused only because of deficiency of insulin.
Along with insulin, other hormones, the number and efficiency
of receptors, other factors that reduce the insulin, may cause
sugar problem. Many things in blood may lessen the power of
insulin even if it is in sufficient quantity. All these reasons may
not be found in every diabetic patient. Two or three of them
are enough to cause the disease. Now let us see how we can
get rid of this Diabetes.
People keep saying my father got sugar, my son got it, my
friend got sugar, it has been in our family for generations etc.
But the thing is, though everybody gets it, not everybody has
the same type of sugar complaint. Now let’s see how many
types of sugar complaint are there and what the reasons are
for the disease.
Sugar complaint is broadly divided into two types.
1) Type- I Diabetes Mellitus
2) Type-II Diabetes Mellitus
1. Type-I Diabetes Mellitus:
In this type of sugar complaint, the promotion of insulin is
totally stopped in the body. Forever these patients have to
depend on insulin. So, according to medical science, this sugar
complaint that makes the patient depend on insulin is called
Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Small children are
likely to get it. So it is also called Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.
15-20% of patients come under this category.
As we have already seen, the pancreas in our body
promotes insulin hormone. Mainly the beta cells in the
pancreas promote this insulin. So as long as the beta cells are
sufficient in number with proper health, the insulin quantity too
will be sufficient. As the beta cells reduce in number, the
promotion of insulin gradually reduces, till it totally stops. So
this is what happens in the first category of patients. Now let’s
see what makes the beta cells die out!
Just as we have a defense force to protect our country
from the attacks of our enemies, we have a resistance force in
our body to save it. This is called immune system. This system
saves our body incessantly from microorganisms. When
harmful bacteria or poisonous things enter our body this
immune system either kills them or sends them out of the body
and thus keeps it fit. Certain special cells in our body perform
this defense mechanism. They are:
1. The white blood corpuscles in our blood. They are known
as B-Cells (B-Lymphocytes)
2. The white blood corpuscles that come out of the gland
called thymus over the chest. They are called T-cells or Tlymphocytes.
They prepare antibodies to kill the bacteria
that enter our body.
There are again two types of T-cells. One type of T-cells
increases the number of anti-bodies in our body. The second
type of T-cells reduces the number of anti-bodies. Because of
that, the required number of antibodies will not be promoted
sometimes. So the resistance power of the body automatically
gets reduced. The most threatening disease of the present day
–AIDS - is caused for this reason.
These T-cells are very clever ones. They can differentiate
between their own relatives and outsiders. They won’t harm or
kill the parts of the body or the cells in it. When an outsider’s
part is implanted in the body they avoid that part or even kill
that part. They have so much of power. For example, our pet
dog can differentiate between our own people and outsiders.
So it won’t harm our people, but barks at strangers. Sometimes
it bites them too. In some unavoidable circumstances this pet
dog attacks and bites its own master. The same way, in some
unavoidable circumstances these T-cells treat some parts of
the body as strangers and set to destroy them.
So if we probe deep into the first type of diabetes, these
T-cells meet the beta cells in Pancreas as strangers due to
some genetical problems. As a result, they produce the antibodies
that attack the beta cells and destroy them. Because of
hereditary problems, the beta cells are destroyed even in
children. When the beta cells are totally destroyed, insulin
cannot be promoted. The cells destroyed thus, cannot be born
again. It means, forever, their body cannot promote the insulin
hormone. So they require insulin from outside for life long.
2. Type-II Diabetes Mellitus: In this type of diabetes,
insulin will not totally be missing, but the quantity will be less.
They don’t have to depend on insulin from outside. So,
according to medical science it is treated as Non-insulin
Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). Mostly middle aged or
old people are prone to it, so it is called Adult onset Diabetes
Mellitus. 80% of diabetic patients fall under this category.
The beta cells in these people promote insulin no doubt
but it is not sufficient enough for the activities of the cells.
Since it is not sufficient, they become diabetics. Now let’s see
the reasons for this type of diabetes.
1. In some people sufficient quantity of insulin may be there
but the quality may not be good. For instance to cultivate an
acre of land, you require a sack of seeds. You did buy a sack,
but what’s the use? Three fourths of it contains bad seeds and
only one fourth is good. That isn’t enough for the whole acre of
land. The same is the story in case of insulin.
2. Some of them have less number of Beta cells and they
produce less quantity insulin and it leads to diabetes.
3. If the receptors on the outer layer of the cells function
properly it results in diabetes as we have already seen.
Receptors are found on cell membrane of every cell. The insulin
molecules get attached to the receptors before glucose is sent
into the cell. At that time some chemical reactions take place in
the body involuntarily. Only when they take place normally,
does the glucose enter the cell. If there is some hindrance to
the process, it leads to diabetes.
4. Some of them do have the required quantity and quality of
insulin, but the receptors don’t function properly causing
5. For some of them, in the reverse way some elements work
against insulin and resist the power of insulin resulting in
sugar complaint.
6. Obesity is yet another reason. They eat more but the little
insulin that is promoted in the body is not sufficient for the
activities in the body.
7. As mentioned above, if the receptors are not sufficient
enough or if they don’t function properly also the cells can’t
make use of the insulin properly. The insulin that is left out
remains in the blood for long. Such left out insulin can also
cause blood sugar.
8. It is hereditary. You get not only the ancestral property but
also ancestral diseases. So majority of the people are likely to
inherit it from their parents.
In addition to the two types mentioned above we come
across some other types, very rarely. They are:
1) Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus (MRDM): If people
have malnutrition problems in childhood and if they are not
rectified while they grow up, they have chances of getting
diabetes in youth. The pancreas in them, can’t promote the
required quantity of insulin. So, as they grow old, they get
symptoms of diabetes. Some children have stones in pancreas.
They complain of stomachache constantly. Even for them, the
pancreas doesn’t function normally. These children don’t put on
weight and look very weak. Another reason for this type is the
deficiency of proteins in food.
2) The changes caused in endocrine glands:
Adrenal, Thyroid, Pituitary glands release more of
hormones when they don’t work normally. These hormones in
turn increase the sugar in the blood that in turn causes blood
sugar. I mean, diabetes.
The second type of diabetes (NIDDM) that can be
caused due to any of the reasons detailed upon, is generally
caused beyond the age of 40. But nowadays that statement has
lost its value. Thanks to our food habits and life style it is likely
to attack us at the age of 20, 30 even before getting married.
So we may get it for any reason. For whatsoever the reason we
get it and we have to get rid of it. In Allopathy they give you
‘Sulphonil Uriyas’ or equivalent tablets to send glucose into the
It is different in Natural Life Style. We make the body
rectify itself its unnatural state caused by the food habits.
Medicines also can perform, but they cannot root out the
problem. In Naturopathy, first it aims at rectifying the problem.
When the problem is rectified automatically the solution is
reached. Knowing the cause is more important than the
treatment. When proper diagnosis is made automatically the
treatment follows. In such a situation you have only good
results but not bad ones. You name any type of diabetes you
have a solution for it in Natural Life Style. So, be rest assured.
Why fear when our Natural Life Style is here!
Our body is made up of millions and millions of cells. Each
cell can act on it’s own and fulfill its metabolic activity. The air,
water and food we take enter the cell and get converted into
energy. It is these tiny cells, which cannot be seen with naked
eye, that are the main sources to keep us active performing
various things in day-to-day life. So we are dependent on the
well being of cells. The activity in the cells is endless. As long
as they are active, we are hale and healthy. If they have
problem, we undergo many problems in the form of various
diseases. To understand more about diabetes we should
understand the structure of the cell, its functioning and its
A cell cannot be seen by the naked eye. They are so tiny
that a pinhead can hold a million cells. They can be seen only
with the help of an ‘Electron microscope’. When we observe the
cell under this electron microscope we see some circular
structure in the middle. It is called nucleus. Surrounding the
nucleus there is matter called cytoplasm. Covering the cell,
there is an outer layer called Cell membrane. The cytoplasm
also contains Mitochondria. In addition to this, there are many
small structures. There is DNA in the nucleus. Just as an
engineer designs the plans of a house this DNA controls the
structure of the body and its behavior. There is another general
matter called RNA. The DNA is the Managing Director and RNA
is the General Manager. RNA executes in the cell whatever the
DNA orders. This is what is known as genes.
We have already seen that the outer layer is called cell
membrane. This separates the cell from the fluid outside it. All
the cells in our body are in liquid atmosphere. In other words,
they will be floating in liquid. There is fluid surrounding every
cell. This cell membrane is made out of proteins and fats. It
sends in and out of the cell water and other things that are
soluble in water. On the surface of the cell membrane and
inside of it there is a complicated system of enzymes. This
system controls the cell. Hence the cell uses its discretion to
send in only the required amount of water. Based on the
changes taking place in the body and based on the need or the
situation, the cell membrane receives only whatever is required
into the cell. It sends out the waste material produced in the
cell. There are many types of receptors on the cell membrane
for the movement of hormones or medicines into the cell. One
type of hormone is attached only to the receptor suitable for it.
Like only key that can open a respective lock. Same thing here
This is the structure of the cell. Now for the activities in
the cell, it requires fuel. Here the fuel is glucose. The glucose
requires the insulin hormone to enter into the cell. It is not
enough if the glucose enters into the cell. It can’t directly give
us energy. It has to undergo a few chemical changes in the cell
and finally is formed as a chemical matter that gives us energy.
The energy we use can be called ATP (Adenosine Troposphere).
This energy is made out of the most energetic phosphates.
Such energy is produced in every cell at a place called
mitochondria. Hence mitochondrion is called the factory of
energy. ATP is stored in mitochondria. The energy required for
the body is promoted and released from here constantly. 7.3
kilocalories of energy is released form each ATP. So a few
thousands of kilocalories of energy are released in one second
from a few hundreds of ATPS.
Metabolism: The carbohydrates, proteins and the fats in
the food we eat get digested and get converted into very small
particles called glucose, amino acids and fatty acids. Then they
join the blood. The cells use these minute particles as fuel and
produce energy out of them. This is what is known as
There are two types of metabolic activity
1. Construction activity (Anabolism)
2. Destruction activity (Catabolism)
For every second a few millions of cells in our body will be
born and a few millions of cells keep dying. New cells always
replace the dead. From one cell another identical cell is born as
our body goes on constructing such new cells. All parts of our
body continue to be in good condition as long as all the parts
continue to construct new cells. Of course if the cells in the
nerves die out, they can’t be reproduced again. So the birth of
new cells is called construction activity whereas the death of
cells is called destruction activity. When this activity takes
place in our body, heat is produced. This heat is what we
measure as temperature on the thermometer. As long as the
life activity is normal, the temperature is normal at 98.6° F. The
body temperature keeps fluctuating based on the differences in
the activity of the cell. The activity in the cell in turn is based
on the physical activity we have for our body.
We have already seen that diabetes is caused due to the
deficiency or lack of insulin. When the insulin is not available in
the required quantity, the activity in the cell is affected. Insulin
is required for the activity in dealing with all types of food
material we consume. When it is missing the activities are
disturbed and the problem comes out in the form of sugar
complaint. Since diabetes is caused due to the extraordinary
changes in the metabolic activity, this disease is also called
‘Metabolic Disorder’. The food we take is mostly in the form of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So if we analyze the changes
that occur in their metabolic activity, we can understand why
one gets diabetes.
I. Carbohydrate Metabolism
The food that we eat daily mostly contains carbohydrates.
It is digested in the stomach through digestive juices and is
converted into glucose. As soon as this glucose joins the blood,
the Pancreas releases insulin. The glucose released in the blood
requires insulin to reach each cell. With the help of insulin it
gets into the cell and there it gets converted as energy.
The glucose that reaches the liver, through blood, gets
converted into glycogen with the help of insulin (Glycogen is
formed when hundreds of glucose granules are combined
together). So whatever glucose is left out after it fulfills the
needs of the cells is stored as glycogen in the liver and in the
The glucose stored thus, is like money you save in a bank.
Just as you use that money in an emergency, this glucose is
used when it is needed. So when we fast for a day or two, this
stored glucose is released into the blood to fulfill the needs of
our body. Nearly 100g of glucose are stored in a healthy body.
When we exercise, a hormone called adrenaline is released.
The physical activity spends the stored glucose in the muscles.
The glycogen in the muscles doesn’t get converted into glucose
as easily as it does in the liver. It becomes glucose after many
changes. Roughly about 150gms of glucose is stored in the
muscles. When the sugar count reduces in the blood the
hormones called glucagons, adrenaline, thyroid releases the
glucose from the liver into blood. When insulin hormone is
more, more of glucose is stored in the liver. The rest of glucose
is converted into fats and is stored in fatty cells. This is found
mostly under the skin in a part called mysentry in stomach,
between the muscles. Thus the Carbohydrates we take are
converted into glucose for body’s use and the excess of it is
stored for a rainy day.
The changes in diabetic patients:
Since diabetic patients have less of insulin, the glucose
can’t enter into the cells easily. So it remains in the blood and
thereby increases the percentage of glucose in the blood.
1. In a normal condition, the insulin obstructs the activity of
the enzyme called Glucose Phospataze in the liver and converts
the excess of sugar in the blood as glycogen and stores it in the
liver. But in a sugar patient, since this insulin is missing, it
doesn’t have the energy to fight out this enzyme. As a result
glucose is not stored as glycogen. Hence the glucose in the
blood remains there itself increasing the blood sugar.
2. When the insulin quantity is less in the body, the pancreas
releases glycogen. These glucagons increase the sugar content
in the blood. So for all the reasons mentioned here the sugar
content is always more in the sugar patients. This is known as
‘Hyperglycemia’. Normally blood sugar should not be more than
II Protein Metabolism
The food like milk, meat, fish, eggs, pulses etc contain
plenty of proteins. When these food items are digested they are
converted into ‘amino acids’. Just as glucose enters the blood,
even the amino acids reach the blood. When these amino acids
reach the blood, insulin is released. They are sent to the
muscles and bones with the help of sugar. Even some glucose
is prepared out of these amino acids. Proteins are helpful in the
preparation of many enzymes, hormones and to strengthen the
The changes in the Diabetic Patients
Proteins help in the growth of organs in the body. In a
healthy person the insulin carries the amino acids released out
of proteins to muscles and other organs and increases the
strength of the body. In diabetic patients, since insulin is less,
these amino acids are changed into carbon- dioxide and water.
As a result their muscles gradually weaken and lose strength.
That’s why chronic sugar patients become thin and look very
Our body normally uses the energy for its needs only from
the energy that comes out of carbohydrates. The insulin
prevents the conversion of other food items into glucose. But in
the case of diabetic patients, since insulin is less, glucose is
formed out of proteins and fats. The adrenal corticoids and
glucagons hormones increase this activity. Then the sugar
quotient in the blood increases all the more.
III Fat metabolism:
The oil, meat, cream, butter, ghee etc, that we consume
contain fats in them. After digestion these fats are converted
into fatty acids in the small intestines. Fatty acids mean very
minute granules of fats. The fat that comes out of the food we
eat is stored along with the fats prepared out of glucose.
Insulin helps to store them. When we don’t eat food for long,
the quantity of insulin gets reduced. As a result, the stored
fats melt as fatty acids and enter into the blood. These fatty
acids are used as energy by the muscles and the other parts of
the body. When energy is created out of fats, the chemical
matter called ‘Ketene bodies’ is released in the blood. In
healthy person, these ‘ketene bodies’ are released in small
quantity. Whereas in a diabetic patient they are released in
large quantity which imbalances the body. That’s why the fats
that give energy to a healthy person are very harmful for a
diabetic patient.
The changes in the diabetic patients:
In diabetic patients, the glucose does not reach the cells
properly. So the body tries to prepare glucose out of fats and
proteins for its needs.
1. Out of the glucose produced from the food we eat, 50%
is converted into energy, 15% is stored as glycogen and
30-40% is converted into fats. As insulin is not sufficient
in diabetic patients, only 5% of it is converted into fats
and the other 25-30% remains as glucose in the blood.
So the sugar content is all the more in their blood.
2. The stored fats are segregated since insulin is less. As
we have seen, to convert fats into energy many chemical
reactions take place and ketene bodies are released into
the blood. Of those whose diabetes is not under control,
the ketene bodies will be more in number and a
dangerous situation called acidosis is created. This is
called ‘diabetes coma’. It is explained in detail in the
chapter “The losses incurred due to diabetes.”
Normally the fats in the food we eat, are found in the form
of triglycerides. When they are digested in the intestines, they
are split into small granules. These are called fatty acids,
glycerol. Fatty acids are seen floating in the blood. Since a
healthy person has sufficient quantity of insulin, it converts
these fatty acids in the blood again into fats and stores them.
In a diabetic patient, due to the deficiency of insulin, the fatty
acids remain in the blood itself and not stored elsewhere. In
addition to this, as the cells can not utilize the glucose
properly, the fats stored earlier will be split up for the needs of
the body. Added to that, if diabetic patients eat food that
contains more of fats, those fats too get stored in the blood.
Thus the fatty acids will increase enormously in their blood.
When they increase thus, the blood becomes a thin fluid,
blended with fats. The fatty acids in the blood mix together
with proteins to form lypo proteins. In the middle of these
lipoproteins there are cholesterol and fats. Around it there is a
phospholipids layer, and over that there is a protein layer. They
are called (1) Lypo proteins with little density (LDL) and (2)
Lypo proteins with higher density (HDL). HDL cholesterol will
be more in the blood and LDL Cholesterol will be less. When
HDL cholesterol is more, chances of heart attack are less. So
this is called friendly cholesterol. When these lypo proteins
travel through the blood, they get stuck to the blood vessels,
thickening the walls. As a result, the blood vessels get closed
and the blood circulation slows down. When such changes take
place in the coronary blood vessel that supplies blood to the
heart, the blood supply to the heart comes to a stand still
there-by causing heart attack.
Diabetes causes unexpected rise of cholesterol in the
blood. That’s why diabetic patients should get their
triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol tested often. It
will help them know the intensity of their disease. It is safe if
the cholesterol level in the blood does not exceed 160-180mg.
The analysis of the three types of food and their
influences reveals that fats are more harmful for diabetic
patients. They should desist at any cost the use of oil, butter,
coconut oil etc. Then what are harmless fats? They are detailed
in a latter chapter.
Thousands of people are prone to diabetes. But the reason
for diabetes is not the same for everyone. We have already
seen various reasons for the attack of diabetes. Now let’s see
in detail what changes in our body can cause this disease.
1) Hereditary: It is found only in some families. It passed on
from one generation to another. In those families children
beget it from their parents. Their ‘genetic substance’ causes
diabetes right from their birth. Just as the children look like
xerox copies of their parents in respect of their physical
features, behavioral patterns, good or bad qualities, so also do
they get by birth these genes of diabetes.
In a survey it was found that if both husband and wife are
diabetic patients, 67% of their children could not escape this
disease. If only one of them is diabetic 5% of their children are
getting it. The attack of the disease at an early or later age is
based on genetical changes. It was observed if the parents
became diabetes in old age the chances of their children
getting sugar complaint were less. If they got in youth, there
are more chances of their children getting it.
If the forefathers and the parents are already diabetic,
their children have to be more careful. Changing their food
habits and regular exercise should be helpful.
2. Obesity: 66% of people with obesity have excess of
glucose in blood and 97% of people with obesity are diabetic.
Those who have been eating more than what is required
since childhood become enormously fat. That is because the
excess food is stored as fats in the body. To store it as fats, the
help of insulin is required. Mostly fat people eat since childhood
all artificial, junk and processed foods like cakes, sweets, sodas
and ice creams. Absence of fibrous material in these foods
leads to accumulation of glucose in blood. The greater the
quantity of glucose, the greater the quantity of insulin should
be to reduce glucose. When we are young and energetic, of
course, our pancreas and its beta cells can produce as much
insulin as is required. Also we don’t feel ourselves heavy when
we are young. So we don’t mind it. We also think that this is
the time to enjoy whatever food we like, till we reach 40, 50
years of age. Though we are so unmindful of our body, our
friend pancreas is not unmindful of its duty. So it continues its
work silently and protects us from the harmful disease
But there is a limit for everything. If we cross our limits,
we have to face the consequences. That’s what happens to
people with obesity. Since poor beta cells in the pancreas have
worked all along beyond their capacity, they are exhausted.
They can’t now produce insulin as effectively as before.
So the excess glucose keeps adding up in blood while the
required insulin is not released proportionately. It continues
thus for a few months and suddenly in some form we come to
know we have become diabetic. We wonder how it is possible
for healthy person like me.
There is yet another reason for fat people to become
diabetic. As we have already seen, the receptors on the cells
receive insulin. But in the case of fat people, the receptors
gradually reduce in number. So the insulin may be sufficient,
but the receptors to receive insulin are not sufficient. The
result? Diabetes! If you take extra care to reduce overweight,
beta cells can function normally again. Prevention is better
than cure.
3. Old Age: The birth and death of the cells go on in our
body, incessantly. Till we reach youth, the birth of the cells will
be more than the death of the cells. That is the reason why
children grow up faster, taller and fatter faster. From youth to
middle age both birth and death of the cells are even. From
middle age destruction will be more than the construction. As a
result every organ in our body slowly loses its energy and
efficiency. The skin loses its glow and shows symptoms of old
age. The promotion of the useful enzymes, digestive juices and
hormones also get reduced. That’s why many old people eat
only a little quantity of food and give up dinner. Even the
Pancreas produces only limited insulin in old age. Normally the
post lunch blood sugar will be little more in people beyond 50
years. Regular physical exercise and regulated food habits are
helpful in avoiding diabetes even in aged persons. Those who
are old and who sit idle are prone to diabetes. In old age the
heart, the kidneys and the lungs normally lose their efficiency.
In such a situation if they become diabetic it only aggravates
their problem. In old age deficiency of insulin, the changes in
the body, the decay of muscles, the stagnation of fats, lack of
exercise all these or any of these can lead to diabetes.
4. Food Habits: Diabetes is caused mostly due to our food
habits. Leave alone diabetes, you name any disease; it is
caused due to your food habits and life style. We all know
about it, but we don’t bother! When it comes to eating,
everybody is attracted towards taste. If one could resist
temptation for taste, he will have perfect health.
As civilization is progressing, people’s food habits are
becoming more harmful. Natural nutrients in food are
disappearing. White rice, ready made wheat flour, polished
pulses, sugar, synthetic sodas, etc undoubtedly lead to
diabetes. Those who eat food without fibrous material, require
more insulin. Due to lack of proper nutritious food, the
promotion of insulin gradually comes down. Consumption of
more carbohydrates, lack of exercise to the body, stomach full
eating, eating at irregular hours, intake of fatty and junk foods
over the years – all result in diabetes, inevitably.
So if we wish to avoid such chronic diseases, we should
go back to the age old food habits of our elders. Let’s see in the
next chapter what food is good for health and how unnatural
food causes diabetes.
5. Due to Virus: Each one of you must have suffered from
mumps at some time in childhood. This is due to a virus. People
who have genes of diabetes in their blood are prone to this
virus. In children between the ages 4-5 and teenagers between
10-12 the influence of virus will be more, causing diabetes.
This virus promotes diabetes during winter.
6. Hormones: The endocrine glands in our body release
many types of hormones into the blood. These hormones are
chemical combinations and they control all the activities in the
Insulin hormone is the most important of them all. This
enables the glucose to enter the cells and help in the
production of energy. The growth hormone flows out of
pituitary gland and works against insulin preventing the flow of
glucose into the cells. As a result the sugar increases in the
blood. Thyroxin, Triodo-thyronil hormones also increase the
quantity of sugar in the blood. The glucagons from the alpha
cells of the Pancreas too do the same thing. The gluco corticoid
hormones in adrenaline also increase sugar. This is another
reason for diabetes.
7. The effect of medicines: When we fall sick we are
prescribed medicines. We may recover from that sickness, but
the swallowed medicines leave some side effects in our body,
causing damage to some other organs and giving scope for
another disease. Some medicines increase the quantity of
sugar in the blood. In such a case, even the usage of insulin
will not be of much use. At times the usage of thyroid hormone
as a medicine can increase the sugar. These medicines may not
directly result in diabetes but they help the already existing
conditions, to promote diabetes.
8. Pregnancy: For some ladies the blood sugar increases during
pregnancy due to the influence of some hormones. Normally, in
many cases, the blood sugar comes down automatically after
delivery. For some, if the blood sugar doesn’t come down, it
may lead to diabetes.
8. Mental Tension: Many people appear normal to look, but
they are under pressure within. Students, executives, business
men have their own reasons to be under mental tension. The
housewives have their own tensions. In such people, the
hormones like adrenaline and adrenal corticoid are produced
more. When their percentage is more, they increase the sugar
in the blood. So this can again lead to blood sugar diseasediabetes.
So far, we have seen some very important causes for
diabetes. Now it is up to you to prevent it or to welcome it.
Your habits welcome it. Your changed life style prevents it.
Even if you are prone to get it genetically, you can prevent it
from occurring. Of the 9 causes detailed above, the genetical
cause is not in our hands. We can’t escape the genes in us.
Avoiding other reasons is in our hands.
If we can see the symptoms of diabetes in our body that
is the proof positive to realize that the disease has already
ripened in our body long ago. This disease can’t be noticed until
it advanced. Diabetes symptoms do not show when it enters in
our body. It is only when we go for blood or urine tests for
some other problem, it is made known to us the existence of
diabetes in us. Then we get upset and wonder how we got it
without prior symptoms. That is the irony of life. You don’t get
this disease after symptoms appear. You know the symptoms
only after you get the disease.
If we know about these symptoms now, we can identify
diabetes at an early stage to take precautionary steps. Let us
analyze now both the types of diabetes. The symptoms for both
these are different. Since more people are prone to the second
type, let’s analyze it first.
The symptoms of type II Diabetes:
1) More of Urination: The kidneys in our body filter the blood
constantly. They send out the waste material in the form of
urine. There will also be some glucose and some useful items in
the filtered liquid. They will be absorbed into the blood. That’s
why a healthy person’s urine doesn’t contain sugar while a
diabetic patient has more sugar. That blood flows into the
kidneys. Since the blood already has glucose it can’t take back
the glucose filtered by the kidneys. Since the osmotic pressure
of glucose is more, they have to send water too along with
glucose. Normally 170 liters of water is filtered in the kidneys
per day. Of it, 168.5 liters of water is taken back and only 1.5
liters of water is sent out as urine. In sugar patients the water
mixed with glucose is sent out as urine many times.
The diabetic patients face some dangerous situations both
ways- when sugar content is extremely more or when it is
extremely less. If proper treatment is not administered in time,
it may even lead to death. So we should know how these
dangerous situations arise.
Sudden fall of glucose in blood (hypoglycemia)
It is a sudden and frequent problem. Mostly those who
are under treatment for diabetes face this problem. When they
use medicines or insulin for diabetes and when their dosage is
more or when they restrict their food, or when they do more of
exercise the sugar in the blood suddenly falls down causing a
situation which is called hypoglycemia.
Every patient should know the symptoms of this
hypoglycemia to save himself. They are not alike in every body.
They are not always similar in the same person. Normally the
sugar content should be 100 mg in blood. If it falls below
50mg. problem arises. Some people normally have 250 to 300
mg and at times suddenly it falls to 150 mg. It results in
The natural insulin promoted in a healthy body, reaches
the liver 10 times faster than insulin sent in by injection. So
those who take this injection can have only 25% of it stored in
liver. In a normally healthy person the glucose is released into
blood when it is less. When he feels hungry, but doesn’t eat
immediately, the glucose rushes into the blood and saves him
from becoming week. But it is not so in the case of sugar
patients. They don’t get glucose from the liver. In such a case
the sugar in the blood goes down causing hypoglycemia. That’s
why diabetic patients, especially those who depend on insulin,
must take food at regular intervals. Otherwise, hypoglycemia
sets in.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
1. Some of the symptoms at the early stages are – feeling
hungry, becoming terribly weak, sweating a lot, shivering
of hands, numbness at the mouth or fingers etc.
2. Speaking like a mad person, showing tension or irritation:
The patient should realize at once when he faces these
that the blood sugar has gone down terribly. These
symptoms are seen not only when sugar level goes down,
but also when the hormones called glucagone adrenaline
that increases the blood sugar. As the blood sugar secrete
into the blood keeps reducing, the patient gets headache,
mind stops working, behaves madly and finally goes into
coma. This is because glucose supply is not proper to the
3. Some people keep shouting or yelling when the brain
doesn’t get the glucose supply. Normally calm people also
suddenly behave thus. Some behave like drunken people.
When the sugar content reduces in the blood many
chemical reactions take place in the body. Sometimes, in the
process, the sugar content can shoot up more than the required
quantity. Of course it is not harmful. It will come down to
normalcy without resorting to meditation.
The care to be taken to avoid Hypoglycemia
1. Those who take medicines or insulin should not suddenly
change the dosage.
2. Should not do excess of physical exercise. If symptoms of
hypoglycemia are noticed immediately they should take 4
spoons of glucose or honey or sugar. After 10-15 minutes
if they don’t get better, they should be given a second
round of sugar or honey in water, a little more this time.
This way they can avert a major problem. If the
symptoms are ignored the patient may go into coma. So
the diabetic patients who depend on medicines and
insulin should always carry sugar or honey or glucose
with them, especially when they travel long distances.
Diabetic Coma (Hyperglycemic Coma): Persons who have
been under treatment for a long time their blood sugar will be
more than normal count. When the blood sugar is high, there
will be excess of ketone bodies in the blood. These ketones
have acidic quality. As a result, many chemical changes take
place in the body. This is called keto acidosis. When it reaches
keto acidosis stage is, there is every possibility of patient
getting into coma. This is mostly found in type-I diabetic
patients. Type II patients also go into coma but it is not
because of keto acidosis, but due to ‘Hyper Osmolar Non
Ketotic Coma’. Whatever is the technical name, the problem is
the same, and the situation is the same. Both are called
diabetic Coma and both are caused by excess of sugar in the
Insulin was invented in 1921. Before it was invented 50%
of diabetic patients died out of diabetic coma. Now only 1% of
them die.
Keto acidosis: Type one patients do not have the
promotion of insulin at all in their body. Normally the functions
of insulin are to carry glucose into the cells and to store excess
glucose as fats. Since these patients don’t have insulin, the
glucose in the blood can’t reach the cells properly. So it
remains in the blood. When the cells don’t get glucose, the
body prepares it from fatty cells and sends it into blood. Thus
the glucose in the blood shoots up. When fats get converted
into glucose some chemical matter like acitone, acito acitic
acid, and beta hydroxi beautiric acid are formed. These are
called ketone bodies. The excess of glucose in the blood is sent
out through kidneys. Along with that glucose, some water also
is sent out. Since excess of water goes out, the water content
in the body gets reduced. As a result, they feel very thirsty and
the skin becomes dry and withered. The ketone bodies formed
out of fats are also discharged through urine. When these
ketone bodies are more in blood, acidosis is formed. If water
content gets reduced and acidity increases through ketone
bodies in the blood, the body faces a dangerous situation. This
is called keto acidosis. When this symptom shows its influence
on the brain the patient goes into coma. This is a very
dangerous sign for them. By giving the required insulin the
patient can be saved.
After getting keto acidosis state, going into coma is a slow
process. It doesn’t take place all at once. They can notice the
danger before hand by observing some symptoms and avert the
Some of the early symptoms are - parched dry feeling at
the mouth, excess urination, excess thirst, vomiting, deep
inhalation, sweet smell at breathing. Urine test result shows
‘acitone’ in urine. If there is ‘acetone’ in urine, it should be
treated as a dangerous sign. Those who depend on insulin,
should not neglect it or should not reduce it if even if they don’t
eat properly.
Hyper Osmatic Coma: This is seen in type II patients.
Sugar content in blood shoots up suddenly. The blood thickens
due to deficiency of water and excess of glucose. This type of
diabetic patients does have insulin to some extent. So the fats
are not turned into ketone bodies. But with excess of glucose in
blood, the centers in the brain get damaged leading the patient
to coma. In both these types of coma, the patient has to be
shifted at once to the hospital for immediate medical aid. In
such a situation, he should be given insulin for instant action.
So, those who have diabetes, with little more care, they
can avoid both these types of coma. Some patients continue
the same dosage without getting their blood tested often. It is
not advisable. When the disease is at border stage, diet control
can be helpful. The moral of the story is every diabetic patient
should get his or her blood sugar and urine sugar tested
regularly. And consult a doctor regularly to increase or
decrease in dosages.
If blood sugar is more than 200mg, one should get
triglycerides and cholesterol tested. If it is on the increase
doctor prescribed medicines should be used. BP should be
under control. Fatty foods should be totally avoided. Taking
these steps will help avoid dangerous situation due to excess
blood sugar.
We have seen the dangers that diabetes causes in the
previous chapter. Now let’s see the complications caused by it.
There is a saying ‘the king doesn’t die alone. Many more face a
tragic death with him’. Diabetes is the king of diseases. It is a
silent killer of other parts too. If it is not in control for a long
period it harms many other parts of the body. Since there is no
proper cure for diabetes earlier- many people suffered in many
ways - lost their vision, lost their legs, had kidney problem,
went into coma and died. Once insulin was invented, many of
these dangers were averted. But still many are unable to
understand the seriousness of the disease.
The diabetic disease is potential to damage all the
important organs of the body. People take it lightly due to their
ignorance. They think they need not worry even if they become
diabetic since they can subside it with medicines or insulin. As
long as that is the only problem - yes! They are right! They
need not worry! But it doesn’t stop there! If it is in the body for
years together, it damages many parts. If you have fore
knowledge of the harms and complications the diabetes causes
you will surely be able to prevent them. So let’s learn about
1. Loss of Vision: Of all the senses, the sense of sight is the
most important one. 20 % of diabetes patients get their vision
affected during first 5-10 years. 60 % of them have their sight
affected between 10–15 years.
Just as the health of any part of the body depends on
its metabolism, so also the health of the eye depends on the
metabolism in the cells there. Diabetic patients are prone to
cataract due to extra-ordinary changes in the metabolism. The
lens, which gives us eyesight, uses glucose through a liquid
called Aquius humor. Since the sugar content increases in all
the fluids in the body in diabetic patients, it increases even in
the Aquius humor. As a result, excess of glucose enters into the
cells in the lens. Then a material called sarbital is released.
Because of this, many chemical changes take place and the eye
lens becomes thick. As a result, the vision is affected. Normally
cataract is seen in patients beyond 50. But in diabetic patients
it is found much earlier.
There is an important part called retina in the eye. This
works as a screen on the camera. This retina contains two
types of receptors called rods and cones. Rods work even in
darkness and cones work only in daytime. We can differentiate
colors only through them. The sunrays fall on the retina
through the eyeball and stimulate the rods and cones. The
nerve impulses that are formed out of this are sent into the
brain through the nerve of the eye. These nerve impulses in the
brain are converted to identify the scenes and the different
things that we see. Many thin blood vessels start from the
place where the eye nerve starts and they spread all over the
retina like the spokes in a cycle wheel. The vision of the eye is
affected if the blood doesn’t flow properly in the blood vessels
of the retina or if the blood vessels are thickened or if the blood
flows more than normal. In diabetic patients the minute blood
vessels in the retina expand in some places and contact in
some other parts. Since the blood circulation is not properly
done in the places where it is closed, new tiny blood vessels
crop up, but they are not of much use. As a result, the cells in
the retina get damaged. Gradually, the minute blood vessels
become thin and they break open at places where they are
swollen. When they break up bleeding takes place in retina.
When such bleeding takes place in excess, retina is cut off and
suddenly there is total blindness. This is called ‘Diabetic
In some people the blood vessels on the white ball of the
eye get enlarged and the white ball is turned into red color.
This is called ‘Sub Conjunctival Haemorrhage’.
When the minute blood vessels swell, when new blood
vessels grow, the pressure increases in the eyeball. Glaucoma
is caused because of this and the eyesight is lost. In the olden
days when diabetic patients lost their vision, they had to
remain blind forever. Now thanks to advancements of laser
treatment, they are able to stop bleeding in the eye.
2. The Loss in the Kidneys: The food we take goes into the
cells through blood and undergoes many changes there and is
finally converted into energy. When energy is produced, some
waste materials are also released. These waste materials if
they remain in the blood without being sent out, they hinder
the metabolism in the body. All the cells in our body are
floating in fluids. The body is healthy only if the fluid is pure.
The waste material released into the blood is filtered by
kidneys and is sent out of the body. Man’s life is not only
dependent on his heart and blood circulation, but also on the
kidneys. Even if all other parts are good and kidneys are
affected, one’s life is at stake. So, now let’s see how the
kidneys get spoiled in diabetic patients and cause dangerous
a) The weakening of the Urinary Bladder: Many diabetic
patients don’t get the inclination to urinate even when the
urinary bladder is filled with urine. Normally when the urinary
bladder is filled with urine, signals are sent to the brain from
the urinary bladder through the nerves in the spinal cord. The
brain sends back instructions to the nerves of the urinary
bladder through the center in the spinal cord to contract.
Immediately urination takes place. But those who suffer from
diabetes for long cannot urinate properly. It is because these
nerves in them get damaged and muscles cannot contract
properly. Some urine remains in the urinary bladder. Hence
they frequently get infections. This can be rectified only
through surgery.
b) De-functioning of kidneys: In most of the diabetic
patients, if sugar is not under control for long, the kidneys get
affected. This de-functioning of the kidneys starts five years
after they become diabetic.
The kidneys are filled with nephrons to filter the blood.
They are nearly about 1,000,000 in each kidney. They filter the
blood. In cases of acute diabetic patients the acidity in their
blood increases, the blood vessels which supply blood to the
kidneys get hardened, the minute blood vessels in the
nephrons get affected. As a result, they cannot filter the blood
properly. So they can’t take back the useful material into the
body and can’t send out the waste material properly. Hence the
kidneys get damaged. This is called nephropathy.
Normally the proteins in the plasma of the blood are not
filtered. But when the kidneys get damaged, proteins and
especially albumin go out through urine. This albumin protein
is found in the blood vessels. The plasma of blood contains
both water and proteins. These proteins, especially albumin,
prevent the flow of water outside the blood vessels. The
diabetic patients urinate albumin too. When albumin becomes
less, the water in the blood vessels goes out into the fluid
outside the cells. As a result the body is swollen with this
water. First the face gets swollen and slowly the body. So if
albumin is found in urine, it is a warning signal that the kidneys
are on the road to failure.
The waste material to be discharged by the kidneys stay
back in the blood causing a dangerous situation called ‘Uremia’.
This may lead to Coma.
The bunch of minute blood vessels in the nephrons
become hardened causing Hyline Degeneration. This can lead
to another danger called ‘Kimmalstil Wilson Syndrome’. This is
caused to chronic diabetic patients for years. Mostly men get it.
Symptom of the disease
1. A great quantity of albumin is lost in urine.
2. Proteins get reduced.
3. High B.P.
4. Swelling of the body.
5. Total damage of the retina.
3. Neurological Problems: For chronic diabetic patients the
nerves and the muscles in the last parts of the body get
damaged. All the different types of neurological problems put
together are called ‘Diabetic Neuritis’ or ‘Diabetic Neuropathy’.
Every nerve is formed by the combination of few neurons.
One nerve contains many bunches of neurons. A sheath, like a
plastic cover over the electric wires, covers every neuron. This
is called Myelin Sheath. The Nerve impulses go to different
parts of the body just as current flows through wires. These
nerve impulses are based on the Myelin Sheath.
Normally insulin is required to send glucose into the cells.
But every rule has an exception. So some cells of some organs
don’t require insulin to receive glucose. They are retina, the
lens of the eye, kidneys, nerves and red blood corpuscles.
Those who have sugar complaint naturally have more of
sugar in the blood and so naturally more glucose goes into the
nerves. When the glucose gets stagnated more in the cells it is
converted into another sugar item called ‘Sorbital’. This is also
called sugar alcohol. When this Sorbital increases the Schwan
Cells in the Myelin Sheath get destroyed. Hence the speed of
the nerve impulses slows down. When the Myelin sheath gets
damaged, the nerves become weak. That’s why people get
cataract at an early age, nervous weakness and emaciation of
In diabetic patients, since the sugar is excess in blood
vessels, the inner walls of the blood vessels get thickened and
slowly blocks will be formed. Blood will not be circulated
properly to the last parts. When the nerves of the last parts of
the body don’t get proper blood supply, the most useful things
like oxygen and glucose don’t reach those cells. So ultimately
the nerves become weak.
Now let’s analyze the nervous problems and symptoms in
sugar patients.
a) The Symptoms regarding sense of touch: Most of the
diabetic patients suffer from numbness, tingling, burning
sensation and leg pains. When they walk, they feel as if they
are walking on sponge or on cotton. They feel some soft
substance is stuck to the lower part of their feet. Sometimes an
unbearable pain shoots up now and then like lightning. This
pain is felt more at the feet than at the hands. This is felt more
at night, during winter or rainy season. Some get an irritation
at the slightest touch of cloth at the feet or the thighs. This
irritation at sense of touch is caused irrespective of sex,
irrespective of the intensity of the disease. If any one gets it in
the early stages, he can get it cured by changing food habits
and by taking medicines regularly. Whereas in some cases,
their nerves get damaged so much that they have to suffer a lot
however much treatment is given.
When the above mentioned symptoms are felt, it is better
to get blood sugar tested before they rush to a nerves
b) The symptoms regarding muscles: In diabetic patients,
there is no hard and fast rule that only the nerves pertaining to
sense of touch should be damaged. Any nerve can be damaged
for that matter. As a result, the muscles get damaged.
As the nerves pertaining to the urinary bladder get
damaged, they don’t feel like urinating even when it is full.
This situation crops up because the nerves that contract the
urinary bladder don’t get the message properly. Because of this
urine remains always in the bladder and this leads to infection.
Men cannot participate in sexual inter course actively
since the nerves of their sex organs don’t work properly. So
they get disheartened. When they get the sexual urge, excess
blood flows to their sex organ normally. This blood flow is in
the hands of the nerves. But in diabetic patients, since para
sympathetic nerves break down, the polstal valves, which allow
and store blood into the sex organ can’t function properly.
Since there is no proper blood circulation into the male organ,
it can’t remain erect for long in the sexual intercourse. So this
hinders their action. Such an impotency is called Erectile
3. The problems to the heart and blood vessels:
Every cell in our body requires energy to work. This
energy is produced out of the glucose in the blood. Since
diabetic patients have less of insulin, the proper amount of
glucose doesn’t go into the cell. Hence, the body has to make
an alternative arrangement to supply energy to millions and
millions of cells. So it produces energy from fats, but in the
process more of cholesterol is released. Since cholesterol is
released more for diabetic patients, their blood vessels get
contracted and blood circulation becomes difficult and the
coronary blood vessels that supply blood to heart get
contracted resulting in improper blood circulation. So it leads
to heart pain. If blood circulation stops totally, it leads to heart
attack. Heart attack is a common problem for almost every
diabetic patient.
A survey conducted in America proved that every year
nearly 5,00,000 people die of heart attack and almost all of
them suffer from diabetes.
The general symptoms of heart attack are – chest pain,
sweating and pain that start at the left part travels to the wrist
through the inner left hand. But the problem with diabetic
patients is - since their nerves are damaged, they can’t feel
these symptoms. And they are not sensitive to pain. They get a
sudden heart attack that may lead to death. Diabetic patients
who are very fat have greater chances of heart attack.
4. Changes at the blood vessels: Every part of the body gets
the blood circulation to it through blood vessels. But sometimes
these blood vessels get hardened, or narrow down or blood
clots are seen floating in the blood. Any of these reasons can
cause a hurdle to the free flow of blood. So when blood
circulation is not proper to a particular part, it gets decayed
and if it stops, that part even loses life. When the blood vessels
get hardened and lose the contraction, expanding nature, they
break open sometimes causing bleeding. Such bleeding leads to
paralytic stroke and loss of speech.
For diabetic patients the cholesterol level increases
enormously, obstructing the pathway here and there. So let’s
see now about such harmful cholesterol.
Cholesterol: Cholesterol is one of many types of fats. This is
found mostly in milk, meat, eggs etc. It is not found in
The fats in the food we take, after they are digested in the
intestines are segregated into tiny granules and are sent to
different parts of the body through blood. These granules are
called lypo proteins. They are of two types (1) HDL (High
density Lypo Protein Cholesterol) and (2) LDL (Low density
Lypo Protein Cholesterol). The researches proved that normally
HDL cholesterol is more than the LDL cholesterol in the blood.
The reverse law is dangerous here. If LDL is more than HDL, it
leads to heart attack in many cases. When cholesterol remains
in the blood vessels, it leads to high B.P. When B.P. increases,
the Lypo Proteins make the walls of the blood vessels harder
further. So B.P. increases further and leads to heart attack.
Now let’s see, how cholesterol thickens the walls of the blood
vessels and how it leads to heart attack.
The LDL cholesterol flowing in the blood goes into sub
endothelial place through a thin way found between the
endothelial cells. The LDL reached thus gets a chemical change
called oxidation and attracts the white blood corpuscles called
monocytes in the blood. This pulls these corpuscles into the sub
endothelial place. Thus thousands of monocytes are gathered
there and fill it up. Some receptors are found over these
monocytes cells. These receptors are found over these
monocytes cells. These receptors send LDL cholesterol into the
monocytes. As a result the monocytes swell and enlarge that
place. Then the endothelium layer over it is raised above. This
way the walls of the blood vessels swell and the blood
circulation slows down.
When the above mentioned changes take place in the
coronary blood vessel which supplies blood to the heart, the
blood circulation to the heart comes to a stand-still causing
heart attack.
So, based on these experiments it is proved that when
LDL cholesterol is more in the blood, especially in the diabetic
patients, B.P. increases and they have every chance of getting
heart attack. 90% of heart patients were found to have sugar
complaint, in a survey. All these details are given here, not to
frighten you but to give you only a general awareness.
5. Infection at regular intervals: Normally when bacteria
enter our body the white blood corpuscles in our body wage a
war against them and kill them. This is what is known as
resistance power. But for diabetic patients, this resistance
power gets lessened because of excess of sugar in their blood.
Since they can’t effectively kill these harmful bacteria, they are
prone to contagious diseases easily. Those who don’t have
sugar under control frequently get fever, pneumonia, T.B. and
diseases through fungus. Since blood circulation is not normal,
especially it is not properly sent to the feet, the wounds to the
feet are not healed quickly. So it is always better for diabetic
patients to do exercises or Yoga exercises to have free blood
circulation to the feet.
6. Diabetic feet: Those who have been suffering from
diabetes for a long time face many problems in their feet. If the
feet lose life they have to be amputated through surgery. This
is called gangrene. There are many such patients who have lost
their feet or fingers. Now let’s see the reasons for this!
The blood vessels in our body become thinner and very
delicate as they reach the feet. For old age people naturally the
blood circulation is reduced to the feet. Adding insult to injury,
if they have diabetes too, it slows down still further. In
addition to it, the nerves get damaged and they lose a sense of
touch. The diseases caused by microorganisms appear mostly
in the feet. On should clean their feet well, especially between
the toes. So when their nails are painful, or get hurt or get boils
by wearing tight shoes, they should see the doctor.
Some careful measures to the feet:
a. Hot water massages should not be given to the feet.
b. Feet should not be kept in hot water for long.
Keeping them thus, the cells under the skin are likely
to be damaged.
c. Should not cut nails deep inside. The nails should not
be cut shorter than the toe. While cutting also, care
should be taken.
d. Tight or narrow shaped shoes should not be used.
e. Should not walk without slippers.
f. Sense of touch reduces due to damage of nerves in
the feet. So when wounds are formed at the feet that
are not painful have to be taken proper care of.
g. Should take care to avoid corns.
h. Feet should not be wet. Especially the gaps between
the toes.
So diabetic patients should take preventive measures to
keep the feet safe. If any part of the foot is decayed there is no
alternative except to remove it. Sometimes it may even lead to
7. The problems to the skin: Just as diabetes affects every part
of the body so also does it spoil the skin. Since the diabetic
patients urinate more, the water content in the body gets
reduced. Hence the skin becomes dry. It also loses its natural
softness. The skin from the knees below to the ankle becomes
drier. Some people have yellowish blebs under the eye and at
the elbows. Some have pinkish spots between knees and
ankles. Slowly they turn into reddish color, shine well, become
stiff and turn into boils. This situation is caused when the fats
under the skin melt. This is called necro-biosis Lypoedica
Diabete corum. Some times these scars turn into wounds. The
platelets in the blood become thick and hinder the blood
circulation. When the blood vessels swell, such a problem is
8. Problems during pregnancy: Ladies with diabetes face many
problems during pregnancy. Sometimes it will be dangerous to
the lives of both mother and child.
Normally the influence of hormones will be more on the
body of pregnant ladies. Pancreas gland tries promote more of
insulin. Other hormones also cause many changes. Diabetic
patients when they become pregnant, the promotion of insulin
will be much more in them. So they develop insulin resistance
and hence insulin becomes useless. As a result the sugar
content in the blood increases. The blood that reaches the baby
is no other than the blood with excess sugar. Only glucose goes
to the baby not insulin. When the baby is four months old in the
womb the insulin production starts.
When the sugar content is more in the mother’s blood, the
pancreas in the baby gets stimulated and beta cells increase in
number. Hence they promote more of insulin. When insulin is
more, the excess glucose in the baby is stored as fats
(glycogen) in it. As a result, the weight of the baby increases.
So mostly diabetic women deliver heavier babies than other
women. Even after delivery, insulin will be more in the baby’s
blood. So the sugar in blood falls down in the baby more than
the required content. That can lead to a dangerous situation
sometimes even to the death of the baby. The children of
diabetic mothers will be born with diseases. Sometimes the
pregnancy leads to abortion.
The pregnant lady should take care - if she becoming
fatter than a normally pregnant woman, if diabetes is
hereditary in her family, if the B.P. is high, if the size of the
stomach is increasing more than expected size.
So till now we have analyzed in detail the various
complications due to diabetes. To cut a long story short, we
must realize that all the important organs of the body get
damaged. If any of these problems crop up along with diabetes,
nobody can save us. We have to suffer life long till our end.
Generally diabetic patients are initially scared and take
meticulous care and take medicines regularly. They go for
regular medical checkups. Some of them get over this initial
fear once they are cured of it. They think that is the be all and
end all. So they stop taking medicines and start eating
everything. If they neglect thus, the blood sugar in them
shoots up to more than 300 mg. Once it reaches that much, it
takes much more time to come to normalcy. In the meanwhile,
as we have already seen, the silent killer would have silently
done its duty in different parts. Now, Mr. Diabetes, the king of
diseases is ready to attack you with his allied forces (other
organs) all the more, and hoist its flag of victory over you. You
will by then become a weakling with nobody to help you and
even a peace treaty will not help. So wake up before it’s too
late. As soon as you see symptoms of diabetes fight it out at
your doorstep itself. Don’t allow it inside. No considerations
whatsoever. Take care of your food habits and keep your blood
sugar under control. Otherwise be prepared for the worst.
Life Style can be defined as a systematic way of life that
fulfills the requirements of the body, all the 24 hours. The six
requirements of our body are air, water, food, exercise, rest
and excretory action. Since these are the basic requirements -
every living being should fulfill them everyday of life. Our life
should be in accordance with nature, for the simple reason that
we are a part and parcel of nature and our requirements are
natural requirements. We have to lead our life in the lap of
nature and so as long as we are alive, we should lead a life
bundled with nature. This is our basic requisite as being on this
mother earth.
Remember the requirements of our body are six. The first
one - air is required endlessly, every second of our life. Luckily
we need not voluntarily breathe this air. It is done unknowingly
involuntarily, and the required fund of oxygen is provided to
the body as long as we live. If we don’t create any hurdles for
such a respiratory system, it goes on all by itself. So one
requirement is fulfilled. We need not even think about it. The
other five are in our control and we should supply them as and
when the body requires.
We should supply whatever the body requires whenever it
requires. It is an automatic machine. So it conveys to us what it
requires. If we supply what it requires, it will follow its duty
and keep itself healthy and attractive. You may wonder how it
knows what if requires when (water, food, exercise, rest,
excretory action)! Its creator, God makes such an arrangement
So we need not worry what it wants. It will send signal. We
have to provide what it requires. It is that simple. For instance
a car is different from a car driver. The driver fulfils the
conditions of the car. If the car requires something and the
driver provides something else, the car will not function.
The same rule applies in terms of our body; we are
different from our body. We are in the body but we are
different (like driver). Though it is different, we are sitting in
our body car as driver to reach our goal. A driver who drives a
car has two goals. One to keep his car in good condition.
Second, to drive such a good car to reach his destination overcoming
all the hurdles on his way. The same way, we too have
two duties. Keep our body in good condition giving no scope
for any disease as long as we live. Second to live in our healthy
body over coming the hurdles like the influence of the five
senses and five vices like lust, anger, jealousy, selfishness and
attachment and ultimately reach our goal of our journey.
Presently we are interested in our first goal only.
The car also requires six things like our body. They are
air, water, oil, movement, excretion and rest. The driver
provides what ever it requires, whenever it requires in the
required quality. He doesn’t provide something else other than
what it needs. If he does so, it is not helpful to him in any way.
On the contrary, his costly car gets spoiled. So nobody ever
dares to do that. The same law applies to our body too! We
should provide what it requires, and the way it needs. If we
provide one instead of the other or more than what it requires,
our body will be spoiled. This body of ours is given to us as a
boon after many incarnations. So we can’t afford to abuse it.
All other living creatures lead a systematic life in fulfilling
the requirements of the body. They drink water as much as
they require and as and when they need. They don’t drink when
not required. They don’t say ‘this water is not tasty’ or ‘ I am
sick of drinking water’ or ‘who drinks in this cold weather’.
Regarding food they follow meticulously what to eat, what not
to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, when to avoid, what to
do when food is not digested and so on. They go in search of
food as an exercise. They never say, ‘let’s forget food today.
Who is going to eat now?’
As per rest – they give the required amount of rest to the
digestive system and the body. They don’t feel like eating all
the 24 hours or moving around all the 24 hours. As per
excretion – they know when to let out their waste material and
how many times. They know when to fast. They ignore neither
the nature calls nor their fasting dharma. Thus they fulfill the
conditions of the body and honor the dharmas (duties) of the
body. Whoever follows dharma, dharma will protect him. Since
those creatures follow dharma their bodies are protected. That
protection is the secret of their good health. One’s natural duty
is to co-operate with one’s own body. Our health is in that
natural dharma. Health is thus maintained in such an easy and
simple way. We can’t buy it. Nor can we borrow it from others.
No doctor can provide us our health. Health is the birth right of
every living creature which leads a natural life. All those
creatures that live on their own have good health even without
asking for it. They are strangers to illness. They don’t get B.P.
as an aging symptom. They don’t get sugar complaint as a
hereditary disease. They don’t get diseases like – paralysis,
heart trouble, arthritis, loss of vision, tooth decay etc. Do you
know why they are so lucky enough? For the simple reason
they live naturally!
Now, if we analyze our case, I mean human beings, before
civilization people were careful enough like the car driver. They
had regular habits and made good use of their body. In those
good olden days people did not know what diseases were. Once
people became more civilized they started giving more
preference to their sense organs rather than to their body.
They were careful enough about the other four requirementswater,
exercise, rest, excretion but they neglected food. They
gave more importance to the tongue than to the body. Slowly
that laid a foundation to diseases.
As days passed by, people started getting into jobs and
business that further hindered the requirement of exercise to
the body. As it is the food they took created more of waste
material inside. Added to that there is no exercise to the body
to drive out the waste. The result? A lessened excretory action!
Once the waste matter stagnates in the body the body doesn’t
get the required amount of rest. As the material that can cause
diseases piles up, the symptoms of disease are shown outside.
Once the disease prone material piles up, we don’t feel like
drinking water. Water is the most needed requirement. So
when we don’t drink it properly, it only adds to our problems.
The whole body is prone to diseases. Neither a child nor an
aged person can be happy. The resistance power is declining
day by day. The natural element is dying out in the body and
the unnatural element is gaining more ground. Due to this, the
metabolism is not taking place properly in the cells.
Our body consists of millions and millions of cells. The
body has to fulfill the needs of the cells. So it goes without
saying that whoever provides what the body requires, they will
have good cells. If they have good cells, they have good
resistance power in the body. Such people will not have any
material that causes diseases. Those who have good cells
which in turn give them resistance power, will not have any
health hazards come what may - change of weather, place,
water. They don’t suffer even if they go out in the hot sun,
pouring rain or sleep in cold weather. Virus or bacteria can
cause them no harm.
We are causing great damage to our body ourselves. Many
mistakes of ours cause some illness or the other. A child’s
vocation is endless imitation. Our children imitate us. They
follow our habits and they acquire our diseases. Our genes lay
a foundation for their genes. They are born to us with a
foundation already laid by us, for diseases. Their bad habits
build a wall over that foundation. This is what is known as
hereditary. You may hand over millions of dollars you have
earned with great effort, to your children out of your great love
for them. There is no guarantee they can use every penny of it
properly. They may blow it away or it may be stolen. Whereas
the diseases you hand them down, they have to bear them
permanently. Isn’t it unfair on our part?
The main reason for diabetes is the pollution of the cells.
You know why pancreas is not able to produce insulin? It is
because its ‘beta cells’ have been damaged. Why are they
damaged? It is because of our own bad habits. The very fact
that the cells are not able to produce glucose properly is proof
positive that some thing is wrong somewhere! The scientists
name such an unnatural development in the body Sugar
Complaint, Diabetes. But they are not able to tell you how to
drive out this unnatural phenomenon. No amount of medicines
can drive it out. So the notion has cropped up, once a diabetic
patient always a diabetic patient. But it is a false notion.
Anybody can bring back his body to its natural state from
the unnatural state. The only way to drive out this unnatural
state is to fulfill the body needs in a systematic way. This is the
only medicine for diabetes. You don’t have to buy this. No side
effects. No expiry date. All you have to do is to tune your mind.
That is the only capital investment to regain your health. But
the tragedy is many people are not aware of such a simple
cure, and they suffer inevitably.
Let’s analyze the ways and means followed by people to
cure themselves of this disease.
The Methods adopted today to cure diabetes: We have already
learnt the main reason for the sugar complaint. To overcome
this problem, people follow some of the following:
1. They walk for about an hour either to keep it in control or
to reduce the reading.
2. They reduce the quantity of rice in the lunch. For dinner
they totally give up rice and eat only bread with curry.
3. Some totally give up potatoes and the like whereas many
reduce the frequency.
4. 75% of people totally give up sweet items whereas 25%
eat them occasionally with fear.
5. Many dare not eat fruits. Many don’t even touch fruits like
banana, peaches, mango etc. Those who are in the early
stages eat mangoes limitedly. Those who cannot resist
give in to eat mangoes, ignoring diabetes in their body. It
leads to increased blood sugar.
6. They don’t add sugar to tea, coffee, milk they drink. Every
one strictly follows this.
7. Don’t take honey.
The above-mentioned precautions may keep sugar under
control for few months or may be few years. All they can do is
to follow the diet prescribed by the doctor and take medicines
or injections regularly. They get their blood tested regularly for
every 2, 3 months. They feel happy if it is under control and
feel tension if it is not. Every diabetic specialist firmly stresses
the fact that any one who crosses 40, 50 years age is likely to
be a prey to it, once he falls a prey, there is o question of
coming out of it and that he has to be diabetic for life long. This
notion is so deep rooted in the hearts of the people that they
have come to accept it as the law of life.
So diabetic patients have accustomed themselves to use
medicines, strictly adhering to diet restrictions. Earlier people
were scared of diabetes but now people are treating it as ‘all in
a days’ work’. Of course, this attitude is good. You should not
be scared of any disease and sugar can’t be controlled if you
are scared.
But the problem is the dosage of medicines you use in the
early stages will not suffice for the rest of your life. You never
know! Some may have to double it within 4, 5 years and some
may have to resort to insulin injections!
The sugar complaint doesn’t harm you all by itself. It
brings with it a chain of other complaints in spite of a regular
intake of medicines. So we do see may people suffering from
other complaints like loss of vision, kidney problem, heart
trouble and many others. These are the side effects of sugar
complaint! All these are inevitable!
Diabetes is not driven out by different methods explained
before or by regular intake of medicines. There is no guarantee
it won’t aggravate in future. The methods adopted above do
not fulfill the requirements of the body.
The natural way to drive out sugar complaint is to fulfill
the requirements of the body. Now let’s see how they can be
fulfilled through ‘Natural Life Style’.
The conditions of Natural Life Style: The requirements of our
body are five. They are water, food, exercise, rest and
excretion. They are also called the dharmas (duties) of the
body. (dharma of water, dharma of food, dharma of exercise,
dharma of rest, dharma of excretion). We should provide all
these requirements everyday! Now let’s see if we provide each
requirement, how we can get rid of sugar and also get back the
natural state of the body.
1. Dharma of water – you should drink 5 liters of water per
day in a systematic way at stipulated times. This supply of
water purifies the cells and produces a healthy
environment inside.
2. Dharma of food – you should eat 50, 60% of natural food.
Can eat 40-50% cooked food but should cook vegetables
without adding salt and oil. Should totally give up nonvegetarian
food. The percentage of restoration of natural
health is directly proportionate to the natural food you
eat. It helps a total change in the structure of the cell.
3. Dharma of exercise - Exercise enables an easy flow of
good into the body and bad to outside. Pranayama and
Yoga exercises are easy and greatly helpful
4. Dharma of rest - Man is a daytime creature that means
you should eat and work only during the day. At night you
should give rest to the external body as well as the
internal parts of digestive system. This gives resistance
power. This dharma protects the body from an attack of
diseases. So finish your dinner before sunset.
5. Dharma of excretion - Should send out the waste material
in the form of motion, urine, sweat, Carbon dioxide –
through four excretory organs. Should have a free motion
2, 3 times a day. Should send out 2-3 liters of urine and 1-
2 liters of sweat. It is advisable to fast if you are well.
If you follow these five dharmas, you are fulfilling the five
requirements of the body. The systematic way in which you
follow these dharmas is known as daily routine. I have detailed
this is another chapter. If you can follow this routine you will
be completely cured of sugar complaint within a month or two.
Not only diabetes you will also be cured of other complaints.
You will also be benefited in many other ways! So come on,
before it is too late, change your food habits and follow the
Natural Life Style.
Added Advantages of Natural Life Style:
1. You will be cured of diabetes forever. It doesn’t recur as
long as you adhere to Natural Life Style.
2. The millions and millions of cells in our body follow a life
cycle. Some of them die out giving place to new ones. For
all those who have been leading an unnatural life style,
their cells would have undergone many unnatural
changes. Their resistance power would have reduced. If
you follow regularly this life style for about 5-6 months
the old cells die out giving birth to new cells. These new
cells are filled with energy and good health. So
automatically your resistance power increases and you
yourself can feel acquiring a new body.
3. The general belief is if both the parents are diabetic,
children are likely to get it by hereditary. It is because
already a seed of diabetes is laid in their bodies. It is only
waiting to raise its head at the right time, here wrong
opportunity. ’Prevention is better than cure’ no doubt, but
there is no preventive medicine in modern medicine or in
any other system. Only Natural Life Style can prevent it.
You will never fall a prey to it. We have many medical
sciences, but not life styles.
4. Generally doctors advise diabetics against eating any
fruits. But in Natural Life Style you can eat any fruit you
like, once your blood sugar is under control. Even if you
take fruits as 50-60% of your daily food, sugar reading
won’t shoot up! After all, fruits are nature’s gifts to man!
But there are many who are deprived of them! This should
be a good news for many such people.
5. It is inevitable for many people to get blood pressure at
the age of 40, 50 years and arthritis at the age of 50, 60.
But when you adopt Natural Life Style and could get rid of
your diabetes you can be sure you would never fall sick
like others. This Natural Life Style enables you to lead a
perfectly healthy life henceforth!
6. This is the great benefit one can get in these modern days
of specialization where doctors are treating a patient in
bits and pieces. Many people suffer from various
complaints besides diabetes. Such people have to consult
as many super specialists as the case may be. If they
cannot afford, they are not cured of them. Except in
homeopathy, in other medical sciences you are cured of
only the ailment you mention of!
On the contrary, the way Natural Life Style works is very
surprising. Let’s assume you have diabetes, blood
pressure, headache, arthritis, allergies, acidity etc. If you
concentrate only on diabetes, it will get subsided within
ten days. In the meanwhile acidity, headache and the like
also disappear. B.P. would have come down to normal in
10, 12 days. In another 10 days you are totally cured of
diabetes. You will continue to follow Natural Life Style
even after you are cured of it. Then slowly you will find
relief from arthritis. Within first 2, 3 months of your
following Natural Life Style allergies and arthritis will
totally disappear. Your other complaints, if you have any,
too, will disappear without your knowledge. As long as
you eat this food, they don’t dare to come anywhere near
to you. When the Life Style changes, the condition of the
body improves. Gradually the cells in the various organs
become more and more efficient. Since the method
adopted is natural, the body cures itself of any unnatural!
The root cause of all the diseases is unnatural food and
unnatural life style that was followed by us over the
decades. So the Natural Life Style is the sole cure for all
diseases. It also prevents all diseases.
7. ‘Difficulties come in a cluster’ is the saying. It is true of
diseases too. The more you are ill, the more you become
angry, irritated, impatient, restless and uneasy. They
don’t allow you to be peaceful. Basically some people are
more irritable than others. Such people, if they adopt
Natural Life Style for about 4, 5 months 40, 50% of their
anger and irritation will disappear. By the end of a year
80-90% of mental disorders disappear. There will be a
complete change for the good. So you can say ‘Difficulties
go in a cluster through Natural Life Style’.
8. ‘Sound mind in a sound body.’ The food you take and the
good health you have will influence your mind. The
‘Natural (satvik) food’ you take, doesn’t give place to
anger and temptations. You become very calm and cool.
In turn philanthropy and spiritualism become part of your
nature. You start thinking about others welfare.
9. Presently medicare became very expensive to everybody.
If you are diabetic you have to spend big on tests,
medicines and doctors for life long. You can save all that
money if you follow Natural Life Style. With the cure of
other ailments through Natural Life Style, your medical
expense will become less, or nil.
10. Every time you visit a medical office you need somebody’s
assistance. Becoming a nuisance to yourself and to your
other people. Any ailment in body depresses you
mentally. Once you resort to this Natural Life Style, you
need not step out of your home. You don’t need
anybody’s assistance. You become more confident of
yourself. Sitting at home, you can cure yourself. It is you
who have spoiled your health, so it is you who have to
cure yourself, through a change brought out in your life
style. The mistakes are committed at home, so they can
be cured only at home through this Natural Life Style.
So did you realize the manifold advantages of Natural Life
style? Of course, initially all this appears to be strange and
troublesome because it is new to you. Tomorrow is a postdated
check. Yesterday is a cancelled check. Today is ready
cash! So use it today properly, now it is in your hands. You
never know what is in store for you tomorrow! In addition to
that, you are not going to do something strange or peculiar. It
is so natural, if you look at it closely.
Already, lot of time has been wasted following unnatural
Life Style. We are suffering now and our children will suffer
later. Before this is handed down to their children, it is high
time we all collectively wake up and change for the better. We
cannot live peacefully if we alone are healthy and the rest of
family is suffering or vice versa. ‘Home, sweet home’ is
possible only when everybody is healthy. This Natural Life
Style is designed and made suitable for all the members of the
family, whether they are healthy or suffering from diabetes or
any other disease. ‘Better late than never’!
You know, it’s a blessing in disguise to be a diabetic
patient! It’s because, that brings about a desire in you to cure
yourself! It motivates you to change your habits and in return
give manifold benefits to your body. Because you are lucky
soul, good days are ahead of you. If you become a good soul,
all days are good days. So don’t delay. ‘What you can do
tomorrow, you must do today, what you can do today, must do
now.’ Let us go back to Natural Life Style and live happily till
our last day on this earth.
Our beautiful body is a methodical compilation of millions
of living cells. Our health is based on their health. Our
cleanliness is based on their cleanliness. Their requirements
are our requirements. We are dependent on them. The first
requisite of these cells is air. We are supplying that air through
breathing, all the 24 hours, unknowingly. The next most
important thing is water. It is our primary responsibility to
provide the required quantity of water to the body. The
question is how much water should we drink in a day?
Our body inside consists of 68% of water and 32% of
solid matter. So the cells require more than three fourths of
water. The cells will be clean and their movements will be
proper only if enough water is provided. We should drink 5
liters of water per day to keep 68% of water and 5 liters of
blood in the body, pure and clean.
You can drink these 5 liters of water in two installments.
The first installment of two and a half liters of water should be
taken on empty stomach. In the early hours cells in the body
will be busy in excretory action and in purifying themselves. So
the water you take from the time you wake up till your
breakfast time, gives a bath to the cells.
You should drink the second installment of water during
the daytime when your stomach is empty. This intake of water
protects your body from the sun’s heat and the heat generated
within from your work. How to drink these 5 liters of water, is
detailed elsewhere in this book. Such an intake of water gives
many advantages to the diabetic patients. Let’s see what they
1. Diabetic patients urinate more. Excess of glucose in the
blood is sent out through urine, but it also drags out
water with it. As a result, there is a deficiency of water in
the cells. To compensate the loss of water in the body,
Diabetic patients should drink more water. But they
entertain a false notion that more intake of water will
lead to urination in large quantities and it will result in
further weakness in their body. And desist from taking
enough water. If you drink 5 liters of water we advocate,
you will have the required amount of water content in the
body compensating the loss caused due to excess
2. Mostly patients with sugar complaint feel thirsty most of
the time. It means the body is signaling to drink more
water since there is shortage inside. Everyone drinks
water no doubt but still they feel thirsty. It is because
they are not drinking in a proper way. If you drink water
in a systematic way as we advocate, you will never feel
thirsty, even if you are a diabetic. Generally we, human
beings, drink water while eating. If you want to quench
your thirst, you should not drink while eating food. The
water drunk with food takes 2, 3 hours time to reach the
cells. What does thirst for water indicate? It means the
cells need water. If the water is to reach them directly,
you should drink water on an empty stomach or half an
hour before eating. If you take two and a half liters of
water in the morning as suggested, even if you are a
chronic diabetic patient, you can quench your thirst
3. Due to the shortage of water content inside the body,
there will not be sufficient blood supply to the skin. Just
as the leaves of a plant dry out when there is no water
supply, the skin of the diabetic patients also gets dry. The
skin gets stiffened forming scars and white lines on it.
Especially, the skin at the feet gets spoiled. By taking
more water blood circulation improves and the skin
becomes smooth.
4. Diabetic patients get many skin diseases like boils, rashes
etc. If they take in plenty of water, it will drive out the
waste material at the pores of the skin and keep it
healthy. Blood circulation to the skin will improve
avoiding skin diseases.
5. The food we eat reaches as glucose to the cells through
blood. Some salts and other materials also reach the cells
through blood. These items are first released into the
liquid outside the cells. From there, they enter the cell
through oxygen. Water and glucose reach the cell and
with the help of a few enzymes, they release energy
there. The waste material left out in the process is sent
out of the cell. All this takes place in the presence of
water. If enough water is not supplied, the movement of
food inside and waste outside of the cell is not done
properly. It results in damage to the cells. In those who
don’t drink sufficient water, the waste material in the
body doesn’t go out properly. The intake of 2-3 liters of
water on an empty stomach dissolves this waste material
and pushes it out of the body through sweat, urine and
motion. Water is protector of the cell.
6. Normally the salt content we take through food is more
than what our body needs. Part of it will be left out in the
body. That will stagnate in the fluid outside the cell. Such
stagnated salt slowly stiffens and thickens the outer layer
of the cell. As the salt travels along with food through the
blood vessels it thickens the walls of the blood vessels in
due course that results in blood pressure. If such thick
blood vessels become thickened due to the passage of
salt through them, then imagine the plight of the poor
cell’s outer layer. If this gets stiffened the movements to
and fro get disturbed. If you take 5 liters of water, it
dissolves the salt outside the cells and sends it out
through urine and sweat. The density of salt gets
lessened due to the proper intake of water. It also makes
the outer layer of the cell smooth. Then it becomes
healthy enough to absorb energy form the glucose. The
water you drink purifies the environment in and outside
the cell. It helps in reducing the glucose content.
So, those who have diabetes at border level (200 mg%
blood sugar without using medicines), if they drink water as
prescribed here, their sugar level reduces to 150-160 mg%.
Of course if it is more than 200 mg%, it will not reduce
without change of diet. Mind you, we are not saying, you
will be cured of sugar complaint only by drinking water. But
it does help restore the cell’s health. It does reduce the
sugar level. You will be surprised at practically seeing the
improvement in many patients.
7. Those who suffer from sugar complaint for quite a few
years get other complaints like numbness, tingling or
burning sensation at the feet due to the damage caused
to nerves and blood vessels. Those who have obesity in
addition to sugar complaint have more of these
complaints. They get these problems because the blood
doesn’t reach up to the feet and fingers through the thin
blood vessels. Blood is thicker mostly for diabetic
patients. Since the water content gets reduced, the blood
doesn’t flow properly to the last parts of the body. So
their blood vessels are closed. If such people drink plenty
of water, the blood becomes diluted, and travels speedily
to the last parts too. So the closed blood vessels open up
allowing a free flow of blood. 70-80% of people get cured
of their problems at feet by drinking water thus.
8. When sugar level increases - the cholesterol, triglycerides
in the blood also increase and the blood vessels close
down. If they drink plenty of water, the water prevents
the storage of fats in the blood vessels and helps in an
easy flow of these fats.
9. Some sugar patients feel terribly hungry. So they keep on
eating some thing or other, even when the body doesn’t
require it. As a result, sugar level increases more. So it’s
like devil or deep sea for them. If they eat they have
sugar problem, if they don’t, they feel hungry. Such
people can get rid of this problem, if they drink water as
suggested here. Two hours after lunch, if they drink a
liter to liter and a half of water in phases (one glass for
every 20, 30 min) for two hours, they won’t feel hungry.
Diabetic patients have many other complaints too. The intake
of water as we suggested, cures other complaints also. You
may not be aware of the manifold advantages of drinking water
for such patients. Hundreds of diabetic patients followed this
prescription, found tremendous results and wrote to us. You
can read experiences of others in the later pages of this book.
It is our fundamental need to drink the required water for the
body. You need not necessarily be a diabetic patient to do so.
We were told that first the five elements of Nature were
formed, then stones and pebbles, then the green vegetation,
later small creatures, insects and then the animal kingdom. It
is estimated that the living organisms came into existence
some 3.5 billions of years ago. Of course we are all aware of
the fact that man is evolved from animal.
Many millions of creatures are living on this earth. Even
before they came into existence, the food required for them,
was provided. The infra structure of theses living organisms is
designed to suit the food they eat. So, once a creature is born,
it has to learn intuitively what food suits its body and it should
lead its life accordingly. This is the dharma of Nature. The
creatures should live accordingly.
For instance, the elephant knows whether it is vegetarian
or non-vegetarian. It knows what it is to eat. It doesn’t eat
everything that is handy. Anywhere in the world, the elephant’s
food is the same throughout. It eats the same food without any
change, life-long. The elephant doesn’t have different varieties
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It lives for 100 years. All
elephants live for 100 years (except the ones in the zoo). You
never hear of some elephants living only for 50, 60 years, dying
at an early stage or prolonging to 120 years. In the 100 years
of life span they don’t suffer from any of the ailments, as we do
-like loss of sight or hearing, arthritis, loss of energy, infertility,
blood pressure or sugar. They just give up life very easily. Till
the last minute they move freely and eat normally.
The same way all the tigers lead a particular way of life.
Their food and their life style is different from other animals,
but among all other tigers it is the same. They don’t undergo
any illness. So all the animals born to nature lead a natural life
and help Nature. They fulfill their life’s purpose. If you observe
thus, all the 8.4 million species on this earth follow natural life
style in a systematic way.
Man too is one of the creatures on this earth. Man is
better than the rest of creation since he is more intelligent and
has a mind to think. Man too learns like any other animal what
to eat once he is created. In fact for many thousands of years,
he ate natural food and moved in forests. As long as he lived
thus he was a stranger to diseases. Never had a need for
doctors. Man’s life span was for a few hundreds of years. We
read in our epics that man’s life span was for thousands of
years. In the present day conditions we can’t believe it.
American scientists experimented on the cells and have
proclaimed that man has such a wonderful cell structure that
he can live for about 800 years. If man eats food that contains
pranic (life) energy, keeps his mind under control, and follows
pranayaama, reducing the number of breaths, man’s cells can
produce energy for about 2000 years. Is it believable? Yes, you
can believe it since the scientists said so.
Man who has such a wonderful life span, instead of eating
natural food, brought changes in his food style through his
intelligence? Once he invented fire, he learnt to boil and cook
food and made it tasty for the tongue. The invention of fire
brought problems to man’s life. His intelligence did not stop
there. He did not just cook food he learnt to add some tastes to
it. He learnt to store food. Finally reached a stage where he
started adding chemicals (medicines) to food.
Man’s lifespan was supposed to be 100 years till recently.
Now average life span has come down to 60 - 70. Can he live
healthily till those 60 years? No! There is no man or even a
child who can boast about his perfect health or who can
challenge that he has never used a medicine. Why did he come
down to this stage? Why is life span reduced to 60, 70 years
clubbed with ill health? Doctors and people give some of these
1. Pollution in atmosphere causes many diseases.
2. Water pollution.
3. Too much of manures and pesticides used to produce the
food we eat.
4. It is all in the day’s work. As we grow old we are destined to
fall sick. We can’t help it.
5. Passing the buck. Putting the blame on the forefathers.
Mostly people feel these are the five reasons for their ill
health and they are external forces. They can’t undo any of
these five because they are not in their hands. But if you throw
the blame on these you can never become healthy.
These five reasons affect only 10% of your health. For
the other 90% you are to be blamed. Eating cooked food
ignoring natural food, yielding to tastes and consuming food
through out the day – are the reasons for 90%.
They make you a patient for life long. No one realizes it.
Not even the doctors. Any number of medicines, super specialty
hospitals, new medical treatments cannot do anything to make
you healthy and happy.
It is not to say you should not invent new methods of
treatment or new facilities or new medicines. The fault doesn’t
lie there. If man doesn’t become healthy, you should not blame
the treatment or the medicines. Nor you should blame the
doctors even. ‘The fault lies in us. In the food we eat.’ As long
as you don’t change your food style, you keep searching for
reasons of your ill health. The diagnosis is more important than
the treatment.
For instance, scientists have evolved 9, 10 reasons for
diabetes. We have discussed them in an earlier chapter. Among
them are hereditary, excess weight, old age, stress, hormone
deficiency, virus etc. These reasons were found out after years
of researches. Since most of the diabetic patients have the
same problems, they have become established reasons. But
you can’t get rid of diabetes through medicines as long as you
don’t find out the source for these reasons! Where exactly is
the fault?
You can totally get rid of this disease if you can drive out
these reasons from the body. You do a simple experiment. You
don’t think of the reasons. You just eat and see for yourself
how the natural food we suggest here and find the results. It
drives out your diabetes. If you are cured of your disease
through this method, you will realize that the unnatural food
you eat is the reason for your disease. As long as you eat
natural food, sugar complaint cannot dare to touch you again.
So once you learn practically that the food you eat is the root
cause of evil, why think of 10 different reasons? Cooked food
alone is the root cause of all the evil.
We all know what is a good habit, what is bad, what is
good for digestion, what is good for health, what spoils our
health and what not. But still we do not care our body or health
due to our ignorance. That is our greatest fault. When it
becomes beyond repair we feel sorry.
Why should you eat Natural food?
We are all Mother Nature’s Children. That mother knows
what food to serve us to lead a healthy, happy life. She knows
what food is good for easy digestion, how many proteins and
vitamins should be there and what its taste should be for her
children to relish. The food prepared thus by Mother Nature is
personally cooked by Sun God. The Sun God drives out the bad
energy in it and fills the food with pranic (life) energy and
nutritional values. So many godly arrangements have been
made in making the food for us to eat.
Cooked food is of two types: a) Cooked by Sun b)
Cooked by fire. Cooked by Sun means ripened or ready to eat.
It is called Sun-cooked food that we are supposed to eat. The
food we usually eat is cooked by fire. We are turning Sun
cooked food into fire-cooked food.
We are born to eat Sun-cooked food every day. Prior to
eating we should thank the tree, Mother Nature, Sun God, and
all the five elements for providing such good food without
expecting any return from us. We should promise to repay their
kindness. Since we are endowed with wisdom, we should
express our gratitude to them. If we eat nature’s food with
such a godly feeling, it becomes food offered to God.
When we are born to eat food thus, see what we are
doing! The fruits, seeds, vegetables appear to be insipid and
tasteless to us. So, every day, every item of food, all through
the year we cook and add new tastes to eat.
Sun God can give forth life, whereas Fire God knows only
to kill. For instance, if we dry food grains in the sun, they can
be stored for many days free of insects. But if we fry them they
become useless in 10, 20 days. If you fry them lukewarm and
try, none sprouts. Seeds lose its life because of heat.
The same seeds sprout well if you expose them to sun.
When we cook food, it gets heated up to 100°. The food fried in
oil is heated up to 300°. Such heating kills along with life
(pranic) energy oxygen, enzymes, vitamins and many more
proteins. By eating cooked food every day, no benefit is derived
to the body. Especially we lose resistance power. Cooked food
gets decayed by every hour. Harmful bacteria get into cooked
food and spoil it. The food thus spoiled in turn harms our
health. On the contrary if we eat the food that has life (pranic)
energy we get the same energy. Life becomes more promising.
To cook food is a sin. The amount of food you cook piles
up that much amount of your sins. That’s why our elders
compared our diseases with our sins. Good health is compared
to the blessings you get. Your Good health is directly
proportionate to your good deeds. So it is in your hands to do
good or bad. The same way it is in your hands to be healthy or
To be born is not in our hands. Death is not in our hands.
Life is nothing but the time between our first breathing and the
last. That life is in our own hands. If we lead the life between
birth and death in perfect health it is heaven. If we lead in ill
health and evil thoughts it is hell. So we get what we desire.
What food we eat: The food we eat should provide us
good health, increase our mind power, physical strength and
prolong our life span. Our body requires 7 types of nutrients
through food. They are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and fibrous material. Our body is made up
of these and it is surviving with the help of these.
Scientists have conducted experiments and have given us
calculations regarding how much of each is to be consumed
and how much is to be substituted everyday. So whatever
nutrient is spent has to be replaced in the same measure.
There is a wear and tear of an inanimate thing like car
too. Even if you use it for one day, each item is affected. Some
engine oil will be used up, petrol will be consumed, water will
evaporate and tyres may lose air. You are maintaining the car
in good condition by providing whatever and whenever it
requires. Can the car run without petrol? Just as we know how
to take care of the car, we should also know how to keep our
body car healthy. For that we should provide all the above
mentioned nutrients along with air and water. The tragedy is
everybody is taking care of the inanimate thing, but how many
of you are taking care of your one and only one precious
possession, the body car? If you are taking care, you will not
have any health hazards. Ill health means sufficient quantity of
nutrients is missing in the body.
Let us look at ourselves. You are not able to drink plenty
of water for fear of frequent urination. Do you breathe air at
least properly? No! Cigarette smoke or phlegm fills the lungs.
In some cases the big belly prevents it. What about the seven
nutrients you require? Are they provided in your food? No, you
don’t have the seven nutrients in the food. You have the seven
tastes instead! The nutrients in the food are killed through
cooking! That’s why our health is like this.
Think of the number of medicines we take. One tablet for
free motion, one for arousing hunger, one for digestion, one for
acidity, one for gas trouble, one for stamina, one for calcium
deficiency, and one for anemia. With so much of commotion
inside, how can we sleep peacefully? No fear! One more tablet
for sleeping. Not to stop here, hormone injections once in a
while. The food we eat is not able to keep any part of our body
in tact. By this time you must have become aware of how many
nutrients are provided in the nature’s food.
What type of food should we have to receive all the seven
nutrients every day? It should be natural food. They are fruits,
vegetables, leafy vegetables, root vegetables, seeds etc. You
need not eat all the five varieties every day. You can mainly eat
the ones which have all the seven clubbed in them. Or you can
eat two, three varieties a day. Now let’s see the type of food
that contains all the seven nutrients.
1. Vegetables: They have carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, and fibrous material. Fats and proteins will not
be there.
2. Root vegetables: They have more of carbohydrates. Fats
and proteins will not be there. The other nutrients are
there but not in the required amount.
3. Leafy vegetables: They have carbohydrates, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibrous material and do
not have fats.
4. Fruits: They don’t have proteins and fats but do have
plenty of other nutrients.
5. Seeds: All the seven nutrients are found aplenty in these
seeds. Nothing else can beat these. Especially you can get
all the proteins you require only through the seeds. Seeds
provide fats in easily digestible form. You require
definitely fats for intelligence and proteins for physical
stamina. So the complete food for you is seed!
Out of the five categories mentioned above, you can
ignore root vegetables. You can ignore leafy vegetables too
since we can’t eat them raw. We can try the vegetables, though
we can’t eat all vegetables raw. Since pesticides are sprinkled
on them we should be careful in our choice. Raw vegetable
juice is far better to eating them raw. It is easier too. The
chapter on ‘Daily Routine’ details upon how to extract
vegetable juice. Your food should contain at least 10-15% of
raw vegetables per day.
Now, coming to fruits they are the easiest to eat and the
best for health. All like them and they are the best. The fruits
enable you to eat more of natural food, naturally. 20% of your
food per day should be fruits. After you are cured of diabetes
you can eat 40% of these. It is good for health. Working
people, businessmen and middle-aged men (40-50 years)
better prefer such food. You can of course avoid expensive
fruits like grapes, apples, pomegranate, on which pesticides
are more. You can eat normal fruits like grapes, apples,
pomegranate, guava, orange, citrus fruits, papaya, mango,
banana, watermelon, peach etc. It is advisable to eat them as
they are or drink their juice, without adding ice or anything for
Regarding seeds - since they are the complete food, every
day every man should regularly eat them as 25% of their food.
Seeds include green gram, black gram, red gram, sesame, Alfa
alfa, malt, Soya, wheat, groundnuts, coconut etc. Since we
can’t eat them dry we should soak and get sprouted before we
eat them. The raw groundnuts, green peas, red gram, coconut
that are directly taken out of fields should be eaten as they are.
They are tasty. People have a wrong notion that they cause fat
and cholesterol. Even doctors advise you against using them.
It’s wrong. They will make good the deficiency of hormone and
nutrients. If you don’t eat seeds, you are likely to get sugar
complaint. You will read in the chapter “Answers for Frequent
Doubts” about why fats or cholesterol do not increase in the
body. How to grow sprouts - read in the chapter “Daily
So you can just eat fruits and seeds to provide all the
seven nutrients. In fact, we are born to eat only fruits and
seeds. It’s a sin to cook food. So stop cooking and start eating
‘Sun cooked food’ hereafter. By taking to Sun cooked food you
can be assured of perfect health. You will not become sick. You
will not be bedridden. You don’t need medicines or doctors.
You feel energetic throughout your life. You can drive out
diabetes from your genes. You will be hale and healthy as long
as you live. Your soul leaves your body finally as a dry leaf
leaves the tree and falls down.
Let’s see what cooked food you should eat in the next
chapter. First let’s know the various advantages of fire cooked
food for sugar patients.
1) Diabetes is caused mainly due to shortage of insulin in the
body. The raw food you eat can activate the beta cells in
the Pancreas, which in turn promote insulin. Insulin
hormone is created out of proteins. It has the qualities of
protein. So, if the beta cells have to promote insulin, they
require raw material! Is it not a simple logic? However
talented may be the potter in his craftsmanship, can he
create pots out of nothing? Doesn’t he require the raw
material? Raw material for pancreas is sprouts. They have
plenty of proteins. In addition to it, they are natural food.
If you provide them the beta cells can supply you insulin
naturally. So without insulin injection from outside, if you
are cured of sugar complaint, it is because of the
activated beta cells inside.
2) As you grow old, the strength of the insulin hormone
decreases. Beta cells lose their stamina, which means
they can’t produce enough insulin. Then you are prone to
diabetes. But by eating the raw food, as suggested here,
continuously, the pancreas gets sufficient stamina to
produce insulin through out your life. Animals also have
this Pancreas. But they are not exposed to diabetes
because they eat natural food.
3) 70% of diabetic patients have obesity. So their first
requisite is to reduce weight. Doctors recommend
reduction of weight to bring down sugar content. If they
adopt natural food their weight and sugar content can
come down simultaneously. Plenty of fibrous material is
available in this food to help reduce excess fat.
4) Generally sugar patients become very weak or feel weak
quite often. Since they are scared of eating more, they
don’t eat enough food and it leads to weakness. The
vegetable juice, fruits and sprouts give more energy with
no scope for weakness.
5) The muscles become weak and lose stiffness gradually in
sugar patients. Sprouts and sun-cooked food provide
sufficient proteins that keep the muscles stiff and help
them work more energetically than before.
6) The intestines promote a few enzymes and hormones. The
promotion of insulin is partially based on the promotion of
enzymes, GIP, Gastrin, Pancreozymin hormones. Cooked
food reduces the promotion of these to some extent. The
sun-cooked food provides enzymes and nutrients in it and
in turn helps in the promotion of enzymes and hormones
to the fuller extent.
7) If you desire your living cells to have good health you
should provide them food that has life (pranic) energy.
These cells promote many enzymes which carry on the
metabolism. All the enzymes are created out of proteins.
These enzymes help in the promotion of energy to suck
glucose into the cell. So if you fulfill the needs of the cells,
they can perform their duties. You do your duty the body
will do its duty. The cells can’t function properly in
diabetic patients. Since the sun cooked is created for our
cells. If we eat it, the health of the cells improves. If the
cell’s health is good, sugar reading will get reduced.
8) The fats like triglycerides and cholesterol increase more in
the blood of diabetic patients. They lead to heart trouble.
60, 70% of sugar patients are prone to heart diseases.
Sugar complaint leads to many more complaints. The fats
do not reduce when sugar is under control, but they
increase when sugar increases! You can bring them under
control within 15, 20 days, with natural food. As long as
you eat this food you will not have a trace of them in the
blood. The best and quickest way to reduce cholesterol
and triglycerides is to eat raw vegetables with home made
wheat bread, both for lunch and dinner. The natural food
contains items like B-Vitamin, fibrous material, lecithin,
orginine that in turn melt cholesterol. So they also
prevent heart diseases.
9) Every cell membrane contains receptors. They are found
around the cell. Insulin must enter the cell through these
receptors to send glucose in. Even if there is sufficient
quantity of insulin, if the receptors are not sufficient, you
are prone to diabetes. The natural food you eat can
provide the required amount of receptors always. The cell
requires the raw material to create them. Since we are
amply providing it, the sugar complaint is cured.
10) Diabetes damages the nerves gradually. Slowly they lose
energy. Due to this loss, they cannot enjoy marital life
properly. As a result they get mentally depressed. As long
as man can lead a normal sexual life everyday he ignores
all his other illnesses. But unfortunately, this sugar
complaint spoils his main interest or happiness in life.
They can get rid of this loss by eating ‘sun cooked food’.
Especially sprouts and coconut sesame (white, raw) give
energy to the nerves and one can become more energetic
than before.
11) Generally diabetic patients give up fruits and reduce the
intake of food (to reduce weight or to reduce sugar). So
they have less of blood. If new blood has to be formed in
the body again, they should eat well. Otherwise, blood
gets reduced and cannot reach the end parts of the body.
Those parts are affected by numbness, irritation etc.
Anemia causes weakness. To increase the blood to normal
level you can take vegetable juice with one or two
spoonfuls of honey and eat fruits for about 20, 25 days.
Intake of seeds helps in creation of new blood.
12) Fibrous material is really helpful to diabetics. The
undigested fibrous material moves out of the intestines
and comes out as motion. The digested one gets into
blood and cleanses the blood vessels. It pulls out the fats
not allowing stagnation there. When you eat the citrus
fruits, you should not spit out the pulp. You should chew
pomegranate and then swallow it. The Sun cooked food
we eat contains plenty of fibrous material. So we should
eat more vegetables. Now let’s see how fibrous material
helps the sugar patients. The food we eat, once it is
digested in the intestines, is sent into blood as glucose.
When there is plenty of fibrous material in the food, it
gets digested slowly. So even the glucose that comes out
of digested food goes slowly into blood. Since fibrous
material slows down the flow of glucose into blood, sugar
content in the blood doesn’t shoot up at once. Because of
this insulin too will not have to work hard. Sugar content
will be less.
Diabetic patients should avoid food without fibrous
material, like cakes, bread, sweets made out of sugar,
milk, sugar, ready made wheat flour, white rice, ice
creams, eggs, and non-vegetarian items (including fish)
etc. By giving up them, besides diabetes, other diseases
too can disappear.
Sugar complaint affects the eyesight also. Sun cooked
food helps in improving vision or stops from further
deterioration. For some it gives such an improvement that
they can read without the use of spectacles. If you have
been eating natural food right from the beginning, you
don’t have to consult an eye-specialist at any time of your
13) Diabetic patients lose resistance power. So the wounds
won’t heal easily. The body attracts all types of
microorganisms. Whereas for those who eat natural food,
healthy bacteria will be formed which protect the body
from harmful bacteria. They don’t allow the bad ones to
enter and they kill the bad ones already present. Liver will
be the happiest part of your body if you eat natural food.
It need not work hard. Automatically its strength
increases to protect us well. Natural food also increases
the resistance power in the blood. So even if they get any
wounds, they will heal quickly. It would prevent them
from becoming septic.
14) With natural food, the body is benefited in many ways in
addition to curing diabetes. It clears mouth sores, the
greasy material of the joints increases, teeth become
strong, grows thick hair, skin texture improves, other
hormonal problems disappear, menstruation will become
regular, those who have infertility can have children,
breast milk will increase, the bones will become strong,
the bones won’t become soft. Especially this food helps
the thyroid gland. And it brings many more advantages to
the body.
Can’t you believe the manifold benefits of this food?
These are the benefits derived by thousands of people
and you will read their experiences in this book. For many
years I have been eating this food 100%. Since many
people have been benefited beyond our imagination, I
wish to spread it far and wide to make everyone enjoy it.
A few thousand years ago, human beings ate only
uncooked food. That’s why their habits and behavior were
good. We all know that the food we eat influences our
mind and heart. Everybody longs to have a good heart but
only few desire to eat good food. If we wish to get
perfect health or live our full life, we should all go for
natural food.
The Sun God cooks the natural food. When this food
is cooked over fire, it is called cooked food. With the
advent of civilization man learnt cooking food and drifted
away from Sun cooked food. Once the food is cooked it
becomes insipid. So man has invented tastes to make it
tasty. Such tasty food leads to generation of many
diseases and ailments to the body. Diabetes had its origin
many thousands of years ago. In those days, people had
fresh natural air, drank plenty of water, did physical work
and had no stress and strain. But still this disease
affected them. Why? It was only because of the cooked
Today taste is given top priority! ‘As the number of
tastes increase, so the increase in number of illnesses
today.’ Diabetes is spreading all over like a contagious
disease. If this trend continues, we will reach a day when
no family will be left without being diabetic. The simple
reason for this colossal loss to mankind is mere cooking.
Before we eat we see whether every item of food is tasty
or not, but never once do we think whether it is good for
our health. We eat varieties of food, but are they
good for our health? No, we don’t bother about them! Do
we eat fruits as they are? No! we make them tasty to
drink or to eat. We make jams out of fruits. We add milk,
sugar and flavors to fruit juices, eat guava with salt and
chili powder, add salt to water melon, sugar to papaya.
Why? Because we are addicted to taste!
Think of how many liters of sodas, oils, alcohol, how
many pounds of salt, spices, chicken, meat, butter, fats
etc go into our stomach every year, ultimately exposing
us to unthinkable diseases silently. In fact for the abuse
we are causing to the body, it should have caused us
diabetes long back. How long will it bear with our abuse?
It has lost its patience! It’s beyond its means to digest all
that stuff that you dump into it! So it sends out signals of
ill health to caution you! Call it anything-diabetes or
something else! Some sickness is shown outwardly. It cooperated
with you all along. Is it not your duty now to
reciprocate? Satisfy its requirements! Then it will cure
itself. That’s the only medicine for the body. That’s the
Natural Life Style we advocate here.
Can you guess who helps you in eating such
delicious food so happily? They are the seven taste
creators - salt, oil, butter, sweet, sour taste, chili powder
and spices. Out of these seven, six are children. They are
oil, ghee, sweet, sour, chili and spices. Their mother is
salt- the queen of tastes.
We are preparing many tasty dishes out of these
seven taste creators. Do we need them for the body or for
the tongue? Nobody can say they are for the body. Body
never longs for them. It needs only food for energy, not
taste. The tongue needs the taste but not the food. Since
we require good health, we should ignore the demands of
the tongue and give preference to the body.
The doctors too are aware of the fact that these
seven items of taste damage the body. So they suggest a
diet control too along with medicines. Some advise you to
reduce oil; some salt and some advise you to give up sour
taste totally. Diabetic patients are advised against eating
sweets. Even you know that you can’t bring diabetes
under control if you continue eating sweets in spite of
taking medicines. The medicines won’t help, if you don’t
give up taste. So if you want them to work you should
have a diet restriction. Now tell me which is curing you -
medicines or diet control? It means as long as we are
alive we are neither cured of disease nor are we free from
medicines. That is the fate of many human beings today.
Neither they have good health nor can they eat anything
they long for! If you desire to be one of them, you
continue your life with medicines blended with diet
control. If you strongly desire to be absolutely free from
this irritable diabetes, change your food habits. With
Natural Life Style you can give up medicines. Natural
food itself is your medicine.
Thousands of diabetic patients experimented on
themselves. A regulated, systematic diet helped them
cured diabetes in 1, 2 months.
If you want to get rid of diabetes better you give up
taste for food. You can see for yourself your body
condition, your health, change in your thoughts, and the
fate of your medicines!
If you can cook food as designed here, it will be
tasty to eat and good for your health. Not only does it
reduce your sugar complaint but also other ailments you
have will disappear. We have replaced every item of taste
with a natural one to satisfy your tongue:
1 Chili powder: You can replace red chilies and chili
powder with any amount of green chilies.
2 Sour taste: Should give up dry tamarind. You can replace
it with amla, fresh and tender tamarind leaves, green
mango, gooseberry, lemon, tomato etc.
3 Sweet: Should give up sugar and brown sugar - you can
use instead honey and dates to any extent.
4 Oil: Should not use any oil. Instead of that you can fry
groundnuts and sesame, powder them and use. You can
grate coconut and use it.
5 Ghee: You can use thick milk or thick curds to any extent
in the place of butter and ghee.
6 Spices: You should give up all spices. Instead you can use
pulses, coriander leaves, curry leaves for flavor. Onions
too to any extent.
7 Salt: Should not use salt at all! All natural food have salt
of its own. So you don’t require adding more! Whatever
curry you prepare, the salt in the vegetable naturally will
suffice. That’s good for health too! If you want to
compensate salt you can do any of the following: You can
add plenty of green chilies, add grated beetroot and carrot
over the curries, add thick milk, or sour curds while
cooking, squeeze a lemon over the curry while eating, use
as many tomatoes as possible while cooking.
You may feel a little uneasy in the first ten days. Within 10
days the taste buds on your tongue change. So, after 10 days,
this food appears tasty. Natural food is helpful to cure the
disease you have. It is helpful even if you are healthy. You will
continue to be healthy with no chance to fall sick. If you are a
sugar patient, it helps you to get rid of it without using
medicines. Those who are likely to get it through heredity can
prevent it.
We feel very sorry for the present day situation. Little
children get their vision affected. At a budding stage itself they
have to go for spectacles. Many children have thyroid problem
or grey hair. The young girls are not maturing at the right age.
They are putting on over weight at an early stage. Many newly
married couples are not capable of begetting a child. Many
mothers do not have sufficient milk to breast feed their
children. Even small children suffer from acute diabetes
whereby they are forced to take insulin. At the age of 20, 30
people are becoming prone to B.P. and heart diseases. As they
are ageing, they suffer form arthritis, B.P., sugar etc. It is a
wrong notion to assume that natural food is helpful only to
diabetic patients. You can eat it whether you are diabetic or
not, whether you are a patient or not.
A cell is something we cannot see with the naked eye.
We can see it only through an electronic microscope. When an
organ is formed many such cells are put together. A body is
formed when many such organs are put together. These cells
have a part to play in beautifying our body. We are supposed to
possess 125 trillion cells in our body.
The same way different shapes are given to kidneys,
heart etc. All the cells are not alike. They have more energy and
more life in some parts and less energy and less life in some
other parts of the body. They all float in a thick fluid. That is
known as tissue fluid. This fluid contains more of water. That’s
why we have 68 - 70% water content in our body. Only the
remaining part is solid.
The wonderfully arranged cells have blood circulation in
them. The blood is pumped to the rest of the body from the
heart. The blood pumped thus is carried first by big blood
vessels. Slowly they decrease in size and they branch out into
many small blood vessels. The blood vessels that reach the cell
will be the minutest ones. They are as minute as the cell they
There are two types of blood vessels - one to give good
food to the cells and the other to drive out the bad from the
You may wonder what function such minute cells can
perform! All the chemical reactions in our body take place in
these cells only. It means such a small cell does the work that
even a big factory cannot do. In one word the cells’
requirements are our requirements. If we do vice versa the
cells get disturbed and fall sick. If we eat and drink, as we like,
the cells suffer. If we can fulfill their requirements, we can be
very healthy.
The cells require three things - air, water and food. All
the three are very important for the metabolic activity. The air
we breathe goes into the lungs and finally reaches the cells
through the blood vessels. If air doesn’t go there, we can’t
survive. If it doesn’t reach the cells, there is no point in
breathing. The same way the water we drink should go to the
cells from the stomach through blood vessels. Till the cells get
the water they require, their thirst will not be quenched. Even
the food we eat should ultimately reach the cells through blood
from intestines.
Our hunger subsides when we eat stomach full. But
actually hunger doesn’t subside then. The food gets
transformed and is made into tiny particles and is ultimately
carried into cells. The cells’ hunger subsides only when the
food material reaches them. The three requirements of the
cells-air, water and food must always reach them through
blood. The food material gets burnt up in the cell in the
presence of oxygen and produces energy. The energy (heat)
thus produced is transmitted to the rest of the body to meet
our needs.
Let’s compare it with a stove made to burn with firewood.
If we put sticks and add fire to them, they get burned. As
they burn, they produce heat (energy). The heat thus produced
cooks the food kept above it. The same way if we assume the
cell to be a stove, the food (glucose) to be the firewood. The
phosphorus to be the matchstick, oxygen supply to be air, the
combustion of food in cells generates energy.
We use our stove only two times a day. But the stove
inside us has to burn constantly. The heat has to be produced
endlessly as long as we live. If they stop producing the heat, it
means we are on our way to our grave.
Once the stick is burnt it gives smoke, charcoal and ash.
They are produced as long as the stove is burning. They are the
waste materials in the stove. The waste material is formed
even in our cells after the food is burnt up. We are taking food
in three forms. We provide oxygen in gaseous stage. After the
energy is provided the waste material carbon dioxide is formed
and is sent out through the lungs. The liquid form of water we
take, after it fulfils the needs of the cells, carries with it the
waste material that can be dissolved in it and goes out of the
body in the form of sweat and urine. The waste material
produced out of the solid food we consume comes out in the
form of motion. You clean the charcoal or the ash that remains
in the stove everyday. Otherwise the next day the stove won’t
burn properly. You cannot also fire much wood. That’s why
women make it their duty to clean it early in the morning. The
same formula applies in your life. The waste material produced
in the cells should be driven out everyday. If it is sent out, the
cell remains healthy. If it remains inside, health gets affected.
To send it out, you must get free motion 2, 3 times a day. You
must send out 2, 3 liters of urine. You must get at least a liter
of sweat. If you breathe oxygen well, you can easily drive out
carbon dioxide. Through these four excretory organs the waste
material released in the cells is sent out. To send it out easily
you must drink plenty of water. The waste material goes out in
these four forms after dissolving in water. The waste material
stagnates in the body of those who don’t drink enough water.
It lays foundation for diseases. That’s why we advise you to
drink 5 liters of water per day. The water taken on an empty
stomach cleanses the cells more easily.
The charcoal and the heat released is based on the type
of wood you use. If you use good wood, they give you more of
heat and less of charcoal. On the contrary, if you use coconut
sticks, they give less of heat and release more of smoke and
charcoal. The same way, the food we eat gives us less of
energy but produces more of wastage. Many people feel weak
and tired and quite a few fall sick for the simple reason being
the harmful food that they eat.
We should eat food that gives more of energy and less of
waste material to protect our cells’ health and in turn our
health. The natural food like sprouts, fruits, vegetables etc are
good for the cells. Such food gives us more energy and good
Sugar patients should eat food that releases less of waste
material. Then the health of the cells will improve quickly. Nonvegetarian
food gives less energy and more waste material.
Eggs, cakes, breads, sweets, items cooked with salt and oil,
unnatural food etc. damage the cells. Polluted cells give way to
various diseases. As the food is so are the cells. As the cells
are so the health is.
Men mostly use vehicles that run on petrol because they
run longer with lesser repairs. Whereas the vehicles that run
on diesel or kerosene get more of repairs and do not run
longer. The same way, if you know the formula of giving food
like petrol, the body car too will be in good condition.
Now let’s analyze the harm caused by salt. The cell has
two parts- inner part and outer part. You can compare the cell
with a fruit. For instance, you take a grape. The outer layer is
like the cell’s outer layer and the stuff inside is like the thick
fluid called cytoplasm. The seed inside is like nucleus in the
cell. The seed contains the qualities of grapes in it. The same
way the nucleus of the cell contains genes. There is a thick fluid
always in and outside the cell. There are Sodium and Potassium
in this fluid. There is 1% of sodium (salt) in the fluid outside
the cell and 8% of potassium inside the cell. This ratio is 1:8.
All living organisms have the same ratio. You may wonder how
this ratio is formed. Let’s analyze how this sodium-potassium
ratio does not get changed.
Sodium and potassium can easily enter a cell but the
chemical system in the cell drives out excess of sodium from it,
because the cell should contain less of sodium and more of
potassium. The same way, it takes in more of potassium. If this
ratio is reversed one’s life gets upset. So the cell membrane
acts very cleverly. It protects the cell wisely. Based on the
situation and the need of the cell, it sends in only what the cell
requires and drives out whatever is unnecessary. Thus it
maintains 1:8 ratio of the cell. It is scientifically proved that
greater energy is spent to drive the sodium out of the cell.
You observe the same ratio of sodium and potassium in
any natural food. It contains more of potassium and less of
sodium (salt). For instance let’s analyze their ratio in a 100g of
some vegetables:
100 g of food Sodium Potassium
1. Spinach 58.5 26
2. Carrot 35.5 108
3. Potato 11 247
4. Sweet Potato 9 393
5. Green peas 28 843
6. Mango 26 208
Our body requires more of potassium and less of sodium.
Per day we require 2500 mg of potassium only 280 mg of
sodium. Actually the body requires more of Potassium and less
of salt. God knows what you require and how much you
require? Since he knows it, he has created the food for us, even
before he created us. The food He created in the ratio we
require, in the sense more of potassium and less of sodium.
The natural food we eat, after it is digested gets to the tissue
fluid outside the cell, through blood.
The food that reaches the tissue fluid has exactly the
same ratio the cell requires. So without any strain the cells at
once absorb the food inside. It means if you eat natural food
naturally (without cooking, without adding salt) the cells
absorb it without any difficulty. It is good for the cell. But what
are we doing? We are basically committing two mistakes.
Cooked food is one and adding salt to it is another. These two
mistakes are hindering the life process in the cell. Let’s see
1 Cooking: By cooking our food the natural potassium is
getting destroyed. It goes out in the form of vapor. For
instance you take a sweet potato. It has initially 393 mg of
potassium. While eating we remove the outer skin. There 30-
40% of potassium is lost. If we eat it raw, it will be very tasty.
But, by heating it 50% of the remaining potassium is lost. To
compensate this loss, you should eat at least 80% of natural
food without cooking. Then the lost potassium can be
compensated. Then the body gets the needed 2500 mg. It
fulfills the cells requirement. Then life process will go on
2 Adding Salt: Boiled sweet potato is not tasty. So we add
some salt to it. The natural sodium content (salt) in it is 9mg.
we have added some more. It increases. So in the cooked
sweet potato potassium is less and salt is more. It means we
have reversed the ratio. Now let us see the problems faced by
the cells to accept the glucose formed out of such food.
Sodium also reaches the cells along with the food we take.
Since the particles of sodium and potassium are very minute
they enter the cells very easily. As sodium is more in the food
we eat, more of sodium reaches the cell. So the cell has to send
out excess of sodium. Along with this the food (glucose) too
has to reach the cell, but the problem is glucose can’t get in as
easily as sodium and potassium could get in. It needs the help
of insulin. The receptors at the cells’ outer layer should respond
to the insulin and then open its doors. Only then can glucose
enter. Poor cell has to do many things at the same time. We are
aggravating its work by sending more of salt. More than half of
its energy is wasted in driving out the salt. In the meanwhile
the most important work of receiving glucose may be put aside.
The salt inside the cell comes out and reaches the tissue
fluid outside the cell. If the salt content in the tissue fluid is
more, the fluid outside gets thickened. Water should be taken
to reduce this thickness. Water from the blood comes and joins
the salty fluid outside the cell and dilutes the salt thereby
lessening the loss caused by it. We are in the habit of adding
salt not only to the cooked food but also sprinkle it over raw
vegetables, watermelon and guava. So, per day on an average
we consume 10, 15g of salt through food, whereas the real
need is only 280mg of sodium.
The salt that we had consumed over the years is stored
in the fluid around the cell always. It doesn’t stagnate alone. It
attracts water and retains it as its companion. When this water
increases you feel a swelling in hands, feet and the face. At
times you find your face swell when you wake up in the
morning or during a journey. The reason for that is the
stagnated salt + water around the cell. Thus irritated cell tries
to get rid of it, but in vain.
When you happen to bathe in ocean for an hour or two,
the salty water irritates your thick skin and you long to go
home and have pure water bath once again. Then imagine the
plight of the poor little cell that you can’t see with naked eye.
How do you expect it to carry on its duties normally? That’s
why the most essential metabolism goes on at a slow pace.
The things which are branded as harmful - like cigarettes,
liquor, nut powder, tea, coffee, are not as harmful as salt.
These things do not reverse the ratio of sodium and potassium.
A handful of salt suppress the masses of cells. Better you free
your poor cells from the clutches of the harmful salt. Let the
cells live freely, to let you live happily.
The diseases may be many. Their names may be different.
But the root cause of all these is one and the same as we have
seen thus far - the ill health of the cells. Where the cells get
damaged, there the disease crops up. Once the diagnosis is
clear, the cure is simple. Bring back the health of cells to drive
out the disease there! Bringing back the health is possible not
by medicines, but by reforming your food habits! That’s why in
Natural Life Style, for any disease you have we suggest only
one medicine - Natural food!
Food is the best medicine! Whatever may be your
ailment, if you eat the natural food, within no time, even
chronic diseases that are beyond the control of medicines, will
get cured! That’s why we strongly recommend this Natural
Food Style for any patient. Those who strictly adhere to it are
able to get rid of their diabetes. I can show you hundreds of
diabetic patients, mind you, acute patients, swallowing 7, 8
tablets a day or insulin twice a day, who have been relieved of
Enough sodium for cells is available in plenty in the
natural food. If you eat this natural food, the cells will carry on
their work peacefully. Even if you eat cooked food without salt
along with the natural food, the sodium required is provided
sufficiently. The cells don’t have to strain themselves. That’s
why the sugar reading in the diabetic patients is not shooting
up even if they eat such a food. Only if they add salt from
outside, the problem occurs. Blood sugar is more for those who
add salt to their food.
The harms caused by salt to sugar patients:
Salt aggravates diabetes. Since metabolism and sugar are
inter-related, whatever hinders the metabolism aggravates
sugar. Let’s look t it closely:
1. The duty of the cell membrane is to take in necessary
things and leave out unnecessary things. It is a delicate
darling. As per rule, if this delicate darling has to be healthy,
the salt around it should be less. God has created food items
accordingly. The excess food that we take converts itself into
fats and gets stored in fat cells. If that fat is more, it is harmful
to the body. God has provided a place to store this fat in our
body. Even that is harmful after a few years and as you all
know, it leads to some disease.
The excess salt, like fat, has to be stored somewhere or
the other! But God has not provided a storing place for it in the
body! Such a harmful salt, finds its place around the cell. Due
to its pressure, the cell membrane and the blood vessels get
hardened causing B.P. The hardened cell membrane can’t
receive food material easily. So Glucose goes into the cell. The
glucose in the blood doesn’t come down easily. If salt is given
up, it will help the membrane to come back to normalcy. The
new cells that are born after a few months gain new energy to
receive the glucose from the blood quite easily.
2. The receptors that receive insulin should be more in
number and in good condition, if the cells are to receive
glucose. The receptors can work well only if the atmosphere in
and outside the cell is good. If more of salt is stagnated outside
they cannot work properly. We have already seen that even if
sufficient insulin is present in the body, the patient may not be
cured of sugar complaint. One of the reasons is malfunctioning
of the receptors. When you eat salt less food, you are cured of
sugar complaint! For that receptors must be functioning
normally again. The natural food we eat, gives birth to new
energetic cells that in turn enables the normal functioning of
the receptors.
3. By adding salt to the cooked food, potassium is reduced
and sodium is increased. This ratio is the opposite of what the
cell should contain. Naturally it takes more time for the glucose
to reach into the cell in such unfavorable conditions. To enable
a quick flow of glucose into the cell, the outside sodium
proportion should become normal. To make it possible you
should eat a salt less natural food. The cells absorb such food
as quickly as the child receives food fed by mother. The fast
food for the cell is the natural food we eat that enables the
cells to receive glucose quickly, which in turn reduces sugar
Scientists do many experiments on rats and if they are
successful over them, they give us the general truths based on
their findings. But I have directly experimented on sugar
patients themselves. The results were remarkable. I have
treated very serious, medically given up cases. 90% of them
have been totally cured of diabetes when they followed
meticulously the food style I suggested. Now they don’t use
medicines or insulin anymore. The remaining 10% still depend
on insulin or reduced intake of medicines.
Our body is made up of the five elements and each of them
has its dharma (duty or responsibility). A systematic daily
routine will cure diabetes. The five dharmas are:
1. Dharma of water
2. Dharma of food
3. Dharma of exercise
4. Dharma of rest
5. Dharma of excretion
By following the above said dharmas the unnatural
situation formed in the body is driven out and Natural
conditions are formed. They enable the body to cure itself of
the disease.
It is good to start your daily routine early in the morning
with peaceful mind, to treat diabetes yourself. Keep your mind
calm. Otherwise, if mind is agitated with fear, tension,
irritation or anger, it releases hormone ‘adrenaline’ into blood
at once. The liver sends out the glucose, which is stored for an
emergency, due to this hormone. As a result the sugar content
in the blood shoots up at once. So even if you don’t eat
anything, your disturbed mind itself can increase blood sugar.
This is the reason why doctors say that sugar would not come
under control in patients with mental tensions. Your mind will
be peaceful early in the morning. So, it is better you wake up at
4 or 5 o clock in the morning to start your daily routine.
Morning: Our body keeps cleaning itself in the early
hours. Most of the waste material goes out in the morning. We
are so busy in the morning with our job or business and we
tend to ignore this excretory dharma. But drinking sufficient
water will help bowel-cleaning process easy in the morning.
1. First Phase of Drinking Water: As soon as you get up, clean
your mouth with water and then drink one to one and a half
liters of water (not fridge water) within 5-6 minutes. Then you
concentrate your mind on your stomach and intestines not
allowing other thoughts to enter. Move around in the house for
about 5, 10 minutes. Then the waste moves forward in the
intestines and you will be forced to rush to the lavatory.
2. Doing Exercise: 20-25 minutes after drinking water you can
give some exercise to the body, if it is part of your daily
schedule. As a diabetic, when you begin this Natural food,
better you discontinue body exercise for few days, till your
weakness disappears. In the first 10, 15 days of transitory
period you may feel weak.
3. Second phase of drinking water: After a gap of 1- ½ hours
after the first phase (after exercise is over) drink again one to
one and a half liters of water, depending upon your capacity.
Again walk up and down concentrating on intestines and your
bowels will be cleared for the second time. You get a second,
free motion. Drinking 2 to 3 liters of water in the morning and
clearing bowels twice is very good for your health.
4. Drinking fresh vegetable juice: It is advisable to give up tea,
coffee, milk, once you choose this Natural food. After 30
minutes of drinking water for second time, say between 7 and
8 a.m. you can take fresh vegetable juice. Preferred vegetables
for fresh juice are snake-gourd, bitter gourd, ridge gourd, ash
gourd, tomato etc. Carrot and beetroot may be used for juice
when blood sugar comes down. You can mix any 3, 4
vegetables and prepare the juice. You should cut these
vegetables into small pieces and put them in a juicer or
grinder, add a little water (only to make them grind) and grind
them till they are smashed well. Then filter the juice by a thin
cloth. You can throw away the pulp. The juice thus filtered has
50% of fibrous material. That is enough for your health.
350 ml of vegetable juice with half lime and spoon full of
honey every morning will control diabetes within a month.
With the suggested Natural food, in another two months it will
disappear from your body. As long as you adhere to Natural
Life Style neither diabetes nor any kind of disease will come
nearer to you in your life. When diabetes comes under control
you may include carrot and beetroot and 4 spoons full of honey
in making juice along with other vegetables. Eating raw
vegetables in the morning is of not of much use. Instead, their
juice gives more benefit in short time.
Please Note:
a. You should drink this vegetable juice within an hour of its
preparation-otherwise it gets spoiled.
b. Drink this juice as many days as you can. When you go out of
station or when it is not possible just drink lemon juice with 1
or 2 spoonfuls of honey.
c. Once you are totally cured of sugar complaint, you can
occasionally drink fruit juices in the morning.
5. Eating Sprouts: 30-40 minutes after drinking vegetable juice
your breakfast is sprouts. The most helpful seeds for sprouting
are wheat, Soya beans, lentils, chickpeas etc. It is better to eat
2 to 4 varieties of sprouts per day.
Keep a handful of these 3, 4 varieties of seeds in different
containers and pour water till they are immersed in water. Do it
around 7 - 8 a.m. and keep them soaked thus till 7, 8 p.m. At
night, remove the water and tie them up in separate clothes
tightly and keep them aside for 30 hours (till day after
tomorrow morning). It means what you soak today will be
ready for day after tomorrow. If you have boxes with holes
you can keep the soaked seeds in them for the same amount of
time instead of tying them up. The sprout should be half inch
long enough. If needed, you can sprinkle a little more water
and you can keep them for another 24 hours.
You should eat these 3, 4 varieties of sprouts, your stomach
full. You should munch them well. You feel weak, if you eat
only a little. Sugar won’t shoot up even if you eat more. If you
munch them well, gas won’t be formed. Till sugar complaint
subsides well, you should not eat dates at all with sprouts.
Once diabetes is brought under control without the need for
medicines, you can eat dates. Blood sugar should get tested
Please Note:
a. Those who suffer from gas trouble, lack of appetite,
constipation should not eat these sprouts for 10, 20 days. Once
they subside, you can go back to sprouts.
b. After eating sprouts, you should not eat immediately any
cooked food.
c. In case sprouts are not ready or are not available, you can
have any breakfast without oil and salt for an emergency.
6. Third phase of water drinking: After two hours of eating
sprouts or breakfast and before half an hour to lunch you
should have a liter of water, may be in 2, 3 installments.
Afternoon: You can have your lunch anytime between 12
noon and 2 p.m. The curries for your lunch should be cooked as
we suggested with no oil and salt (refer to our book ‘Food and
Thought). Till diabetes comes to normalcy with no need for
medicines, don’t go for root vegetables. You can eat more of
the vegetables cooked with milk or fries with no oil. The more
the vegetables you eat, speedy is the recovery. You should eat
roughly half a kg to one kg of curry in lunch. Prepare one or
two items of curry per day.
You should eat bread out of wheat flour if you desire a
speedy recovery from diabetes. You can eat 2 or 4 breads
(polkas) for lunch with half to one kg of curry. Those who take
only 1, 2 tablets per day can eat a little home made yogurt,
along with bread. But those who have high sugar count, those
who depend on insulin, or those who are very fat, or those who
have triglyerides should not eat curd rice in lunch. They should
eat only bread and plenty of curries.
Patients with acute sugar who are dependent totally on
insulin are advised to eat raw vegetables with bread instead of
cooked vegetables. They should grate them and add curry
leaves, coriander, green chili, raw onion pieces and squeeze a
lime over them.
Diabetic patients should not eat fruits with food. Once you
are totally cured of diabetes, you can switch over to unpolished
(brown) rice or red wheat, gradually. They can also have plenty
of home made yogurt. But acute patients of diabetes should not
think of eating rice. Banana, mango, yogurt may be consumed
after 3, 4 months when diabetes is completely cured. Those
who have diabetes plus obesity shouldn’t give up bread.
Please Note:
1.You should not drink water while eating
2.Should not eat cooked vegetables with raw vegetables.
7. Evening: Till you are cured of sugar complaint, you should
not drink fruit juice. You can eat fruits. But not fruits like
mango, apple, grapes, papaya, banana etc. You can eat 4, 5
other available fruits with pulp in the evening. Chew well
before swallow. You can eat as many fruits as possible. Once
you are cured of diabetes, you can go for earlier forbidden
You can try clearing bowels in the evening before dinner, by
concentrating on intestines. Generally diabetic patients wake
up many times at night to urinate. In such cases they need not
drink the evening quota of water. Those who don’t have such
problem can take in a liter. It’s always better to have dinner
between 6 to 7 p.m. Till you are totally cured of sugar you
should eat only 2, 3 breads + salt less curries (1/2 kg to 1 kg).
You should avoid yogurt for dinner.
After you are totally cured of sugar complaint without the
need for medicines (say after 2 to 3 months) you can have for
dinner just all varieties of fruits instead of cooked food.
Night: If you feel thirsty, you can drink ½ glass or one glass of
water just before going to bed. You should not eat anything
else for dinner. But if you feel weak any day or feel hungry
suddenly, you can take two spoonfuls of honey in water. You
should keep your mind peaceful before going to bed. Then you
can get up early in the morning peacefully.
So far we have seen what routine is to be followed to get rid
of diabetes totally. This daily routine is not an imaginary one. It
has been tested and proved for the past 7, 8 years by
thousands of diabetic patients. They had remarkable results.
Before you start this daily routine, you must compulsorily
get yourself tested. Keep the readings of fasting and post lunch
blood sugar with you. You continue your regular quota of
medicines even as you follow this schedule. You should reduce
those medicines slowly, in due course.
In the course of your daily routine you may face some small
hurdles or you may get some doubts. You can get them all
clarified if you read 2nd and 3rd chapters of my other book
‘Health is Happiness’. They explain many more things.
You have learnt in detail how to wage a war against your
most powerful enemy ‘Mr. Diabetes’. While you read this or in
the first 10, 15 days as you follow this routine, you may feel
dejected or you may wonder how to implement. But in the
words or Buddha there are four stages of realization:
The Stage of starting on the path
The stage of occasional return
The stage of no return
The stage of realization
Please Note:
If you can’t follow this daily routine all at once, you can do
gradually. To begin with, you can just drink 5 liters of water
and get rid of constipation. Then give up tea, coffee and drink
vegetable juice. For breakfast you can take sprouts.
a. Start eating bread for lunch and dinner instead of rice.
b. If you can’t give up salt at once, reduce it gradually in 10
c. From the tenth day onwards try a totally salt free diet.
d. If you give up salt completely, you will have a speedy
recovery from sugar and you can gradually reduce medicines.
Those who have determination, self-control and
perseverance can start the entire daily routine form day one
Diabetes came into existence ages ago, but the medicines
to cure them have been in vogue only from 1921. So before
these medicines came into existence many sugar patients went
into coma and died, or they had a sudden fall of sugar and died.
For many patients small wounds became dangerous and
decayed some parts of the body or their wounds never healed
quickly and made them suffer.
There are very good medicines in Allopathic. Such helpful
modern medicines, bring with them some harm too. If you
constantly use medicines to treat diabetes ultimately you
become immune to them. Once you get immune, either you
have to go for powerful medicines or increase the dosage. But
what’s the use? You keep on increasing the dosage till you
reach a situation where the usage of insulin becomes
inevitable! Even that won’t suffice. Again you will reach a stage
where that too won’t work resulting in other diseases. Finally
you neither live nor die peacefully. But any problem that looks
impossible can be solved. Can be solved, provided you are
mentally determined. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ said
our elders, but I tell you, ‘Where there is a way, there should
be a will’. Because I am here to show you the way, but you
must have the strong will to follow the path.
It’s a known fact that once a diabetic, always a diabetic.
The doctors also tell you that you should be a life long devotee
of medicines. It is true as long as you lead an artificial life far
from nature and depend upon medicines. If you adopt Natural
Life Style they will be proved wrong. Through Natural Life Style
you can totally get rid of diabetes forever, mind you without
using medicines. You can even prevent diabetes if you are
likely to get it through genes! Can you believe it?
All is well, that ends well. But it doesn’t end so smoothly
there. When completely cured and start living happy life, one
may yield to temptation some times, going back to old habit of
eating the forgotten tasty food, for few days. Few two days
become many days and even more. The result? Sugar shoots up
and some other complaint crops up. Again, they rush to
doctor. Doctor blames for giving up medicines and prescribes
In Natural Life Style, you have to ignore your tongue.
Once you win it, you are safe against diabetes forever. It is in
your own hands to get it or to rid of it. Diabetes is your slave.
It comes to you, if you ask for it; it leaves you mutely if you
order it to go! The same way it is in your hands to use
medicines or to give up medicines. Based on the life style you
lead, your body signals to you whether you require medicines
or not. So you decide whether you want to be a slave of
diabetes or wish to make diabetes your slave.
How and when to reduce: Before taking up Natural Life
Style get your blood tested, fasting and post lunch. Note the
date totally you give up salt.
Initially you should start this food style while continuing
your regular dosage of medicines or insulin. Many people
assume they can give up medicines on day one itself. It’s
wrong. If they do thus, sugar shoots up and they get panicked.
Some go to the other extreme! Along with natural food they
continue the regular dosage of medicine for months together.
That leads to adverse effects. Their sugar level falls down and
they become weak. They do so because they were advised by
diabetic experts never to give up medicines! Many people
commit this mistake. Actually even for acute diabetic patients,
who swallow 7, 8 tables a day, sugar level comes to normal in
90% of cases. Within 40, 50 days they can give up all
medicines. So to avoid any complication, it is advisable to
reduce the number of tablets gradually.
1) For those who take medicines: Five, six days after giving
up salt totally, get your blood test done both for fasting and
post lunch. If fasting sugar is 80-90mg, you can give up the
tablet at night. Whereas if fasting sugar is more than 100 mg, it
is better to continue the medicines normally. If post lunch
sugar is between 120-130 mg, morning quota of medicines too
can slightly be reduced but if it is more than 150 mg it is better
to continue the regular quota for some more days. Thus you
should continue blood tests every 5, 6 days and keep reducing
the medicines accordingly. Finally a day will come when you
don’t require them at all. By any chance, if the sugar reading
doesn’t come down, you should not give up medicines. Please
remember that medicines are not our enemies. Only thing is we
should follow rationing them. We should reduce them when
not necessary and continue when required.
Those who take only one tablet in the morning and one at
night can reach normalcy within 15 days and they don’t need
medicines any more. For those who take 4 per day, it takes 25
to 30 days. Even after you are totally cured of sugar complaint,
you should not neglect blood testing. For 2, 3 months you
should get your blood tested for every 10 days and check
whether sugar is under control with natural food. In case it
increases, you check your food habits. Don’t hesitate to take
medicine again if the need arises. If you don’t violate the
regulations of natural food, you don’t get the problem again. In
case sugar is more, if you reduce the intake of fruits, it will
come down to normalcy.
Please Note:
It is risky to take decisions regarding the intake of
medicines. Take the advice of your doctor. But don’t tell your
doctor the secret of your success. In case he asks you, tell him
that diet control and exercise made the difference. Most of the
doctors, who are not aware of Natural Life Style, don’t
appreciate and advise you against it. So wait till you are
perfectly cured of your chronic disease, diabetes. After 5, 6
months of rigorous practice, after you have a control over your
mind and will not be carried away by others’ opinions then you
proudly tell him the reason for your good health. Then he too
will appreciate you.
2) For those who use insulin: These patients have to be
more careful than those who are under medication. They
should get their blood tested for every 3, 4 days once they give
up salt. They should certainly take the guidance of doctor to
reduce the insulin dosage. Those who have started using
insulin only for the past few years can be cured of their disease
within a month or two. After that period, they don’t have to use
insulin. But who are taking 50, 60 units of insulin for more than
5, 6 years their pancreas would have been damaged heavily. So
even insulin wouldn’t have helped them much. Such people
cannot get rid of insulin totally even if they follow Natural Food
Style. Of course the dosage of insulin reduces to more than 60,
70% with natural food. If they are lucky enough to switch over
to Natural Life Style within 4, 5 years of usage of insulin, they
can totally give it up. For some people, they may be devoid of
insulin, but they may still have to depend on tablets. So, all
said and done, even gone cases can be cured to a great extent.
Tastes and Medicines: Once you start following this
Natural Food Style, you will be totally cured and you don’t have
to use medicines any more. So you are thrilled to find that you
are cured of sugar complaint and that you can eat as many
fruits as possible. You are so happy about your natural food
and you don’t feel like giving up natural food. But the true
course of life does not run so smooth. One fine morning you get
sick of this tasteless food and long for your old tasteful spicy
foods. Of course, if you eat your previous favorite food for a
day or two and come back to natural food, there is no harm.
But those who were earlier dependent on insulin have to be
more careful. Those two days of eating earlier tasty food is
enough to make you go back to insulin.
Those who were on tablets earlier and now completely
cured can risk with their previous favorite foods, for 2, 3 days,
without any problem. But if they continue beyond that, along
with salted food they have to welcome back the diabetes and
resume their medicines. If you decide to extend your friendly
hand to the tongue’ favorite foods, you should be prepared to
extend your other hand towards medicines. So understand the
simple fact - your health is in your own hands and it is easy to
keep yourself healthy.
1 Q. Diabetic patients as such urinate more and become
weak. Don’t you think they become all the more weak if they
drink 5 liters of water and urinate more?
A. A healthy man, if he drinks 5 liters of water per day,
urinates on an average one and a half to two liters in summer,
and 2-3 liters in other months. Generally sugar patients urinate
more up to 2 ½ liters even if they drink less water. That’s
because their kidneys can absorb only a little quantity of
glucose. They send out the excess of glucose along with more
water. That’s why they urinate more. They feel weak not
because they urinate more, but because release of glucose
through urine. There is another reason for their weakness. If
the water content is not sufficient for the requirements of the
body or for the functioning of the cells, they feel weak. The
only way to reduce this weakness and to compensate the loss
of water through urine is to increase the intake of water. If
they drink 5 liters of water per day in a systematic way in the
morning, afternoon and evening, their body will be energetic
and they won’t feel weak any more.
2 Q. How much of honey should diabetic patients use? How
should they use it?
A. Honey is natural food. It is nectar. So it is good even for
diabetic people. Scientists have proved that some enzymes in
honey can stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin.
Those who are using medicines or insulin for sugar complaint
and for those whose sugar is not under control should not use
more than 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls per day. But those for whom
sugar is on border line and use 1, 2 tablets a day can use two
teaspoonfuls in the morning and 2 teaspoonfuls in the evening.
They can take this honey along with vegetable juice or with
lemon juice. If they feel a sudden decrease in the sugar count
and sweating all over the body, if they slowly take in 2, 3
spoonfuls of honey directly, they get energy at once.
Sometimes they may feel hungry and weak, or sometimes they
may have to wait for sometime for food to be served, in such
cases too they can mix 2 spoons of honey in a glass of water,
and drink. After they start following Natural food style and
after their sugar level comes to normal when they don’t have to
take medicines, then they can increase the quota of honey.
They can use 5 to 10 spoonfuls of honey per day. But those
who still depend on insulin should not take much honey.
3.Q. Generally diabetic patients are not strong enough for
sexual life. Do you think they can lead a happy marital life after
they are cured through natural food?
A. Yes, they can. Nearly 50-60% diabetic people cannot lead
a happy sexual life, particularly men. For diabetic patients, as
they are aging, the body faces may problems. One of them is
the change in the nerves of the blood vessels. By eating Natural
food their sugar complaint subsides and their nerves and blood
vessels become healthy. They start functioning normally.
Especially since they eat healthy food like all types of sprouts,
coconut, brown rice and plenty of fruits, their body gains
strength. While they continue with natural food, they can feel
more energetic and more active than before, irrespective of
their age. Those who have followed Natural Life Style have by
themselves experienced and informed us that they could enjoy
life at the age of 60 as they had enjoyed at the age of 20.
4.Q. Diabetic patients are normally advised to eat something
or other every 2 hours a day, whereas you advise them to eat
only three times a day. Don’t you think they become weak or
their level sugar comes down?
A. No! They don’t become weak! The Natural food that we
suggest here is to help diabetics become strong and energetic.
They don’t feel weak. Generally diabetic patients are scared to
eat their stomach full fearing the sugar would shoot up. So
they eat less, every two hours. But the food we suggest need
not be so. They can eat their stomach full. The natural food
they take in the morning - sprouts and raw vegetable juice -
doesn’t require more insulin to digest them. So they reach
quickly and easily the cells and provide energy for more hours.
So that food will suffice till lunch without making them weak.
The unpolished rice or the homemade bread made from wheat
flour, the curries cooked without salt and oil taken for lunch
and dinner enable the smooth and slow flow of glucose into the
blood and provides the energy required for the needs of the
cells for longer hours. So they don’t feel weak.
5.Q. Why can’t diabetic patients eat root vegetables?
A. Root vegetables contain more of carbohydrates and less
of fibrous material. The carbohydrates get converted into
glucose after they are digested. Since more of carbohydrates
are present in root vegetables, within no time the quantity of
glucose in the blood increases. As a result, the percentage of
sugar (glucose) increases in the blood. The other vegetables
and leafy vegetables contain less of carbohydrates and more of
fibrous material. This fibrous material obstructs the quick flow
of glucose into blood. So glucose reaches slowly into the blood
and so sugar reading doesn’t increase. That’s the reason why
diabetic patients are not supposed to eat root vegetables. They
can think of eating root vegetables only after adopting Natural
food and after they are perfectly cured of diabetes. Then they
can eat once in a week or once in ten days. Then they will have
no problem. But till then it is better to be careful.
6.Q Can a diabetic drink coconut water? If so what type?
A. Since coconut water contains glucose, normally diabetic
patients are advised not to go for it. But coconut water
contains many more salts that give energy to the body. So if
they wish to be benefited and to contain increase in their sugar
level, they should drink tender coconut water. It should not
have coconut. Such coconut water contains less glucose and
more of salts. This helps them when they are weak.
7.Q. Normally diabetic patients are cautioned against eating
sweet fruits. But you advise them to eat all types of fruits. How
is it possible?
A. You are mistaken. We tell them not to eat some types of
fruits till they are cured of diabetes. They can eat fruits like
guava, orange, pomegranate, sweet lemon etc. But once they
are totally cured needing no medicines – then we advise them
to eat gradually papaya, water melon, banana, mango, dates
etc. When they start eating natural food, the cells get charged
and energized to receive glucose quickly. In addition to that,
the plenty of natural food they eat enables an increase in the
creation of insulin in the body. So sugar won’t shoot up
however much they eat the fruits.
But, those who have been diabetics and dependent on
insulin for years have to be careful. Their body would have
already been sufficiently damaged and so they should get
themselves tested periodically and eat fruits carefully. They
should not all of a sudden start eating all types of fruits. If
their sugar complaint doesn’t come to normal even with
Natural food, they have to give up sweet fruits. They can’t help
it. So they shouldn’t forget the fact that the fruits can be eaten
only as per the condition of the body.
8.Q. What should diabetic patients do to get rid of the common
complaint -numbness or burning sensation in the feet?
A. The only way to get rid of this common complaint is to get
rid of sugar complaint. The only way to get rid of sugar
complaint is to lead Natural Life Style. While leading Natural
Life Style they can do ‘Bathing the Feet’ for immediate relief. It
brings down their pain. Numbness is caused when there is no
proper blood circulation.
Bathing the feet: Take two basins. Fill lukewarm water in one
basin and ordinary water in the other. Keep them side-by-side.
First keep your both feet in hot water for 5 minutes, then for
two minutes in cold water. Again for 5 minutes in hot and 2
minutes in cold. If you do it three times thus, one cycle of
‘Bathing Feet’ is complete. When the feet are in hot water the
blood in the feet goes up. When they are shifted to cold water,
it gushes downwards due to the coldness. By keeping feet
alternately in hot and cold water, it enables an easy flow of
blood upwards and downwards. They will not get any side
effects due to this. But this should be done on an empty
stomach. It can be done 1 or 2 times a day.
Those who have burning sensation may bathe feet before
going to bed in the night or whenever they have it. They may
not bear the heat of water. They may prefer cold water.
Please Note:
Don’t use boiling water. When the water gets cool, add some
lukewarm water again. Once the process is over, clean your
feet and in between the fingers with a dry cloth.
9.Q. What should people with low sugar count eat to reduce
weakness and reeling sensation?
If sugar in blood falls, they should eat such food which can
reach blood quickly to increase sugar content. Any food should
be digested first to reach the blood. Digesting process takes at
least half an hour to one hour. That’s why experts advise them
to take sugar syrup or glucose water which reaches blood at
once. Honey is six times sweeter and more powerful than
sugar. 4, 5 spoonfuls of honey can easily reach blood, giving
energy to cells, instantly. Honey need not be digested. It works
as saline. The next best are dates. They need half an hour to
get digested in stomach before it reaches blood. If immediate
energy is needed, better keep dates in the mouth and chew till
it becomes soft paste, before gulping. Ten dates would roughly
give 300 calories of energy.
10.Q. In case little children get diabetes, don’t you think it will
be difficult for them to adapt to oil less, and salt less food? In
such a case what should they eat?
A. In fact, children can get attuned to salt less diet easier
and faster than adults. Actually, grown-ups find it difficult to
eat and they take more time to get used to natural food. Their
tongues have not become slaves to taste, as adults did. So it is
easier for them to switch over to new food. If a child does any
crime, generally the parents are blamed! Their upbringing is
questioned. The same way, if a child falls sick, the parents have
to be blamed. The young ones are suffering life long for the
fault of their parents. Really it is a curse if a child becomes
diabetic. To avert such a fate, first and foremost the parents
should change themselves. They should also change their
cooking habits. If parents adapt to natural food and realize the
importance of it to the body, children too will follow them. ‘A
child’s vocation is endless imitation’. The parents should make
them understand the advantages of the natural food. But not
force them. (1) They should make their children drink more
water for free bowel movement. (2) Should make them eat
sprouts and drink fresh vegetable juice, but not oily and salty
foods for breakfast or for lunch and dinner. (3) Should cook
only unpolished (brown) rice. Should reduce salt and oil in
making food. After they get used for such food for a month or
two, they can be given totally salt less curries for lunch along
with unpolished rice. Should serve them guava, pomegranate,
orange daily at fruits’ time. If children follow their parents,
diabetes will not be a curse for them. If the parents themselves
cannot control their tongue and food habits, they cannot expect
children to be different.
11.Q. What is good for diabetic patients - ordinary rice or
wheat rice? Will the sugar count increase if they eat polished
rice or wheat?
A. Yes! Polished rice increases sugar count! The reason is
polished rice is devoid of fibrous material and vitamins. Since
there is no fibrous material in the food eaten, the digested food
from the intestines reaches the blood quickly. It means
glucose in the blood increases quickly. Whereas, if unpolished
rice or wheat is eaten, it makes digestion a slow process, which
means glucose goes into blood very slowly. So it hinders the
increase of sugar in the blood. The more polished the rice, the
greater the money spent to purchase diseases.
Between the two - wheat and rice - wheat is a better
option for diabetics for two reasons. One, wheat contains more
of fibrous material than rice. Secondly lesser quantity of wheat
will fill the stomach.
12.Q. Is there any difference between eating less the rice
or wheat bread (chapattis) for diabetic patients?
A. There is a lot of difference between eating rice and eating
chapattis (home made bread). If they eat chapatis, lesser
amount of carbohydrates goes in, whereas if they take rice,
more of it goes in.
13.Q. Can diabetics eat sweets or ice creams once in a while
after they are rid of sugar complaint? Or will sugar shoot up
A. They have to be careful in the first few months. Once they
start eating salt less natural food, they are cured of sugar
complaint without the need for medicines. But they shouldn’t
hurry up immediately. They should wait for 3, 4 months even
after they are cured. In the 4 months gap whatever unnatural
element has been there in the cells thus far, disappears totally.
If their sugar complaint doesn’t shoot up even after eating all
types of fruits, then they can dare to eat sweets in parties and
functions. They should get themselves tested to drive out any
element of doubt regarding this. If their report is normal, fine!
They can eat thus once in a while.
In fact it is better to eat sweets made out of honey. It
isn’t harmful for health. Sugar patients dependent on
medicines are not affected by sugar in the natural food style,
even if they eat sweets, but the same rule is not applicable to
those who are dependent on insulin. People on insulin should
be careful and desist themselves from sweets.
The natural food enables the pancreas to promote more of
insulin than before. Liver also becomes healthy. If the diabetic
patients are dependent on medicines and if they eat sweets it
becomes harmful. But once they are used to Natural Life Style,
the body is reframed in such a way, that it can battle on its
own. It gets back the previous energy to fight against sugar.
14.Q. Can diabetic patients fast once in a week?
A. As such, diabetic patients feel very weak, even if they eat
3, 4 times a day. So they should not venture to fast. Actually
fasting means giving total rest to the digestive system without
eating any thing. There are many types of fasting. One is
fasting even without drinking water and the other is fasting
with water. They are not for diabetic patients. The third type is
taking in honey while fasting. This can be done by anybody.
200-250gms of honey should be taken every two hours. 4
spoonfuls of honey should be added to one glass of water every
time. Thus they should take from morning to evening for 7, 8
times. Every time they take honey, they should drink two
glasses of water after one hour. This is also for 7, 8 times. Thus
they take water and honey alternatively and fast for the whole
day. Whatever energy they get by eating food, they get the
same or even more energy in less time by taking honey.
Fasting thus with honey and water keeps the body energetic
without either shooting up or reducing the sugar levels.
Those who are dependent on only one or two tablets per
day can follow such fasting once a week. They won’t feel weak.
But those who have acute diabetes, for those whom it is not
under control, or those who are dependent on insulin or those
who feel terribly weak - should not dare to follow this type of
fasting. After they are cured of diabetes through natural food,
they can try this method, staying at home. Still, if they are
scared of fasting, they should not think of fasting at all!
15.Q. How long should we eat this natural food?
A. It is up to you. As long as you don’t want to become a
diabetic again you will stick to Natural food. Were you not
prepared to take medicines to keep diabetes under control for
any length of time? So far were you not under impression that
once a diabetic always a diabetic? Now it is proved that with
Natural food you can keep diabetes at a distance, unless you
allow it by going back to your old food habits. Here food itself
is the medicine protecting you from diabetes. Now answer
yourself this question.
16.Q. There is a belief that bitter gourd, neem leaves etc., are
good for sugar patients. Many people use them along with
medicines. Should we use them also even as we eat Natural
A. Yes, the things you mentioned above are good for health.
They work as medicines, easy to use and not very expensive. If
you can control your sugar by using them, you need not give
up. With Natural food, your sugar count comes down even
without the need for these items. So, strictly speaking, those
who are on Natural food need not eat them.
17.Q. Once we get rid of our sugar complaint by following your
Natural food style, if we are forced to eat normal food in
parties and functions, what do we do?
A. During the first six months of your Natural food style,
even if you attend parties, functions or you go on travel, don’t
eat normal food. When Nature food is not available, satisfy
yourself with yogurt (curd) and rice. Curd with polished rice is
not very harmful. If sugar is under control you can have a
banana with it.
The cells get purified in the course of these six months.
Then you will come to know what is good health and the
pleasure of it. Till such time you have to be careful. In the
sense, if you don’t know what exactly is perfect health, you
may easily be attracted towards usual tastes. If you have a
strong control over yourself in the first six months, your mind
and body will totally be transformed. In such a case, nothing
will happen even if you eat normal food, once in a while. Those
who are dependent on insulin earlier and got rid of it now due
to natural food, have to be a little more careful. They can eat
normal food just for one day. But if they continue even for
another day, there is every possibility of the sugar shooting up
by the evening of second day itself. If they come back to
natural food on the third day itself, they don’t have to take
medicine again. If they desire to eat or if they are forced to eat
salty food for a week or more, they should get the blood tested
and also take medicines again. Instead, if they take it for
granted that they are totally cured and eat everything
normally, they will be back to their old days of suffering.
Those who used to have very few tablets for sugar
complaint earlier and those who got rid of it now, are in a
better position. They can safely eat salty food for 2, 3 days in a
month or two. If they eat natural food from the fourth day
onwards they can make up the loss. If they take things lightly
and continue eating salty food for 7, 8 days, sugar will shoot
up. Of course, they don’t have to use medicines immediately. If
they fast for one day with just honey and lime water it will
subside to some extent. The next day they can have liquid diet
like coconut water, butter milk, fruit juices (7, 8 times a day
with honey added to them). Then the body gets cleansed. From
the next day, if they continue natural food, sugar will be under
control. In case you desire to eat or are forced to eat normal
diet for about 15 to 30 days, you must remember one point.
You should get your blood sugar tested every 4, 5 days and if it
increases, should continue tablets. Thus you should get
checked every 10 days and take medicines accordingly. Again
when you decide to go back to Natural food, you should start
with blood test and should slowly reduce the dosage of tablets.
18.Q. How much of milk and curds can a diabetic patient
use? How?
A. It is advisable to reduce the usage of milk and curds
because they have a tendency to increase cholesterol and
triglycerides. They should minimize their intake to prevent
heart diseases. Once you cross 15 years of age there is no need
for milk. The required calcium is available in the sprouts. The
diabetic patients can totally give up milk and use curds instead.
They can have one cup of curd in lunch. Those who have
physical exertion can eat as much of curds as they want for
lunch and one cup for dinner.
19.Q. Should we do walking compulsorily, along with the food
habits you suggest? Or will it be cured just by the food without
walking or any other exercise?
A. Of course exercises, walking, jogging, yoga exercises and
things like that do help the body maintain good health. But
once you start following Nature food you need not do any
exercise. For that matter you should not! You should
understand the fact that you can get rid of diabetes merely by
meticulously following Nature food.
In the early days of eating Natural food you can’t relish it
well and can’t eat your stomach full. Naturally you feel weak.
Walking or the exercise will make you further weak. Better
avoid it. You can think of walking after a month or two when
you pick up energy. Of all, yoga exercises and pranayaama are
very helpful for diabetic patients. Asanas (yoga exercises) help
you to promote resistance power and good health. Why bother
about all these? Just eat Natural food! That’s all! You get cured
very easily.
20.Q. What should be the food for those whose kidneys have
been affected by diabetes?
A. Diabetes slowly damages both the kidneys. The damaged
kidneys can’t send out the waste material totally from blood
through urine. As a result, the blood gets polluted gradually. If
they can control their sugar with Nature food, it will prevent
further damage to kidneys. Those who have kidney problem
should not eat raw vegetables, all types of fruits, sprouts,
juices, plenty of water, without taking doctor’s advice.
They should not drink more than 2 liters of water a day.
They should have salt less breakfast. For lunch they can have 2,
3 home made bread with salt less and oil less curries. They can
eat little of curd. Give up rice totally. Evening they can have a
few pomegranate seeds around 4 p.m. At night, around 6.30 - 7
they can eat 2, 3 breads made out of any flour with salt less
curry. They can drink buttermilk. If they follow this diet
everyday for a few days and take sufficient rest, then the
pollution in the body will be cleared, the swelling will subside
and there will be improvement in the health. The same food
habits should be continued for months together. If they long
for rice, once in a way they can take it with curds for lunch.
Even if they are so strict about food, the kidneys cannot be
cured completely. This natural food cures diabetes completely,
but not kidney problem. So the diabetic patients should open
their eyes before their kidneys are damaged and should switch
over to Natural food, without hesitation.
21.Q. Diabetes is considered to be hereditary. So if the
children of those parents follow this Natural Life Style, can they
save themselves and children from this hereditary disease?
A. Definitely! It’s because, even those who got diabetes as a
hereditary disease and those who suffered from it for 20, 25
years also were able to get rid of it totally by following Natural
food style. They will not be attacked again by diabetes. Even if
they have symptoms of diabetes in their genes, they won’t get
it unless they nurture it. The Natural Life Style cleans pancreas
gland and the cells right from the beginning. It helps both the
parents and their children saved from diabetes.
22.Q. Sugar patients are advised to eat food in terms of
measurements. Should they eat food thus even in your food
style? Or can they eat as much as they like?
A. They need not restrict their food. The sprouts they eat for
breakfast can be eaten as much as they desire. The homemade
breads can be 3-4. There is no limit for the curries. They can
eat their stomach full. The same way, fruits like guava, orange,
sweet lemon they can eat directly instead of drinking their
juices. In fact it is the other way round. If they eat oil-less, salt
less food in limited quota they feel weak and even giddy. Even
if it takes a little longer time to reduce their sugar, they should
eat as much as they can.
23.Q. Should diabetic patients give up non-vegetarian food
totally? Or can they eat it once in a way?
A. Whatever is the complaint, whoever comes to this Natural
Life Style, should first and foremost give up non-vegetarian
food including eggs. They are not designed for us. This nonvegetarian
food is not good for human body.
It may be tasty for the tongue but it harms the mind, thoughts
and the saintly habits of man. That’s why we insist upon your
giving up of non –vegetarian food.
Now, regarding diabetic patients, they can save
themselves from lots of problems caused by diabetes by giving
up non-vegetarian food. Non-vegetarian food requires lots of
oil, salt and spices that in turn cause damage to the health,
especially diabetic patients. 80% of diabetic patients suffer
from obesity. Triglycerides in their blood will be increasing
greatly. Most of the diabetic patients are prone to heart
diseases too. Those who eat non-vegetarian food cannot reduce
their obesity or the cholesterol or triglycerides in them. In one
word diabetic patients should totally give up items that cause
cholesterol. Non-vegetarian contains lysine that in turn gives
rise to cholesterol in the body. You don’t have to eat nonvegetarian
for proteins. All types of proteins required for the
body are sumptuously available in the sprouts you eat for
breakfast and easily digestible. Thus it is good in every way to
give up non-vegetarian food.
24.Q. Some of the diabetic patients may suffer from some
other diseases and may be taking medicines for them also.
According to Natural food style, they may be cured of diabetes
and they may not require medicines for them. But what about
other diseases and medicines for them?
A. No different food styles for different diseases. The Natural
food prescribed for diabetes will suffice to cure all other
diseases. All that they have to do is, strictly follow what is
prescribed. While following thus, once in a check the state of
other diseases and reduce the respective tablets accordingly. If
they are not sure about them, it is always good to take doctor’s
25.Q. Doctors advise diabetic patients against fasting. But you
do not object for it. What’s your comment on this?
A. Fasting means, in general, absenting from taking any
food. If that is the case, you are right, sugar patients do face a
problem. 100 to 150g of glucose are stored in the liver of
healthy people. The food we eat, after it is digested sends
glucose into the blood. When we fast, since this glucose supply
is not provided, the liver sends out the stored glucose to fulfill
the requirements of the body. Healthy people will not suffer
even if they fast for two, three days. Whereas for diabetic
patients since insulin is not sufficient, glucose cannot be stored
in liver. So when they fast, the sugar content in blood falls
down enormously. They start sweating, feel giddiness and may
even faint.
We encourage diabetics fast. But they fast with honey
mixed in water for every two hours. Honey is sweet, but the
good thing about it is - it reaches the cells fast without much
need for insulin. On one side honey acts as food and prevents
the body from feeling weak by energizing it. On the other hand,
fasting helps the cells to clean themselves. It prevents further
increase of the diabetes.
26.Q. Diabetics have more fats and cholesterol. Seeds also
contain fats and cholesterol. But you suggest them to eat
plenty of seeds. How they can be cured of diabetes?
A. It’s true seeds do contain fats and cholesterol. But it is
also true that the seeds contain antidotes also. That’s the
greatness of God’s creation. Not everyone is aware of this.
Whichever seed contains more of fats, it also contains more of
antidotes to prevent their storage in the body. These antidotes
are B Vitamin, fibrous material and lecithin. So if we eat seeds
in raw form they do not cause any harm. Our doubt here is,
when the oil extracted out of seeds contains fats and
cholesterol, how is it that seeds are not harmful! There is a
difference between the two. The reason is, when oil is
extracted out of these seeds, the outer layer is separated and
out go with it all the three good items mentioned above. The oil
that we use is extracted from the remaining part, carries the
harmful fats and cholesterol. The antidotes from the seeds
have gone into the husk that we feed the cows and buffaloes.
So they are benefited while we are deprived. That is the reason
why you are advised against using oil. So, the raw material is
good. The finished product is bad. Since we cannot eat raw
seeds in plenty not much harm is done to us. In fact you are
not suggested to eat seeds as they are (in dry form). You are
advised to eat only sprouts. When the seeds are soaked, all the
oily stuff is converted into easily digestible carbohydrates. In
addition, they retain the three beneficial ingredients that save
our body.
We should eat fresh coconut only. Dry coconut is not
good for daily use. The fresh coconut with plenty of water is
good. It also carries antidote. The riper the coconut becomes
the more the oily substance in it. The fresh coconut is more of
proteins and less of fats. So it doesn’t cause us any harm. It
has been proved that coconut doesn’t cause cholesterol.
Coconut contains arginine which not only prevents storage of
fats and cholesterol in our body but also reduces the fats in our
Non-vegetarian food contains very little of this arginine.
So fats get stored in the body. The non-vegetarian food has
more of laizen that prompts the storage of fats and cholesterol.
27.Q. Why do you suggest that we should have dinner
before sunset? Is there any specific reason for it? Can diabetic
patients also eat thus?
A. The living creatures are divided into two categories daytime
creatures and nocturnal. Daytime creatures eat and move
in the day, nocturnal eat and move in the night. Strictly
speaking, man is a daytime creature. Thanks to the jet age, he
has become both. He may move and work in the night, but he is
not supposed to eat at night. Our digestive system is made to
work 12 hours, and to rest twelve hours. So if we eat before
sunset and stop thereafter it will get all the 12 hours to rest.
The system consumes 40 – 50% of energy to digest food. The
remaining energy enables us to work during the day.
By 9 - 10 p.m. the food we had for dinner would have been
digested. If we stop working, the energy thus saved, can be
diverted for cleaning and repairing our body, from night to
morning, till breakfast time.
With the advent of electricity, man started eating late. The
creatures that move and work during the day won’t eat in the
night. For instance, animals and birds. Nocturnal won’t move or
eat daytime. Ex: lizard, owl, bat etc. Our body is designed thus.
If we cross the limit the body is punished. If we eat late, the
whole night is spent to digest the food. The energy to be used
for cleaning and repairing is used away for digesting food. So it
can’t do its job properly. For those who eat later than sunset
cannot get the repair work done.
In result cells will become impure. Resistance power is not
strong enough. Pollution in the cells is more. It leads to more
suffering for diabetic patients. There will not be any let up in
their disease. Eating by sunset is always good, particularly for
diabetics. If it is not possible to have dinner, better have fruits.
Diabetics as well can give up food and go for fruits. With that
no harm is done. If they feel hungry later, they can take a glass
of water and honey.
Eating something or other always is not good for health.
On research it is found only pig among the animals that goes
on eating all the time, like man.
28.Q. Should a diabetic patient fast after totally controlling
diabetes through Natural food style? Or should they do fasting
first? Which is a better option?
A. First Natural food, then fasting. If sugar level in blood is
brought down through food, you will realize that food can
control your disease and you will develop faith in the Natural
food needing nobody to convince you. Then you, yourself will
adopt to Natural food, safeguarding from diabetics forever.
Natural food takes 20 days to cure diabetes whereas fasting
cures in just 4, 5 days. Fasting enables a quick cleaning of the
cells. That’s why it is cured fast. If you desire to retain the
benefit of fasting, you should eat only natural food, only salt
less food. So first you eat natural food, cure yourself totally.
Then you can fast whenever it is needed.
Follow Natural Food Style regularly, systematically for at
least 5, 6 months, then think of fasting, if necessary.
29.Q. You advise us to give up salt totally to cure diabetes!
Isn’t it harmful to the body? Can we use iodized salt?
A. Yes, of course the body needs salt more than anything else!
We are asking you not to add salt from outside! Because the
salt required for the body is very much there in the natural
food you eat. The required quantity of salt goes into your body
through this food. Fruits, sprouts, vegetables, leafy vegetables,
have enough salt in them! The excess salt comes out of the
body through urine and sweat. When natural salt itself is
excess, why add more form outside? It is only for taste! If you
want to satisfy your tongue you should be prepared to accept
diabetes. It troubles the cells. For the past 8 years I have been
taking salt less diet but still salt is coming out through urine.
So this is proof positive that natural salt itself is more than
enough for the body.
Natural Life Style – The only cure for diabetes
Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju has evolved Natural Life
Style for diabetic patients. If you look at it closely you will
understand how scientifically it is correct. Natural food not only
cures diabetes but it can prevent the occurring of it. His painstaking
effort and research has resulted in the form of this book,
relieving the suffering of thousands of diabetics.
Diabetes should be treated not as a disease but as a
change in the body system. Allopath has created new records in
the treatment of sugar complaint. Natural food style strikes at
the root cause of the evil.
It’s easy to fall sick but it’s difficult to get rid of it.
Health is something that cannot be bought in medical
shops, nor something which doctors can give you as a boon.
Whoever is strong both physically and mentally lives hale and
‘Hippocrates’, father of modern medicine proclaimed that
doctor can give only medicine but only nature can provide good
health. If we don’t utilize the natural elements like water, air,
food in a proper way the metabolism in our body gets
imbalanced. Then the waste material flows into different parts
of the body through blood and lymph in the form of poisonous
things, thereby causing harm to the respective parts. The
electro magnetic rhythm in the cells gets spoiled and as a
result the power of resistance also slackens.
Diseases are caused, as Mahatma Gandhi said, due to the
recklessness and ignorance regarding health and due to
unnatural food habits.
Our body is made up of 16 elements- Oxygen, Nitrogen,
Hydrogen, Chlorine, Carbon, Florien, Phosphorous, Iron,
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Sulphur, Silicon,
Manganese etc. These elements flow into the blood though
food, water and air to reach all parts of the body.
The modern food we take like spicy food, fries, pickles,
stored pickles, sweets, ice creams, sodas, alcohol etc, are
harmful. Because of them the acids in the blood increase
whereas alkalinity decreases. Hence fats get stagnated in our
body causing different diseases. Lack of enough in take of
water, fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts leads to shortage of
vitamins, natural salts and hormones in the body.
I congratulate Dr. Raju who is incessantly striving for the
good health of all the people through his ‘Natural Life Style’.
Dr. Malineni Srinivasa Rao,
M.B.B.S. DIP, Daib. P.G. Diab (Ireland), Sugar Specialist, Vijaya Sugar Hospital,
Sundarayya Bhavan Road, Ongole- 2 Pone: (Hospital) 235035 (Res): 233575

I was able to fast too
I was suffering from diabetes since 1994. My weight was
200 pounds. Doctors suggested me to give up sweets and
fruits. I was under treatment with frequent blood testing and
changing medicines, till I met Dr. Raju. On his advice I started
drinking more water and eating salt less and oil less food. And
also yoga exercises. Gradually, I reduced the intake of
medicines and finally gave up within two months when
diabetes came under control. My weight was down to 175
This is due to Dr. Raju’s valuable Natural Life Style I was
able to get rid of my sugar complaint without the need for
medicines. I drink 5, 6 liters water everyday. Took vegetable
juice, sprouts in the morning being unmindful of the calories in
them, ate unpolished rice and curries to my stomach full in the
afternoon and took curds and all types of fruits in the evening.
Now I am perfectly healthy. The waist measurement reduced
by 4 inches. I wanted to reduce still more. So I resorted to
fasting. With that I came down to 156 pounds. The general
belief is that diabetic patients should not fast under any
circumstances. But with the help and encouragement of Dr.
Raju I fasted taking ¼ kg of honey and drinking 6 liters of
water. I used to work for 18 hours a day while fasting. But I
never faced any problem. Presently my wife too is following
this Natural Life Style along with me. Though we eat normal
food once in a while, we come back to this natural food
immediately. So we have no health hazards as such. I sincerely
wish that all should follow the Natural Life Style that is useful
for good health and long life.
Anand Rao, I.A.S.
Ex Chief Secretary to Government of AP, Plot No. 815, Road No. 41, Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad, AP, India. Pone: 23555255

Did lots of work
I became diabetic 7 years ago. I had to take insulin also
for 10 months since the sugar complaint did not subside. Again
I opted for medicines.
I happened to meet Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju and
when I talked to him, I determined to follow Natural Life Style
at any cost. I drank 5 liters of water, drank raw vegetable
juice, ate sprouts for breakfast, ate salt less food for lunch – in
one word did all that he advised me to do. I continued to take
medicines in the morning and evening. Doctor advised me not
to give it up at once since I had more of blood sugar. Within
one month I could reduce my medicines to half. In the third
month, I gave up medicines completely. I became more active
and healthy than before.
I have a hectic work schedule with frequent business
travels but still I was never tired. In the days when I was
under medication, my sugar reading was never less than 200
mg%. Now on Dr. Raju’s advice, just a mere intake of 5 liters
of water and a change in my food style, cured me of my
diabetes. I started advocating this life style to many more. I
was so thrilled by it, that I went to many places with Dr. Raju
and spoke of my experiences along with his speeches. I also
arranged some lectures of the Doctor in Hyderabad. I arranged
the sale of his books to many needy, in humble way to spread
his Natural Life Style.
I was totally rid of sugar complaint for two years. I have
strong faith in Dr.Raju’s Natural Life Style. Dr. Raju and his
wife are dedicating themselves to the selfless service of
humanity. I pray to God for their health, wealth and happiness.
Aswini Subba Rao,
Aswini Homeo & Ayurvedic Products Ltd.,5-282, Vajra House, Moosapet, Hyderabad.
AP, India Ph: 23703430

Cholesterol, Triglycerides cured along with Diabetes
I have been suffering from B.P. and diabetes for the past
ten years. Doctors told me that cholesterol in the blood and
triglycerides that can lead to heart attack have increased
greatly. When a normal human being should have 10-190 of
triglycerides, I had 2000-3000 of it. I was admitted into big
hospitals. Every month, my medical tests and hospital bills
were huge.
In such a situation, I was lucky enough to be introduced
to Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju. I started following his
Natural Life Style. Under his guidance, I gave up all taste
creators like spices, sweet, chilies, salt etc. Earlier, the doctors
told me that cholesterol and triglycerides couldn’t be controlled
until sugar comes under control. But within the first month of
changing to Dr. Raju’s Natural food, I found a great change.
Presently I gave up medicines totally. Diabetes got cured.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are normal. I am able to carry on
my duties quite normally.
This was possible purely because of the food style
advocated by Dr. Raju. Ever since then, I have never touched
salt. Every day, with unpolished rice I eat roughly one 2, 3
pounds of curry. I use a liter of curds. I eat stomach full of
fruits. If it comes to mangoes I eat nearly a dozen of them. For
breakfast I eat roughly half pound of sprouts, groundnuts and
almond together. In spite of eating so much, there is no
increase in cholesterol or triglycerides. Usually doctors tell you
that cholesterol increases if you eat food that contains proteins
and carbohydrates. That is regarding cooked food. But in
Natural food, how much ever food, fruits or sprouts you may
eat, you will not face any problem whatsoever.
I tried different medical systems and used many
medicines, but they were of no use. I became hale and healthy
only after coming to Natural Life Style. I enjoy the fruits of a
healthy life and actively participate in my social activities. To
sum up, let me tell you one small point, I staunchly believe in.
This Natural Life Style is something that our saints and sages
followed. Luckily, Dr. Raju brought it into light for our good.
There is no doubt that whoever follows Natural Life Style, even
if he has many other diseases, suffering for a long time, will be
cured of them totally! They can become completely healthy.
Muduganti Mallareddy
Social Worker, 606, Everest Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, AP, India
Ph: 23736008

Diabetes Cured, Relieved Mind
My name is Koteswara Rao. I am aged 52. I have been
suffering from diabetes for the past 15 years. In the first two
years, instead of allopath, I used only homeopathy. It was
under control as long as I maintained diet control and took
medicines. The slightest negligence on my part, showed a
difference at once. I gave up all sweets. Gradually sugar
reading was 200, in spite of taking medicines. Then I consulted
diabetes specialist and resorted to allopathic medicines.
To begin with, I started with one medicine following diet
restrictions. By the end of six years I had to use 3 tablets, with
no relief. Doctors said that my fate was sealed. I had to resign
to my fate of using medicines and limiting my food habits.
It was 4 years since I started allopath. Sugar subsided
totally due to raw vegetables and vegetable juices. Allopath
doctor also advised me to give up medicines. When I asked him
the reason for my cure he spoke philosophically. He said we
know neither the reason for its attack nor for the relief. I was
not pleased with his answer. After 6 months of eating raw
vegetables, I came back to normal diet since I took it for
granted that any disease whatsoever, once it is cured, it is
cured forever! No I was mistaken! I ate normal diet with no
medicines! Within one year, my age old complaint came back to
me! Again English medicines! Now in addition to 3 sugar
tablets, I have to take I tablet for B.P., one for vitamin ‘D’, not
to mention about my diet restrictions.
Days passed on thus till I happened to attend Dr. Raju’s
speech on Natural Life Style. That was the turning point in my
life. I was enthralled by his lecture. Initially I could not believe
how if we give up salt, we could be cured of sugar. But there
were many live examples to prove it. They spoke on their
experiences. So I made up my mind to try it since there is no
harm in trying. I started instantly. Amazing! Within ten days
sugar came under control without the need for medicines.
Ever since then, I have been following the Natural Food
Style! Happily I have been eating all sorts of fruits and
vegetables that were forbidden for me, for years! I need not
take medicines anymore! Morning I take raw vegetable juice,
honey mixed with limewater. I drink 5 liters of water. I take
dates, sprouts and coconut for breakfast. For lunch I eat
unpolished rice with cooked curry and chutney without salt, oil,
ghee, chili powder, tamarind, sugar etc. For dinner I eat only
Now I am healthy without any complaint or without using
any medicine for the past 15 months. I have been so hale and
healthy without even cough, cold or fever. Needless to say, the
credit goes to Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style.
I was totally convinced that if we follow this Natural Life
Style, we will be cured of any disease (if we have any) and also
we will not be affected again with any disease!
If you wish to follow this Natural Life Style, you should
have some basic knowledge of the disease and also a strong
determination. You should also have some idea about this life
style. This is nothing new! Our fore fathers have used it. The
only thing is in the modern times, we have lost track of such a
life! That’s why nowadays people are attacked by this disease
even at the age of 30, 40.
In addition to being cured of diabetes in this natural food
style, I was benefited in many more ways.
1. Reduced 12 kgs (26 pounds) of weight. I came down to
63 kgs (140 pounds) from (176). (Though I did walking
exercise for the past 25 years, I could not reduce 1 kg
of weight)
2. Changed my attitude. Developed positive thinking.
3. B.P. is 110/70 mm.
4. Mind is peaceful.
5. Improved my memory power. Able to work for 15 hours
a day.
6. I am leading a happy life without taking any allopathic
medicine or without facing any side effects of such a
7. 5 years ago I was affected by sodalities. Now it
8. I am assured of the fact that I will not fall sick in
9. Cholesterol and treglilzarides have come down to
10. Sugar is not shooting up in spite of eating mangoes,
bananas and coconut or dates.
My sincere advice to patients wishing to be cured of
diabetes without the need for medicines - you first follow the
food style Dr. Raju suggests strictly without any deviation. You
yourself will find the difference. We are responsible for our
own fate. So we are only responsible for our good health.
There is no harm in trying Natural Life Style. You will lose
nothing but your harmful diseases!
‘Health is Wealth’ is the age old saying. Such a wealth is
brought to thousands of people by Dr. Raju and his wife Dr.
Visala. I heartily pray to God to provide them health, wealth
and happiness.
T. Koteswararao,
Chartered Accountant, F-43, Madhuranagar, Hyderabad, AP, India Ph: 23732877.

Camp held for diabetic patients and its results
I am one of those thousands of people being benefited by
Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style. For the past three and a half
years, I have been following this life style. I have been leading
a happy life like any youngster.
In our hermitage, a special health campaign was
conducted for diabetic patients for two weeks under the
guidance of Dr. Raju and his wife, Dr. Visala. Totally 13 men
and 11 women participated ranging from 44 years old to 68
years old. Their suffering also ranged from one year to 25
years. They suffered not only from diabetes, but also from B.P.
and many other ailments.
The treatment for all of them was conducted in the
following way.
4.30 am Wake up from sleep, drink 1.5 liters of
water, have bowels cleared, brush teeth etc.
5 to 6 am Prayer, Pranayama, Meditation
6 to 7 am Yoga exercises
7 to 8 am Drink 1.5 liter of water again, have bowels
cleared, bathe and fulfill personal chores.
8 to 8 am Drink vegetable juice and chanting
8.30 to 9 am Breakfast-sprouts, fresh coconut, 5,6 dates
9 to 10 am Physical work
10 to 11 am Consultation with Dr. Visala
11am to 12 Noon Listen to lecture on Yoga treatment.
12 to 1 pm Drink one liter of water, read books
1 to 3 pm Lunch- (Brown rice, bread, curries devoid of
salt, ghee, oil, spices Eat curries more than
rice) and take rest or read books
3 to 3.30 pm Chant Bhagavad Geetha or read any epic
4 to 6.00 pm Dr. Raju’s lecture on Natural Life Style.
Drink 1 to 2 litersof water in between
6 to 6.30 pm Bhajans – mass chanting
6.30 to 7 pm Dinner- bread with curries. Or fruits.
8 to 9 pm Entertainment Laugh and let others laugh.
9 p.m. Peaceful Sleep.
For the first 3 days they continued their medicines too.
Gradually they reduced the intake of medicines, after
measuring their blood sugar through glucometre. From the
seventh day onwards, they were all asked to give up all types
of medicines totally. Those who were using insulin were made
to reduce its dosage to half!
The results deduced on the last day of health camp were
amazing! All those who were suffering from sugar complaint
from one year to 25 years have got rid of it totally exclusively
through Yoga and Natural Life Style. They were not only able to
control sugar without the need for medicines, but were also
free from many other minor health hazards. Those who were
dependent on insulin could reduce its use to half of its dosage.
Just, a matter of 15 days’ treatment could bring so much of
difference. Everybody was thrilled at the amazing progress.
They should not stop here. The health of those patients
after the campaign was in proportion to the care they have
taken to continue this life style. Those who were following it
meticulously were perfectly healthy - free from all ailments.
Dr. Raju and his wife Dr. Visala are really blessed souls
since they are spreading the Natural Life Style among people
through speeches and books. I pray to God to bless them with
perfect health with total happiness, with progeny, and the
same zeal and enthusiasm for the rest of their life to help
mankind at large!
Tangella Raghava Reddy,
Secretary Maharshi Valmiki Vanaprastrasram Bairagiguda, Manchirevula, Hyderabad-
500 075 AP, India Ph: 24014989

Skin disease and diabetes gone together
I am B. Venkatapathi Raju (51). I was suffering from B.P.
and sugar for the past 8 years. I read a book, ‘Health Is
Happiness’ by Dr. Raju. The very next day after reading the
book I started following the Natural Life Style. At that time my
blood sugar was 250 and my weight was 89 kgs (216 pounds).
Besides, my suffering was more from skin decease.
Natural Life Style helped me with the following in the next few
1. B.P. reduced within a week and I gave up medicines.
2. Reduced the intake of sugar tablets and finally gave up
totally within 45 days.
3. The skin disease disappeared and never showed its
face again.
4. Reduced my weight from 89 to 70 kgs.
5. No more sleepless nights. Now I go to sound sleep by 9
6. Gave up totally coffee, tea and cigarettes.
7. Now B.P., is normal, sugar is 120 to 150.
When I was not able to follow Natural Life Style for 20
days, due to my son’s marriage there was an increase in my
blood sugar. When I went back to Natural Life Style sugar
became normal within 30 days. Now I am perfectly healthy.
Doctors normally suggest diabetes patients to use medicines
life long. But I got rid of it through Natural Life Style without
the need for medicines.
Before I resorted to Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style, I always
felt weak due to diabetes and I was longing for a day to retire
from my duties. I was depressed always. Now I am able to
work renewed vigor and energy. I am able to make long
business trips without any problem.
I used to get boils in the ears and buttocks. The wounds
used to profusely bleed pus and blood for 5, 6 times a year.
They never subsided even after using antibiotics for a month or
two. Doctors said that it was a side effect of diabetes and that I
had to use medicines for a long time. After switching over to
this Natural food, I god rid of not only diabetes and B.P. but
also the skin disease. Never again were they seen! Having
realized the advantage of this food, I am not even touching
salty food during festive occasions too.
The Natural Life Style, Pranayama exercises advocated by
Dr. Raju are quite easy to follow and easy to understand. They
are scientific too. They are the best means to gain extra
energy, mental peace and complete life span. Dr. Raju, explains
Natural Life Style in an easy style through his books and
speeches, providing mental peace and physical health to
thousands of people. I do hope he will write many more such
books in future.
Dr. Venkatapathi Raju
H.No. 50-1-42/3 A.N.R. Nagar, Seethammadhara Visakhapatnam-250001, AP, India

Eyesight improved
I developed diabetes in 1984. I was hospitalized for about
20 days. Initially they brought it under control through insulin
injection and then shifted me over to tablets. This was not my
first complaint. I had many other ailments before this. Every
summer, I suffered from gas trouble that resulted in the
bloating of the stomach. I had to stay in the hospital for about
10 days and get saline injected. After many years, the doctors
cut ½ foot of small intestines and joined both the ends. In
addition to this, I had heart trouble, arthritis, headache, cold.
Fingers of both hands stopped functioning due to sugar
complaint and were operated upon for 4, 5 times. I was living
on 12 tablets a day for different ailments.
I suffered a lot physically and financially. I had to go
around many hospitals. Right from childhood I was good
natured and led a honest life. It fetched me many friends and
the affection of many relatives. But that too intensified my
misery! Wherever I go, whomever I meet, they always talk
about my health. I became sick of their sympathy, advise,
caution etc. It is like adding fuel to fire. I was more than
In such a situation, I happened to read the books of Dr.
Raju. I was impressed by his simple question - do you want to
satisfy your tongue or you want to have good health? He asked
us to decide for ourselves whether to follow Natural Life Style.
He assured us of physical and mental health. He advised us to
live a life of health and happiness till the end of our life. I was
so impressed by it, that I started immediately.
I started following the five-fold dharmas (duties) of the
body. I was getting blood tests done for every 15 days. I
reduced the usage of medicines gradually. Now and then I
consulted Dr. Raju over the phone. Finally by the end of one
year I gave up all medicines totally. Diabetes came under
control. All the ailments subsided.
Now I don’t take a single medicine. I eat totally Natural
food. I eat dates and all types of fruits and lead a happy
healthy life. I never again touched salt. When I attend
functions I eat only curd rice and fruits. Presently I have
reduced my weight. Now I am 63 kgs (139 pounds). Now I am
65 years old. I have no health problems. I am able to do my
work all by myself.
12 years ago, when I was playing, the shuttlecock hit my
right eye and impaired my vision. I consulted eye specialist and
used medicines for that. It subsided a little. But when I became
diabetic, it affected my eyesight again and every year the
power increased. The left eye too was affected. Surprisingly
after I resorted to the Natural Life Style and my eye vision
improved but also the power came down gradually from +5.
Even my eye specialist was surprised. I believe that my vision
improved even at this old age because of salt less diet, fruits
and carrot juice.
As Dr. Raju said it is not enough if we are healthy. We
should also prevent any ill health in future. We should lead
perfect healthy life. This is the goal of Natural Life Style. Now
this is even my goal. I advocate Dr. Raju’s Life Style to all my
friends and relatives. I keep reading all his books whenever
possible and also make others read. The doctors who had
treated me earlier were surprised at my present state of robust
health. I told them the secret of my success and made them
also read Dr. Raju books. They too were impressed with them
so much that they started advising their patients to follow
them. Gaining perfect health is totally different from gaining
money. Money can be earned by fair or foul means. Wealth can
be amassed by any one and can be handed down to any one.
Whereas friend, relative, wife, children nobody can help you
regain perfect health. It has to be attained exclusively by you.
You have to work hard, follow certain principles and do some
sacrifices to achieve it. You need a good heart mingled with
good behavior, patience, perseverance, self-control and
compassion to lead such a life.
Dr. Raju spends everyday, every minute of his life, day
and night for the welfare of the people around. He does it
selflessly, unmindful of the hardships he faces. He practices
what he preaches. He has done great research and brought
about a revolution to prove that we can lead a healthy, happy
and peaceful life free from medicines as long as we live. He has
explained to us in detail about our internal parts, their nature
and their duties.
L.P. Raju
Ayodhya Nagar, Vijayawada. AP, India Ph-2533024.

Farewell to my forty-year-old diabetes
I am Udayavarlu, aged 67. I have been suffering from
Diabetes for the past 40 years. It lead to other problems like
ankle pains, vision impairment, numbness and shooting pain in
the feet. I consulted many doctors and visited many hospitals
but to of no use. I consulted many diabetes specialists but I
was not properly cured. Blood sugar ranged up to 340. I used
to take 30 units of insulin both in the morning and at night. In
addition to this, I faced many physical and mental problems.
When it was beyond insulin, I limited myself to bread and
curries. This helped me a little and I came to medicines from
insulin. I used to take 8 tablets a day for years. In such bad
situation, I had a ray of light in my life. I happened to read a
book by Dr. Raju. It lead me to follow his Natural Life Style
strictly. I drank and ate the way he suggested – vegetable
juice, sprouts, fruits, salt less food, 5 liters of water etc. Can
you believe? Within a month I was cured of my problems in my
feet and sugar came under control. I could not believe it
I suffered a lot both physically and mentally for 40 long
years due to diabetes. I was mentally prepared to suffer thus
life long! My mother was diabetic. My brother died of diabetes.
Since it was hereditary, and since it was 40 years old for me,
doctors said that I had to bear it with a grin having no other
go! But now surprisingly, thanks to Dr. Raju, it totally
disappeared. I am a changed man! Memory power increased.
Mind is so peaceful and calm I feel as if I had a new birth. My
confidence developed.
Recently, when I was traveling I had to depend upon salty
food for few days. Needless to say I got back my old friends -
diabetes and other ailments. As soon as I reached home, I
went back to Natural Life Style again. Then I became healthy.
Thereafter I never had salt nor I will ever in future.
This Natural Life Style is given free of cost to the general
public by Dr. Raju. I was benefited by it so much. There are
many more sufferers like me. There are diabetic patients in
every house. Like me, they too have been suffering from this
for ages. I have decided to help in my humble way. So
wherever Dr. Raju’s meetings are held I supply honey, boxes
for sprouts, sweets made of honey, unpolished rice, green
gram, groundnuts, etc. in one word all that is useful to Natural
Life Style.
N. Udayavarlu (Pantulu)
H.No. 9-21, J.K.C. College, Rd., Guntur-6. Ph: 2353860.

Diabetes Driven away – walking sticks thrown way!
I am Nakka Guravayya, aged 70. When I retired from my
job I was told I was diabetic. This was in 1990. Then sugar
reading was 230. Within a year I developed spondylosis. After
few months nervous weakness developed which resulted in
ankle pain and numbness in fingers. In 1995 arthritis added to
my problems and I was forced to use hand stick. I could not
move an inch without this. I was swallowing different
prescriptions every day. Diabetes brought its companion B.P.
in 1998. All these ailments disturbed my mental peace and so I
could not sleep peacefully. This increased my dosage of
It was my sheer luck that prompted me to meet Dr. Raju.
He advised me to drink 5 liters of water and eat salt less food. I
followed verbatim his advice. Within three months sugar
complaint reduced and I gave up the use of medicines. I joined
his Nature Cure Hospital and remained as an in-patient for 15
days. Even after I came back home I followed meticulously all
that I was asked to. That has helped me making my lot what I
am today!
I am totally ridden of diabetes and B.P. No need of any
medicines. No arthritis or spondylosis. No need of walking
stick. I can walk any distance at this age of 70 without a
walking stick. I can climb up the steps. I am as energetic as
any teenager. I can sleep peacefully without a sleeping tablet. I
threw out all the tablets long back.
I never even dreamt, I would recover so well. The credit
goes to Dr. Raju. My healthful thanks to him. I just can’t
imagine how I can reciprocate his kindness. I can only pray to
God to bless him with long life and perfect health forever.
Nakka Guravayya, B.Sc., B.A., B. Ed.,
Retd. Headmaster, Hill Colony, Ongole. Ph: 238827

The list of medicines decreased
I am A. Lakshmi Samrajyam aged 60. I was suffering from
High B.P. since 1985, diabetes since 1988 and heart complaint
since 1998. I used to take two tablets for B.P., 6 tablets for
sugar and some times insulin too. I used 20 units of insulin in
the morning and 30 units at night. I had heart attack twice. I
was advised to undergo by-pass surgery, but I didn’t dare for
fear of diabetes. I took 8 tablets a day for heart trouble. In one
word I took nearly 20 tablets a day to no use. Body aches
added up. So I wondered how long I should lead such a life of
ill health with so many medicines.
I heard about Natural Life Style at such a juncture. I read
the books of Dr. Raju. I felt like a man who came across a boat
when he was drowning in the midst of the river. As Dr. Raju’s
advised, I started following the Natural Life Style. There was
not a remarkable change even after a year. I was disheartened.
I consulted Dr. Raju in the meanwhile many times. Every time
he advised me to continue this without losing hope. He assured
me of definite improvement and said that it would take some
time to bring about changes in the body. I was only asked to
patiently wait and see.
Yes! It did work! Within three months there was a
difference in my health. Diabetes came under control totally.
Before I started it, blood sugar was 240. It gradually reduced
till it reached normalcy. Heart trouble subsided. Body aches
reduced. I have never imagined so much of improvement in
me. Surprisingly when I was using medicines, I had no relief!
But now, thanks to Dr. Raju, there was remarkable
improvement. Now I take only one tablet for diabetes, one for
heart trouble, one for B.P. that’s all! It means I take only 3 per
day that is negligible compared to the previous days. I started
this Natural Life Style in a desperate mood. I am very grateful
to Dr Raju for inspiring me and for encouraging me to continue
longer. I am rest assured that within no time I can give up
even those 3 tablets.
I am following strictly Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style. I am
so happy now. I can move around happily. My heartfelt thanks
to Dr. Raju for liberating me from medicines and for providing
me good health.
A. Lakshmi Samrajyam
Sangupalem Koduru Post, Pittavani Palem Mandal, Guntur. Ph: 0864301255383

A cure for juvenile diabetes too!
I am Venkatasubbayya aged 38. Life may be a mixture of
happiness and sorrow, but I can tell you, I faced more of
sorrow than of happiness. It is because I became diabetic at
the age of 17. Ever since then, i.e., from 1980 to 1999, I
consulted as many doctors as possible and tried as many
treatments as possible. I used to take 40 units of insulin in the
morning and 40 at night. Even then, Fasting blood sugar was
always 120 mg% and post lunch was 230 mg%. Of course I
never followed diet restrictions. Since I was taking insulin, I
ate all items including non-vegetarian food. Probably because
of that, sugar was never under control.
I got tuberculosis in 1996 and I was under medication for
6 months. I became weak and faced many health problems.
There was a loss of proteins through urine. When I was told
kidneys too were getting affected, it was beyond my capacity
to bear with it. Creatinine and blood urea too were high.
I happened to meet Dr. Raju in such a critical stage. I
started following the food habits as per his advice. I drank
water as he suggested, but I must tell you, I did not follow his
suggestions meticulously. The blood clotted in my right eye and
my vision was impaired. I was given laser treatment. I was told
I was affected thus, because of the sugar complaint. I have to
be blamed for that! I thought there would be no problem if I
ate normal food once in a while, while following the Natural
Life Style. That only aggravated the problem. I took it as a
warning, and so strictly adhered to Natural food style ever
since. I used to attend Dr. Raju’s meetings every Sunday and
got over my small ailments by following Natural Life Style.
I continued the intake of insulin, 40 units twice. I became
terribly weak and when I consulted Dr. Raju regarding this, he
advised me to get my blood sugar tested and to reduce insulin
units accordingly. I followed his advice and gradually came
down to 10 units within 3 months. Now the loss of proteins
through urine too reduced!
Since I eat sprouts, fruits and unpolished rice everyday, I
feel energetic even without the ‘B’ vitamin tablet. Numbness in
the feet and burning sensation also vanished.
There is a notion that diabetic patients are not suited for
marital bliss but those who follow Dr Raju’s Natural Life Style
need not fear it. They would not face impotency since the root
cause of diabetes will be struck at! Ever since I started
following this Life style totally, never once did my blood sugar
shoot up.
My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Raju for giving me back health.
I sincerely wish he should live longer and provide good health
to everyone.
Venkata Subbayya,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Phone: 26341087.

Diabetes cured, insulin not needed
I have been suffering from diabetes for the past 15 years.
For the first 9 years, I was on tablets. The Next 6 years I took
40 units of insulin a day. Besides, I was suffering from B.P.,
arthritis, cholesterol and palpitations. At this juncture, I
happened to read Dr. Raju’s books on Nature cure.
Immediately I consulted Dr. Raju over phone and I
started the Natural Life Style with his blessings. My wife
Pranita also followed it. After I started eating this natural food,
I could feel some difference in the body. I joined Dr. Raju’s
ashram and followed Natural Life Style in a systematic way.
Gradually I reduced the dosage of medicines after getting
tested. In six weeks I gave up medicines totally. I stopped
taking insulin. Such a miracle became possible within two
weeks of eating natural food thanks to Dr. Raju’s
encouragement, guidance and help.
I have earlier resigned to my fate that I have to use
insulin life long. But surprisingly I was made hale and healthy
without spending money. I don’t have to use insulin any more!
Can you believe it? My doctors themselves were astonished to
hear it! I am forever grateful to Dr. Raju for making it a reality!
I promise that I will follow this Natural Life Style forever.
This knowledge of Nature is infinite. I sincerely wish that
Dr. Raju will forever provide more and more of this wisdom to
more and more people. I pray to God to provide him always
good health,
Vallabhaneni Vijayakishore
HIG-107, BHEL Township, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad. Phone: 23021574

Kidney, no more a problem
I am Ramanarao, aged 38. For the past 4 yrs, I have been
suffering from B.P. I used to take medicines for B.P. Last
September I fell sick. After recovering from illness, I felt weak
and pain in the legs. Doctors made me undergo many tests.
Then I came to know I had blood sugar. In addition to that,
there was also loss of proteins through urine about 900 mg%.
Since blood sugar was more, I was asked to take 10 units of
insulin in the morning and 10 in the evening. Gradually I had to
increase it to 20 units in the morning and 20 in the evening. I
was also told my kidneys were damaged and was prescribed
medicines for that.
At this juncture, a wellwisher of mine gave me books
written by Dr. Raju. As soon as I read them, I started drinking
5, 6 liters of water. I met Dr. Raju personally. Ever since then, I
attended his lectures on every Sunday. Slowly I gave up salt
and ate according to his suggestions.
Some fifteen days after following this Natural Life Style,
one day, as usual, I took 20 units of insulin. At once I felt
giddiness and weakness. For two days I did not take insulin at
all and got myself tested. FBS (fasting) was 71 mg%, PLBS
(Post Lunch) was – 113 mg%. The loss of proteins too has
reduced. Creatinine and triglycerides also came down to normal
reading. I couldn’t believe my own eyes! Just a mere change in
food habits and a mere drinking of plenty of water could bring
about so much change in so short a time is something strange!
I was very happy! I could personally experience myself the
greatness of the Natural Life Style advocated by Dr Raju. Ever
since then I never once had to use insulin. B.P. is normal. No
trace of weakness or pain in the legs. I am quite healthy and
happy with this food style.
C.V. Ramanarao
Ricepet, Bhadrachalam, AP Phone: 08747 – 257617

Salt – cause of many problems
I have been suffering from diabetes for the past 7 years.
Doctors prescribed many medicines. For some months it was
under control, but it shoots up again.
Reading Dr. Raju’s books changed my life style. I drank
water, ate sprouts, salt less curries with unpolished rice, ate
fruits and drank fruit juices in the evening. When I continued
thus sugar was between 90 and 110. Within a month of shifting
over to this diet, blood sugar came under control totally. Other
complaints like numbness, pains, constipation and obesity too
have subsided. I fast for one day in a week. I drink honey
mixed with lemon water 4 times a day. Even then sugar reading
is between 90 and 110. So it is proved without any element of
doubt that honey will not shoot up blood sugar.
You know something? Sometimes I am forced to eat
curries made out of salt and oil. I eat sweets too! Immediately
the blood sugar shoots up to 220, 250. In such a case I take
tablets and fast for one day. That is the best remedy. It comes
down to normalcy again. Seeing the improvement in me, my
wife also has switched over to this life style. It’s really a
tragedy that many are unaware of the fact that salt is cause of
many diseases. If salt is given up many diseases like diabetes
can be cured.
I can never forget the help of Dr. Raju for curing me of
various complaints like diabetes, numbness, pain etc without
having to spend a penny.
Tetali Satyanarayana Reddy
President, P.A.C.S. Tamarakollu, Kaikaluru Mandal. AP. Phone: (08677) 225392

No more a hereditary disease!
I am Kolluri Suryaprakasarao, aged 54. I have been
suffering for 32 years from diabetes. I faced many other
problems like tension, irritation, anger, physical strain etc
along with diabetes. I got this diabetes as hereditary. My
father, mother, maternal uncle, my brothers - everybody is a
diabetic. I have B.P. too. I used to take 4, 5 tablets per day. As
long as I strictly adhered to diet control and took medicines
without fail, I was all right. One day’s slackness results in
aggravating the complaint. I have come to accept the fact that
I have to bear it with a grin since it is a hereditary problem for
In such a situation, I happened to know about Dr. Raju
and attended his lecture. As soon as I came back home, I asked
my wife to prepare food accordingly but she refused. Then I
took her to Dr. Raju’s speeches. She too was convinced of its
manifold benefits. Both of us have started eating Natural food.
Daily I drank 5 liters of water, ate sprouts for breakfast, ate
wheat rice with lots of curry for lunch. Evening raw vegetables
with bread (chapati). I found great difference within 20 days.
Sugar came under control without the need for medicines. I
had some minor problems like pains in the legs, burning
sensation in the eyes, could not speak for long or walk for long.
All those problems disappeared.
Now I am eating all types of fruits. Whenever I did not
drink water properly or ate salted food, blood sugar increased.
When I realized this, I never again touched salty food. This
food style not only cured diabetes but also gave me mental
peace. No more anger. As a result, I developed total faith in
this treatment. Earlier I could not even walk! But now I run 5
To cure me of my hereditary disease and to provide me a
new life is not a joke. Dr. Raju has achieved it and I can never
repay his help.
Kolluri Surya Prakasa Rao,
Canal Road, Nidadavolu, W.G. Dist. Phone: 222364 (08813), 221593

Made a grave mistake by eating salt!
I am Bala Saraswathi, aged 24. I was very healthy till I
was 16. When I underwent tests for irregular periods, I was
told I had thyroid problem. In my seventeeth year blood test
revealed that I had blood sugar. Everyday I took ½ tablet in
the morning and ½ tablet in the evening. I continued these
medicines thus till I was married and became pregnant. During
pregnancy, I was advised to give up medicines and use insulin
injection. I did accordingly. After delivery I gave up medicines.
My father introduced me to Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style.
At that time my daughter was 4 months old. My grandmother,
father and mother - all are diabetic. My father has been
diabetic for 20 years. He used to take medicines regularly.
Within three months of switching over to Dr. Raju’s Natural Life
Style, my father was cured of diabetes. Even today he is
following this system and he is free from B.P. too. He doesn’t
have to take medicines for any of these. He is quite healthy. I
too followed this Natural Life Style. Now sugar is under control
with no increase in its level. I am not using medicines.
I learnt by my personal experience, that even though
diabetes is hereditary in our family, I could get rid of it by my
personal food habits. I am so happy that I need not use
medicines life long. The problem is no doctor ever advises any
diabetic patient to give up salt. But I have experienced myself
that as Dr. Raju advocated. If I eat salt- sugar shoots up and if
I avoid salt, sugar is under control. I desire to bring up my
children also in the natural away. I am very grateful to Dr. Raju
for providing such a healthy treatment to all the people
Bala Saraswathi
Plot No. 32, Railway Colony, Secunderabad.

Asked for cure of diabetes, but cured all diseases
I am Duddu Subramanyam aged 54. I have been suffering
from diabetes since 1989 and B.P. since 1996. Roughly for
about 18 years had edema in the feet and also skin disease.
Since 1987 I had a cyst in the liver. I used to take 5 to 9
medicines a day. With all these complaints, I weighed about 89
kg. I consulted many specialists for the above complaints. I
was leading a very dejected life since the diseases were only
aggravating in spite of constant use of medicines. I felt I was
nearing my last stage. In such a mood, I happened to attend
Dr. Raju’s lecture, though I was not very keen. That day he
spoke about cell structure and the harm caused to the cell by
salt. I was convinced by his speech that B.P. and Diabetes
could be cured by this natural method. Hence I remembered
every word of his speech and every piece of his advice. Then
and there, I bought four of his books and started this food style
from the next day itself. Since I am in the habit of getting up at
4 a.m. to attend my business work, I was able to attune myself
to this new style within no time.
I asked for only the cure of diabetes, but I am cured of
all other ailments also. Now I am a very happy man. My family
members and my other relatives were impressed with my
recovery and nearly 28 of us are now following the Natural Life
Style. They are all cured of their problems.
My wife had low blood sugar for 18 years and she had no
relief, though she ate lots of sugar and took many medicines.
She was bed ridden and was counting her days when we met
Dr. Raju personally and consulted him. He suggested Natural
Life Style for her also. Amazing! Within a month she was able
to get out of bed and could go for walking! Not only that! She is
able to attend household duties all by herself! Her backache
and her weight reduced. My wife and I keep thinking of the
changes that took place in our lives, thanks to Dr. Raju’s
Natural Life Style.
Dr Raju and his wife have been helping selflessly many
suffering souls like me. Thy have come to our rescue when we
have almost given up hopes on life and when we were leading a
dejected, angry, frustrated life.
Duddu Subraamanyam
29/1576, Jyothi Nagar 8th line, Vedayapalem, Nellore. Phone: 23496161.

Diabetes and its follower heart-trouble driven away
I am Gopala Krishnamraju, aged 46. I joined my
government job1984. I had high B.P. suddenly in 1987 because
of the tensions in the job or as family hereditary. Ever since
then, I have been using medicines. In 1992 I became diabetic.
Since 1992 I have been taking 5 medicines per day for sugar,
B.P. and body pains and became no better. Instead I had to
increase the dosage to 7 tablets. In 1994 it was found that
40% of blood vessels in heart were blocked. My intake of
medicines increased to 12. Gradually other complaints like leg
pain, backache, stones in kidneys, acidity cropped up and
automatically the list of medicines further increased 17 a day.
In spite of being cured by these medicines, the number of the
blocks in my heart increased and was suggested a by-pass
It was at that time my nephew brought Dr. Raju’s books.
Following his books and weekly lectures, I adopted Natural Life
Style. I found many good changes in my body. My day-to-day
misery is replaced by peace and my body was under my control
feeling very active. My weight came down to 64 kgs from72.
After 15 days of fasting, my medicines were reduced to half. I
gave up tablets for sugar complaint totally. Then all other
medicines were given by 42nd day. So, I assure you, out of my
personal experience, that if you eat salt less diet, you will not
suffer from diabetes or any other disease whatsoever.
If we follow the five fold duties (dharmas) of Water,
Exercise, Food, Rest and Fasting), they drive out the diseases
in us. We don’t require to consult a doctor or to spend any
money. I strongly believe we can cure ourselves of any disease
through this method.
My poor heart, which was supposed to undergo bypass
surgery two years ago, is now more than active. My heartfelt
thanks to Dr. Raju and his wife.
K. Gopala Krishnamraju,
Inspecting Officer for Vehicles, Vivekananda Road, Gudur, Nellore Dt. Phone: 0861-2325390

Water dharma cured my diabetes
I am so glad to talk to you about Natural Life Style thatI
tried personally on myself. This is the only means to achieve
perfect health. Every man can realize this truth, and mould his
life, which is a God’s gift to him into the natural way, and get
self-realization through physical and mental health and
happiness. Dr. Raju provided such a divine means after
experimenting on his own body and after thoroughly examining
and understanding human anatomy. He molded it into a
systematic and simple style for good health.
His motto is ‘Service to mankind is service to God’. He is
alerting the mankind towards health. His 8 books in Telugu on
health are in no way inferior to any spiritual book. The Natural
Life Style advocated by him is so simple and handy that the
entire mankind should be grateful to him. The only means of
repayment to his great act is to help in our humble way in his
movement. We should ourselves follow it, make others follow,
drive out the deadly diseases and promote a healthy mankind.
One fine morning, I found myself becoming a diabetic, to
my astonishment. I used to be proud of my health till then. I
was upset when I was forced to take medicines. I became
weak and used to feel like in coma for many days. A friend of
mine took me to Dr. Raju’s speech where I bought one of his
books Natural Life Style. That was the beginning of my
recovery from my unexpected disease, diabetic. 5 liters of
water and natural food brought improvement in my life.
After that I was the happiest soul. I was as active as
before. No more tests. In addition to these, I had three to four
advantages (1) For the past few years I had pain at the feet.
That reduced greatly. (2) I used to get some pain in the left
side of the stomach while driving the car or while traveling (3)
No more stinking smell in sweat or motion. (4) I feel very light.
I am 66 years old. So I strongly feel that this Natural Life
Style will drive out any disease in us and it will prevent the
onset of any disease in our body. The Natural Life Style is the
best for physical health and mental happiness.
I am ever grateful to Dr. Raju for providing me perfect health
through Natural Life Style.
M.S. Menon,
A Zone, Opp. Andhra Bank, P.O. Ramakrishnapur- 504 301, Adilabad Dist.

Books helped cure diabetes and improved my health
I am K. Sri Rami Reddy aged 59. For the past 10 years I
have been suffering from diabetes, B.P. and arthritis. On the
introduction of Dr. Raju’s books to me, I found them to be very
helpful and started to follow Natural Life Style. Within a few
days blood sugar came down to 150 from 240. B.P. came down
to 130/180 from 160/105. Arthritis disappeared. My weight
came down to 66 from 74 kgs. I am so happy to lead such a
normal life. All these changes occurred for the simple reason I
drank 5 litres of water in a systematic way and gave up salt,
chili powder, oil and spices and did pranayama exercises. I
followed meticulously what Dr.Raju suggested in his books.
Now I don’t use a single medicine.
I discuss my personal experiences and important points
from Dr. Raju’s books in our company employee meetings I
conduct. We have arranged Dr. Raju’s lectures in our company
facility. All employees and their families attended these
meetings. Many of them were cured of different diseases like
thyroid, asthma, backache, arthritis, B.P., sugar, T.B. etc. by
following Dr. Raju’s Natural Life Style, with no money and
K. Sri Rama Reddy
Junior Mining Officer, Godavari Khani, Phone: 08728-260071

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